The Storm God

Chapter 3130 Chicken thief Awei VS Master Ren! (Please subscribe!)

Awei was taken aback.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his body was very honest.

after all……

That's a dead body!

He was just lying there just now, but now he stood up and rushed towards him like a living person. Who wouldn't be afraid?

"Uncle, uncle?!"

Awei shouted tremblingly, as if he wanted to use relationships to ease his fear, but it was obviously useless.


Master Ren seemed to see a delicious beast, roared, and rushed towards Awei, looking like a crazy beast, extremely terrifying.


Yu Dachu, who was tied behind, immediately reminded him angrily when he saw this: "He is no longer Mr. Ren, but a zombie. Get out of the way, or you will die!"

Awei was taken aback when he heard this.

Although his brain hadn't reacted yet, his body dodged subconsciously. Maybe it's because he didn't quite believe his instincts. Master Ren, who came back from the dead, is still his original uncle.

Not only that.

His right hand touched the pistol at his waist the first time he dodged.

follow closely……

Draw your gun!



Almost in one go.

"Bang bang bang!"

Awei called his uncle, but he was not polite at all.

The pistol in his hand aimed at Master Ren's body, firing indiscriminately without mercy. Soon the bullets in the gun were fired.


This kind of weapon may have great lethality against ordinary people, but it is useless to deal with zombies, even if they are just newly born walking corpses.

Because they are already dead.


Mr. Ren was shot more than ten times.

Maybe he was angry, or maybe those gunshot wounds made him feel very painful. In short, his current expression is becoming more and more ferocious and terrifying.

He ignored Yu Dachu who was tied up, and directly chased after Awei who ran away. The cousin was so frightened that he screamed and shouted for help.

But it's a pity that no one came to rescue him even though he broke his throat.

After all, he did it himself.

turn out to be……

As early as when he started to interrogate Yu Dachu, Awei had ordered his younger brothers to pretend not to hear any sounds coming from inside later.

Obviously, Awei is going to punish Yu Dachu to death.

The result is better now, and I shot myself in the foot. It's not that the guards outside did not hear the shouts and screams from inside, but they all obeyed Awei's orders faithfully, pretending not to hear them, and turning a blind eye.

Even if Awei came to the door of the cell, the Bangbang who knocked on the door was the same. This scene did not blow Awei's lungs.

He secretly swore that when he goes out later, he must teach these two idiots who are guarding the door a lesson, so that they can't take care of themselves!


The premise is that I can live to that time.

Turning his head to look at the zombie Master Ren who was persevering and chasing after him, Awei was quite witty, seeing Yu Dachu who was tied up, his eyes lit up immediately.

follow closely.

He rolled and crawled, and ran directly to Yu Dachu.

"Your uncle!"

Yu Dachu is very smart.

He understood Awei's thoughts almost instantly, and was furious immediately, cursing: "Why don't you come here, I'm still tied up, you fucking want me to use you as a shield?"

Awei didn't care what Yu Dachu's reaction was.


As he ran, he said with a sly smile: "People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves. This is called a dead Taoist friend who never dies a poor Taoist. As a Taoist priest, you should have this kind of awareness!"

Awei is very proud.

It's just that sometimes, it's better not to be too much, otherwise it's easy to be extremely happy and sad.

it's not...

It seemed that he was about to rush to Yu Dachu's side.

As a result, Awei didn't pay attention, and accidentally knocked over the stove next to him. In an instant, all the charcoal fire inside and the red-hot soldering iron were spilled out.

And it was a coincidence that the soldering iron landed on the chest of Awei who lost his center of gravity and fell forward, and then...



Poor Awei, on his chest, he was immediately branded with a bright red scar in extremely clear characters: "Female Gan".


This moment.

Awei didn't care too much anymore, because Master Ren, the zombie behind, had already caught up, and a pair of arms with pointed long nails hit Awei's calf hard, bleeding profusely.

If you don't run at this time, then it will be the neck's turn next.

Once the neck is bitten, it is really hopeless.

Ah Wei, who didn't want to die, suddenly burst out with an astonishing desire to survive. Not only did he quickly turn over with a quick reaction, he used the soldering iron in his hand as a weapon, and slapped the zombie Master Ren fiercely, and he even got up at a speed that didn't match his fat body.

On the other hand, Master Ren, the zombie, is sad to say the least.

Normally, ordinary weapons are ineffective against him, but some things are special, such as thunder, such as fire.

Awei's attack just now, unfortunately, the scorching heat on the soldering iron has not completely dissipated, this whole brain slapped on his body, immediately like a pig being scalded to death, bursts of white smoke rose.

Master Ren, the zombie, roared again and again after being burned, and took several steps back.


There was a bit of dread and fear in his hazy and white eyes. Then he directly targeted Yu Dachu who was in front of Awei.

no way.

Who told Ah Chu to be tied up now?

Compared to a guy with a soldering iron in his hand who can cause some damage to himself, obviously this prey who has nowhere to escape and can't fight back is more suitable for him.

next moment……


Zombie Master Ren rushed towards Yu Dachu.

As for his cousin Awei, seeing that the hatred was successfully transferred, he immediately turned around and ran away. He chose to run for his life in an extremely selfish and ruthless manner, and said while running: "You can go at ease, I will burn a lot of paper money for you. The one who saved me in return..."


On the other side, Lei Xiu, who witnessed all this, was extremely worried.

But no matter what, she is locked in the cell now, and she can't get out at all. All the props and talismans on his body were also searched by Awei and others.

Only the paper crane possessed by Bai Xiaofei's primordial spirit consciousness was still placed close to her chest, but it was obviously of no use, the far water could not save the near fire.

not to mention……

A certain person patronizes the theater, and has no intention of saving people at all.

Fortunately, Yu Dachu is not a short-lived person. At the critical moment, he desperately displayed his Gengjin spirit.

The aura of Gengjin spread all over his body, making Yu Dachu look as if he had been coated with a layer of golden lacquer, magnificent, majestic, and full of domineering aura.

Zombie Master Ren's claws and fangs can't do anything to Yu Dachu at all. But... the stench in his mouth made him feel very uncomfortable, and he almost passed out on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Awei was startled immediately, his eyes widened, and he didn't dare to say anything: "I didn't expect you to have such a hand, it made me worry about you for nothing..."

I believe you ghost!

Yu Dachu yelled: "What are you doing standing there, you idiot? Let Axiu out, I can't last long, if I die, you don't even want to live!"

What he meant was that Awei was poisoned by the corpse, if no one detoxified him, he would be further infected and become a zombie.

But from Awei's understanding, it became like this, if Yu Dachu died, Master Ren would refocus on himself...

In short.

Regardless of misunderstanding or not, the effect is the same.


Awei, who was afraid of death, hastily complied.

While forcing himself to calm down, he quickly found the key to the cell, opened the cell, and released Axiu.

But at this time, Awei still kept an eye on it.

As soon as Lei Xiu came out, he couldn't wait to rush in, then closed and locked the cell door with a "bang", and finally forgot the key and threw it in the innermost part of the cell...


Awei suddenly started to swell and swell again, and said with a smile: "It's safe now, you two continue, and Master Ren will leave it to you to solve it!"

Yu Dachu: "..."


This stupid pig is such a chicken thief!


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