The Storm God

Chapter 3132 Extinguish Master Ren, Ah Chu will take the blame! (Please subscribe!)

have to say.

Although Awei is a little fatter, a little stupid, and a little bit like playing dead, but his luck is not bad, the small cell is not big, but he ran out of tricks.

Poor master Ren turned into a zombie, he roared and chased him for a long time, but he didn't even catch the hem of his clothes. The two of them played a game of cat and mouse inside, and they had a good time.


as one of those caught.

Regardless of whether Master Ren is having a good time or not, his cousin Awei will never be high anyway, and now he only has fear and horror in his heart.

The yelling for help in his mouth stopped from the beginning.

Seeing Master Ren and cousin Awei who were chasing after me in the cell, and Yu Dachu who had finally untied all the restraints, he just froze in place, dumbfounded.

Not only him, but even Lei Xiu.


They had never seen such a nimble fat man. Cousin Awei's desire to survive was really too strong, definitely the strongest they had ever seen in their life, none of them.

And just when the two of them came back to their senses and were about to make a move.

"Open the door!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside the small courtyard. Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were stunned when they heard the words, and they were overjoyed: "It's Master, that's great!"

at the same time.

Outside the gate of the small courtyard, Mao Xiaofang was glaring at the two guards guarding the gate.

These two guys are so solid, Cousin Awei can do whatever he wants, it doesn't matter who comes, it made Mao Xiaofang so angry that he almost hit someone.

at last……

Mao Xiaofang really had no choice.

I could only use Maoshan Taoism to hypnotize the two security guards and make them fall into a deep sleep. Then I found the key from the two of them and opened the gate of the small courtyard.

And this time.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu have also arrived at the door.


The three of them hit each other.

Seeing that Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were fine, Mao Xiaofang nodded slightly, and without asking any further questions, his eyes naturally turned to the cell where his cousin Awei was yelling hoarsely.


Awei was already crying.


It's not an adjective, it's a fact.

Awei really cried, tears streaming down his face, very sad. Because after Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu got disconnected, no one came to rescue him, which made him feel desperate and heartbroken.

Fortunately, Mao Xiaofang was relatively reliable. Seeing this, he frowned immediately, and rushed over without saying a word.


Mao Xiaofang squeezed the seal with his left hand, and put his right hand into the cloth pocket.

The next moment, it was a handful of glutinous rice.

"Bang bang bang!"

Obviously what was thrown out was the most common glutinous rice, but when these things were sprinkled on Master Ren, they exploded like explosive bombs.

Poor Master Ren, who had just turned into a corpse and hadn't sucked a mouthful of blood, was traumatized successively by his cousin Awei, Lei Xiu, and Mao Xiaofang.

Especially Mao Xiaofang's glutinous rice attack, this thing can kill him, coupled with the mana exerted by Mao Xiaofang, the power is even more powerful.

In just a split second, poor Master Ren's obese body was almost shot into a sieve, the blood flowed profusely, and his breath suddenly weakened a lot.

Even the decibels of his painful roar have been reduced a lot.


Master Ren's level is too low after all.

The newly born walking corpse has not devoured any blood, has not obtained any evolution, and naturally has no power to fight back against the master Mao Xiaofang who is out of the body.


And this time.

While Master Ren was forced back by Mao Xiaofang with glutinous rice and was injured, cousin Awei quickly escaped from the gap in the twisted iron fence.

Because he was too anxious and didn't pay too much attention to details, his fat body was immediately scratched several times by the broken iron fence.


None of this matters.

None of the three Mao Xiaofang care about him now.

At this moment, in their eyes, only the severely injured Mr. Ren, who told him that he is now a zombie, if they don't get rid of him, others will be in trouble.

Therefore, no matter how miserable Master Ren was, they did not hesitate.

"Master, take the sword!"


The best way to deal with zombies, apart from fire and thunder, the most lethal weapon is the money sword. Because money communicates with yang, and it specializes in overcoming yin.

Yu Dachu's money sword was also specially added with a Qi of Gengjin, which made it even more powerful. It can be said to be absolutely crushing against junior zombies like Master Ren.

Mao Xiaofang's strength was already high, but now he has the amplified money sword in his hand, it's just needless to say, he can't use both of them, a sword flew over, and it directly pierced through the vitals of Master Ren's neck.

And this time.

Lei Xiu had also successfully obtained the fire seed and half a barrel of kerosene from the nearby stove, and then quickly came to the cell.


Poor Mr. Ren suffered heavy injuries one after another, and now he has lost the ability to resist. In addition, he drilled a well to his death and had no escape. In the end, Lei Xiu poured kerosene on him, and his whole body was drenched.

next moment……

Lei Xiu directly threw a burning coal over.


Master Ren instantly became a Burning Man.

Because the vitals of the neck were pierced, even though he was burned, Master Ren did not let out any painful or unwilling roars. He just twisted back and forth a few times in the cell, then completely disappeared, and finally turned into a pool of ashes.

so far.

The zombie threat caused by Master Ren is completely over.

As for the cousin Awei who was the most frightened, seeing this, he couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief, with lingering fear in his heart.

"let's go!"

After the matter was dealt with, Mao Xiaofang naturally wouldn't stay longer.

After all, this is a prison cell.




Cousin Awei suddenly opened his arms and stopped him: "Guys, you can't leave. Although Mr. Ren's threat has been removed, there is still one old man, you can't ignore it!"


He absolutely does not believe in any talk about zombies.

But now, after experiencing it personally, cousin Ah Wei believed him, and was also quite frightened. After all, what he is most proud of is the gun in his hand, but the zombies are not afraid at all, okay?


The three of Mao Xiaofang are Awei's only amulets at present, and he naturally doesn't want the three of them to leave before the old man is dealt with.

"You can rest assured!"

Yu Dachu rolled his eyes at him angrily, and explained: "It's almost dawn now, Mrs. Ren won't come out to harm people again, and even if he comes out, he won't look for you, but first..."


He didn't finish his sentence.

Mao Xiaofang interrupted Yu Dachu's speech, frowned and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to ask you to settle the matter today!"

The implication is that this is going to be settled after autumn.

The so-called account, of course, refers to the fact that the old man asked the ink fountain to seal it, and turned into an iron armored corpse to kill the old man.

In short.

This Guomao Xiaofang was blamed on Yu Dachu.

After all, Mao Xiaofang was not there at the time, so Yu Dachu, as Mao Xiaofang's disciple, naturally couldn't absolve himself of the blame. As for Lei Xiu? At most, he is just an entry-level person now, no matter how he calculates, this kind of big pot cannot be thrown at Lei Xiu's head, not to mention that Lei Xiu was the one who contributed the most and took the most active precautions at that time.


Yu Dachu has decided on this pot.

No matter what the reason is, it's right that he is responsible anyway.

So far.

Yu Dachu was suddenly depressed.


What is this called? It's just unlucky!

Find me for anything!



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