The Storm God

Chapter 3128 Armored corpse power, thunder strikes from the sky! (Please subscribe!)


The appearance of Old Master Ren after his corpse transformation is very ugly, ferocious and terrifying. Not only that, even the momentum and strength are much stronger than ordinary zombies that have just turned into corpses.

after all……

No matter how you say it, it has been nourished by the dragonfly's touch for twenty years.

How can it be compared with ordinary zombies?


This cry came from Yu Dachu.

He was terrified by the thunder and the collapsed roof just now, but he forgot about the coffin, and when he realized it, Old Master Ren had already turned into a dead body.


No matter what, Ah Chu has been with Mao Xiaofang for so long, so he has a little courage. After experiencing the initial shock, he soon came back to his senses.

"Axiu, back off!"

Yu Dachu shouted loudly.

At the same time, holding the money sword in his hand, he rushed to the old master Ren who had turned into a corpse. The Qi of Gengjin on the sword flickered on and off, and its power was very extraordinary.


Lei Xiu is not weak either.

How could he obey Ah Chu's order and retreat obediently? What's more, she has all kinds of backhands given by Bai Xiaofei on her body, so it can be said that she has nothing to fear.


Lei Xiu punched it directly.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and at such a short distance, Mr. Ren has no chance or possibility to dodge, and hits with one blow.


It's different from the usual feeling of hitting people.

Lei Xiu punched Master Ren's chest, it felt as if he had hit a copper wall and an iron wall, not to mention solid and solid, but the terrifying and huge rebounding force actually made Lei Xiu's arm go numb, almost breaking a bone on the spot.

"Iron Armored Corpse!"

Lei Xiu was taken aback.

In the past few days with Mao Xiaofang, she has learned a lot. For example, Lei Xiu knew the types and strength levels of zombies very clearly.


Generally, the threat of zombies is not very high. With just a simple spell, it can be easily subdued, even suppressed and destroyed.

But some zombies are different. They have a certain probability of awakening some strange abilities at the beginning of their corpses.

Just like sluggishness.

But such examples are extremely rare, not one in tens of thousands.

In addition to the normal zombies, there is also a more special kind, which is artificially made, called corpse refining.

Master Ren undoubtedly belongs to this category.

Corpse refining is divided into several levels, from low to high, namely, iron armor corpse, bronze armor corpse, silver armor corpse, and the highest gold armor corpse king.

Compared with ordinary zombies, even the lowest armored zombies are much more powerful. Picking a group of them is like abusing vegetables.

The bronze armored corpse, whose skin is as hard as steel, is invulnerable to swords and guns, making it even more perverted.

And now...

Master Ren belongs to the lowest class of armored corpses.

For this level of refining corpses, general boxing skills are no longer of much use. Only by using talismans, or Taoism, or magic tools that are designed to defeat them, can they achieve miraculous effects.

For example, the money sword held by Yu Dachu and the Gengjin Qi attached to it is one of them, which has great lethality against Old Master Ren.


Master Ren just turned into a dead body.

His spiritual intelligence is not very high, he can only passively defend and attack, and he doesn't know much about the enemy's attack methods, including the magic weapon to restrain himself.


Facing Yu Dachu's money sword and Gengjin Qi, he didn't even dodge at all, but directly used his own hands to go up.

Then he was tragic.


Yu Dachu's money sword directly pierced the palm of Old Master Ren.

The Qi of Gengjin attached to it is like a red-hot master scalding raw meat, making the palm of Master Ren immediately make a "sizzling" roasting sound, and at the same time there are real green smoke take off.


Refining corpses is also painful.

Although I don't know how their senses are conveyed, it's not important. The key is that Yu Dachu's blow did a lot of damage, and immediately made Old Master Ren feel pain and fear, and he couldn't help howling.

And this time.

Lei Xiu was not idle either, taking advantage of Yu Dachu's restraint on Old Master Ren, she hurriedly took out a magic talisman from her small cloth bag, and was going to stick it on the iron armored corpse's forehead.


However, Mr. Ren will not sit still.

Realizing that the danger was approaching, he ignored it and directly used half of his palm as a price to forcefully break free from Yu Dachu's control, and then used the poisonous blood as a weapon to throw it at Lei Xiu desperately.

Lei Xiu's sticking talisman operation was immediately blocked.

Not only her.

Even Yu Dachu was a little flustered by this trick, and he didn't dare to rush forward. Master Ren took this opportunity and jumped directly outside Yizhuang.

"It happened!"

Lei Xiu shouted, "He wants to run away!"

Yu Dachu naturally also saw the intention of old master Ren, and immediately chased him out without saying a word. Lei Xiu followed closely behind.


Outside, it was pouring rain, pouring down.

Rolling raindrops fell crazily, relentlessly hitting everything on the ground. Master Ren, Yu Dachu, Lei Xiu, the three are no exception.


Such an environment is obviously more conducive to Mr. Ren.

At least his actions were not affected in any way. On the other hand, Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were instantly drowned, their sight was greatly hindered, and their speed dropped a lot in an instant.

Not only that.

The talismans and other things carried by the two of them were also greatly damaged by the rain, or even completely abolished, and they could no longer function.

These are still light.

The most frightening thing was the thunder and lightning that suddenly fell from the sky and rumbled down towards Yu Dachu.

no way.

Who told him that what he held in his hand was not a mahogany sword, but a money sword? Lei Yutian was running in the heavy rain with metal objects...


If you are not struck by lightning, who will be struck by lightning?

The most important thing is that Yu Dachu was in a hurry to pursue Old Master Ren, and the rain blocked his sight, so there was no slight difference in this.


Lei Xiu was right behind Yu Dachu.

She happened to see this scene, she was shocked and turned pale, and at the same time she opened her mouth to remind her, she hurriedly rushed over and kicked Yu Dachu away.


The thunder finally fell.

Although he failed to hit Yu Dachu, the terrifying power was no joke, even the aftermath was enough to kill ordinary people.


Both Lei Xiu and Yu Dachu are not ordinary people.

One has the fourth level of qi training, and has awakened the Qi of Gengjin, and his physical defense ability is amazing. As for the other one, he wears many talisman protections that Bai Xiaofei bestowed on him.

So neither of them received any harm, but they were really shocked by this unimaginable scene, and they froze in place, with lingering fear in their hearts.

As for Mr. Ren, he had already fled away and disappeared without a trace.


Sensing everything that happened on the scene, Bai Xiaofei remained silent, finally sighed helplessly, and secretly said: "Forget it, maybe this is the so-called destiny!"

How do you say something?

Hades told you to die at the third watch, and will never leave you until the fifth watch!


Today is master Ren's doom.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu had tried their best, but they still couldn't prevent Master Ren from turning into a dead body and fleeing, so the next unlucky thing would be Master Ren's son.

Because once the corpse change occurs, out of instinct, the zombies will attack their immediate family members and increase their strength by devouring their blood.

about this point.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu also knew about it.


There was no need for Bai Xiaofei to remind them, the two who came back to their senses left and rushed out of Yizhuang, and rushed towards Master Ren's house in Renjia Village at the fastest speed.

I hope that I can save the mother and daughter of Mr. Ren before Mr. Ren.

That's all they can do now.


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