The Storm God

Chapter 3131 You came in to bite me! (Please subscribe!)


"You hold on, I'll be fine soon!"

"Give me 10 seconds!"


Lei Xiu doesn't care what stupid pig Awei does. At this moment, she only cares about Yu Dachu's safety. Because she knew very well that Yu Dachu's defensive state of spreading Gengjin Qi all over his body would not be able to last for too long.

That is.

She had to rescue Yu Dachu quickly, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Although Lei Xiu was in a hurry, she did not lose her composure. She reacted quickly and acted decisively. As soon as he got out of the cell, he rushed straight to himself and Yu Dachu's package and other things.

There were some magic tools and talismans carried by the two of them there. Although many talismans could not be used due to the heavy rain, things like the money sword and the special talismans that Bai Xiaofei gave to Lei Xiu were still unusable. questionable.

in short.

As long as Yu Dachu can persist until Lei Xiu gets the magic weapon, the danger can basically be saved. However, the wait is long.

The usual 10 seconds may be very short.

But now...


Yu Dachu was so anxious that he almost cried.

He never thought that 10 seconds would be so long, it seemed like years, especially when there was a horrible zombie in front of him, biting his claws...

If this goes on like this, Yu Dachu will doubt whether he will suffer from "necrophobia" even if he escapes from birth, and will never be able to face zombies directly again.


Lei Xiu's speed is still very fast.

It was said to be 10 seconds, but in less than 8 seconds, he had recovered his talisman and Yu Dachu's money sword, and rushed over in a hurry.

"Look at the sword!"

Lei Xiu didn't use the talisman.

It was given to her by Bai Xiaofei for self-defense. It is extremely powerful and priceless, and it will never be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

not to mention……

The zombie in front of him is just a walking corpse that has just been transformed. Use talismans to deal with him? That's like killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

The money sword is enough.


Lei Xiu also has mana.

Although the quality and thickness cannot be compared with Yu Dachu's fourth level of Qi training, but using the money sword to cause damage to walking corpses like Master Ren, there is no problem at all.

In the hands of ordinary people, the soft money sword is in Lei Xiu's hands at this moment, but it is like a rare magic weapon in the world. Every move and every move is full of threats to Master Ren. It will cause him pain.

With Lei Xiu's help and rescue, Yu Dachu's crisis was finally resolved. It was as if something happened to him just now, the golden lacquer all over his body quickly faded, and his whole body softened, as if he had entered the moment of a sage, looking lazy and exhausted.


Lei Xiu did not pursue Master Ren, but guarded Yu Dachu's side. While checking Yu Dachu's body, he asked with concern, "How are you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Yu Dachu said weakly: "It's just that the mana and Gengjin Qi have been severely depleted, and it seems to be exhausted. Just wait a moment, and I will recover soon..."


the other side.

Although Master Ren has become a zombie, he still has some brains.

Realizing that Lei Xiu and Yu Dachu are not easy to mess with, and it is not easy to eat blood to enhance his strength, or even endanger himself, he immediately changed his mind.

And now, in the entire small courtyard of the cell, besides Lei Xiu and Yu Dachu, there is only one living person, cousin Awei...


Master Ren's target turned back and forth, and finally returned to Awei.

It's just that this time Awei is not as cowardly and fearful as last time, because he locked himself up.

With a thick iron fence as protection, cousin Awei is confident, and he doesn't take Master Ren seriously at all.


"Want to bite me? Yes, I'll let you bite, see, the neck is ready for you, come, come, don't be shy, just bite..."

"You came in to bite me!"


Avi swelled.

Relying on the protection of the iron bars of the cell, he began to sneer and stare at no one... No, stare at no one when he got up, that movement, that expression, that appearance...

It's almost too much to be beaten.


Seeing Cousin Pig go crazy to death there, Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were speechless at that moment.

Although the two of them seriously suspected that this guy was out of his mind, at this moment, they were still very grateful to this cousin, because Awei distracted Master Ren's attention and bought time for the two of them to solve the binding rope.


Here in the cell.

Master Ren didn't know whether he was angry or stimulated. In short, he was very angry when faced with the constant ridicule of his cousin Awei who was hiding behind the iron fence of the cell.

What is the consequence of angering a zombie?

Once upon a time...

No ordinary person knows.

But now, his cousin Awei, who is a pioneer, is about to experience it himself.


Master Ren rushed over.

As a zombie, he doesn't care about iron fences or copper fences. He only knows whether the prey in front of him can be eaten, whether it is good to eat, and whether it is dangerous!

Strictly speaking, cousin Awei has a certain blood relationship with Mr. Ren, so Mr. Ren chased after him at first.

Now in the entire yard, Ah Wei is the weakest and the least dangerous. Of course, Master Ren, the zombie, would not miss this opportunity, and immediately launched the most ferocious attack on Ah Wei.

Isn't it the iron fence? Just rush and you're done!

"Bang bang bang!"

Master Ren is like a human-shaped carriage, constantly crashing into the iron fence in front of Ah Wei, without any effort, with a posture of swearing not to stop until it breaks away.

at first.

Cousin Awei doesn't care.

Because the iron fence is completely embedded in the wall, it is very strong, otherwise, if it can be easily broken, how can the prisoner be held?

Master Ren's several collisions did not achieve any significant results.


Avi wasn't worried.

Instead, he stood in the cell, continued to taunt, babbled non-stop, exhausted all kinds of ugly words, and just attacked Master Ren with his mouth, which can be regarded as enough to curse people, no, to curse corpses.

What's more, he used the cooled soldering iron in his hand to hit Master Ren's head hard a few times.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu, who had solved half of the unlocking, were stunned and amazed, and secretly swore that they would definitely stay away from this thing in the future, lest they would be infected and lower their IQ.


The next few seconds.

As the force of the zombie master Ren's collision continued to increase, the degree of bending of the prison's iron fence became more and more ferocious and exaggerated...

Cousin Awei started to get scared.

He swallowed his saliva, kept backing away, and quickly retreated to the corner of the wall. Staring at the iron fence that was making mournful sounds, as if it might collapse at any moment, he was sweating wildly all over his body, and couldn't stop it.


"Uncle, what I just said was just a joke..."

"Don't take it to heart!"


He began to try to ease the relationship between each other.

However, just after Ah Wei said a few words, he heard a "click", and the two most bent iron fences suddenly broke!

Without their blocking and restraint, a huge gap appeared in the iron fence. Although the gap is somewhat distorted and deformed, at least one person can pass through it.

Seeing this scene, Awei's eyes suddenly widened, and while he was terrified to die, he kept praying: "He is a zombie of a fool, idiot, idiot, he must not know how to get in..."


My heart is still praying.

Seeing Master Ren the zombie, his movements were very sloppy, so he stepped directly from the gap in the twisted iron fence, and then made a bold move...

He just got in like this!


Cousin Awei was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, in the next second, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he started running and yelling frantically: "Come on! Help! Help me out, I don't want to die yet!" Ahh..."


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