The Storm God

Chapter 3129 Cousin who shows off his might! (Please subscribe!)

Ren Family Village.

The richest man is Mr. Ren's family.

When Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu finally arrived, out of breath, they found that Master Ren's house was already in a mess, and there were bursts of mournful cries from inside.


The faces of the two of them sank immediately, and they cried inwardly: "Are you still a step late?"

Walked in and took a look, as expected.

Master Ren is dead.


The person crying and crying on Master Ren's body was Master Ren's daughter, Ren Tingting.

Master Ren has no son, only a daughter like Ren Tingting. Now that her father is dead, this daughter, who was loved by her father, is naturally extremely miserable.

Ren Tingting has a cousin named Awei.

Cousin Awei dragged Master Ren's relationship and became the captain of the security team of Ren's Village, with dozens of younger brothers and certain firearms under him.

When such a murder occurred in the Ren family, cousin Awei was naturally concerned.

Not for anything else, just for Ren Tingting, a rare beauty, it is definitely worth it, not to mention that she is the sole heir to the Ren family property!


Ren Tingting was already in tears.

Cousin Awei was crying and pretending to be merciful, while pretending to be merciful, he also took the opportunity to comfort Ren Tingting to gain favor, and patted his chest to promise that the murderer who killed Master Ren would be arrested and brought to justice for revenge.

Yu Dachu couldn't see this wretched cousin Awei talking nonsense there, and couldn't help but said: "The one who killed Master Ren was not a human, but a zombie, it was the father of Master Ren who was dug out earlier, and he has now turned into an armored corpse... ..."


Cousin Awei certainly does not allow Yu Dachu to question himself, not to mention that what they said is unbelievable, even if it is true, he must not admit it now.

Otherwise, where would I put my face?


Uncle Ben is the captain of the security team of Renjia Village, so this uncle has the final say on everything. Do you want to get rid of Master Ren's body?

No way!

Cousin Awei not only did not believe in Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu, but also insisted that the two of them wanted to destroy Master Ren's body, and there must be some unspeakable purpose.


With an order, Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were arrested in a daze.

Yu Dachu was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

The idiot!

Not only did they lock them up, but they even brought Master Ren's body into the place of detention, saying that the body should be protected...

Simply speechless.

Yu Dachu shouted at the top of his voice, trying to explain things clearly.

But Lei Xiu pulled his arm, shook his head and said, "Stop shouting, save some effort. You are such a stupid pig, you can't explain it clearly."

The implication is that when Master Ren's corpse changes, this stupid pig will understand everything, we just need to wait and see what happens.

Yu Dachu is not stupid either.

He understood Lei Xiu's meaning almost instantly, his eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded hurriedly, "That's right! Axiu, you are so right. Facts speak louder than words. Wait for Master Ren to turn into a corpse, and look at that stupid pig." Can you still be arrogant!"


at the same time.

On the other side, Mao Xiaofang, who had been busy for most of the night, finally returned to Yizhuang.


Everything in front of him made him frown, and his original good mood disappeared in an instant, replaced by incomparable solemnity and worry.

"Is old master Ren still a dead body?"

"With the abilities of Ah Chu and Ah Xiu, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the zombies who have just turned into corpses, right? How did they become like this?"

"Not to mention the collapse of the roof, there are still signs of thunder falling..."

"What the hell is going on here?"


Mao Xiaofang expressed his doubts.

But these are not important anymore, the most important thing now is to go to Master Ren's house as soon as possible. Because the zombies who turned into corpses are often the first to look for their immediate family members.

As for the safety of Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu, Mao Xiaofang was not too worried.


He has confidence in both of them.

The two of them are not in Yizhuang at the moment, there are only two possibilities, one, they went to chase the old man Ren who turned into a dead body;

And with their abilities, even if they lose, it won't be a serious problem.

But Mr. Ren is different.

That's just an ordinary guy with money.

When encountering a zombie, there is almost only one end, being sucked blood by the zombie and dying, and then being poisoned by the corpse, transforming into a second-generation zombie.

Human life is at stake, so Mao Xiaofang naturally didn't dare to neglect, and rushed at full speed.


Mao Xiaofang came to Ren's house.

Before entering the compound, just from the security guards standing outside the Ren family, Mao Xiaofang could guess that something must have happened to the Ren family, otherwise there would never have been such a battle.

as expected.

When I went in to inquire, Master Ren had already been killed.

"Where's the body?"

Mao Xiaofang frowned.

Although he didn't see the corpse, he was basically sure that Master Ren was killed by a zombie, and if he didn't cremate the corpse quickly, he would be turned into a corpse.


Cousin Awei is not here.

There are only some younger security guards, as well as Ren Tingting and some servants of Ren Fu. Seeing Mao Xiaofang's solemn face, Ren Tingting thought that Mao Xiaofang was worried about her apprentice, so she replied: "Master Mao, your two apprentices, as well as my father's body, were taken to the prison by my cousin."


Mao Xiaofang felt bad all of a sudden. Ah Chu and A Xiu were locked up by that idiot? And still with Master Ren's corpse?

He hurriedly asked, "How long ago was this?"

Dead change is a process.

If it's not too long, don't worry too much. But Mao Xiaofang left Yizhuang to solve other matters, and returned to Yizhuang, and then came to Ren's house. At least three hours passed in between.

Calculating the time, even if Master Ren hasn't turned into a dead body yet, it will be almost soon. In other words, if A Chu and A Xiu were not rescued as soon as possible, they might be in danger.

As a master, Mao Xiaofang, can he not be in a hurry?

"About an hour?"


After hearing Ren Tingting's uncertain answer, Mao Xiaofang immediately turned around and left without saying a word, heading straight to the cell of the security team of Renjia Village.

But just a few steps away, he turned back again.


Ren Tingting looked puzzled.

Mao Xiaofang was a little embarrassed and said: "Miss Ren, do you have glutinous rice at home? The props I carry are all wet by the rain, and I need some fresh..."

There was nothing he could do.

after all……

It's the middle of the night now, and almost every household is fast asleep, so you asked Mao Xiaofang to bring a brand new body removal tool?

"Should there be?" Ren Tingting was stunned for a moment, and then she was a little uncertain: "Why don't you go to the kitchen with me?"


Mao Xiaofang nodded.

The two soon came to the kitchen.

Fortunately, Ren's kitchen has a complete backup of ingredients and so on. Not only does it have glutinous rice, but there is also a lot of it, and they are all top-notch products.

Mao Xiaofang was not polite to Ren Tingting, he quickly put some in his cloth pocket, and stopped when the cloth pocket bulged slightly.


He strode away from the Ren mansion and went straight to the security team's cell.


And at this time.

In the cell of the security team.

Cousin Awei is just like in the film and television plot, very flirtatious and cheap, preparing to torture Yu Dachu, hoping to find out from him the murderer who killed Master Ren.


At this moment, Master Ren's corpse changed.

The corpse that was originally lying on the table sat up suddenly, with a gloomy expression, terrifying eyes, and four sharp teeth protruding from its mouth, pressing on behind cousin Awei...

Poor cousin Awei is completely unaware of the danger coming, and is still holding irons, leather whips, etc., threatening Yu Dachu who is bound and unable to move...

Yu Dachu was in a hurry.

Immediately yelling: "You idiot, look behind you, Master Ren's corpse has changed! Let me go, or no one will be able to run away!"


Cousin Awei sneered again and again: "Make it up, keep making it up, I, Awei, haven't seen any big scenes, I'm not afraid to tell you all the time, even if Master Ren really changes, I'm not afraid..."

Speaking of which.

He patted the pistol on his waist with his hand.

With a look of confidence, he said triumphantly: "See, as long as there is this game, all monsters and goblins will be obediently put to death!"


Cousin Awei turned around slightly.

next moment……



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