The Storm God

Chapter 3133 Waiting for the rabbit, catching the turtle in the urn! (Please subscribe!)

Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Inside the dilapidated Yizhuang.

The three of Mao Xiaofang, who basically didn't sleep much, counted their things early in the morning, then left Yizhuang and returned to Renjia Village.

Such a big thing happened, and there was a deadly change, which is terrible. Almost all the gentry in the village came.

Naturally, the purpose was to discuss how to deal with the threat of Mrs. Ren.

And the place where everyone gathered was Ren Mansion.


Now Renfu is holding a funeral.

It is naturally impossible for everyone to discuss things in the front, and they are all in the backyard. Ren Tingting, as the most important party involved, must also be present.

After all, she is the only immediate family member of the Ren family.

That is.

When Mrs. Ren comes out again, the first one to kill is Ren Tingting's. No matter how Mao Xiaofang and the others discussed and resolved it, they couldn't avoid Ren Tingting.

This requires her cooperation.

in addition……

Cousin Awei is also here.

As the captain of the security team of Renjia Village, he couldn't escape no matter what.

What's more, this guy has an undying heart for Ren Tingting, and now is a good time to show his hospitality, even if it is a little dangerous, it is worth it.

Wealth and wealth are in danger.

in meeting.

The squires in the village naturally didn't trust Mao Xiaofang and the three of them very much. After all, he is an outsider, far less convincing than Uncle Jiu in the village.

"That can't be done!"

Cousin Awei was the first to jump out and object: "Although Uncle Nine is good, this Master Mao is also very powerful. I saw it with my own eyes last night. Master Ren turned into a zombie, and it was very easy to kill him." It was solved by Master Mao!"


"Uncle Jiu, master and apprentice are out on business, and they don't know when they will be back. You can't wait like this forever, can you?"

"Old Master Ren will not show mercy!"


Cousin Awei looked serious.

Now he is completely on the side of Mao Xiaofang and the others. After all, who has the real ability and who can solve the problem, Ah Wei knows very well.

Those squires in the village?


A group of old antiques, very pedantic.

If you really listen to them about this matter, God knows how many people will die.

"I also trust Master Mao and the others!"

Ren Tingting also spoke.

And her opening speech is undoubtedly the most important.

Seeing so.

The squires immediately stopped talking.

The matter was basically settled like this, and everything was handled by Mao Xiaofang and the others. Cousin Awei's security team members are responsible for assisting.


After all, it is a big event that concerns the whole village. As the squires in the village, this group of old people who are almost the most powerful and financially resourced are also rich and some people donate...

There is only one goal when everyone is united——

Get things over with asap.


Mao Xiaofang didn't refuse either.

Everyone has talked about this point, so he is of course obliged, and immediately put forward some suggestions for everyone, so that everyone can work together, while deploying defenses, while taking advantage of the daytime, go out to find the location where Mrs. Ren may be hiding.

"I'll take someone to find it!"

Cousin Awei was very active. As soon as Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, he greeted a few younger brothers and ran outside with enough guys.

The defensive deployment of Renjia Village naturally fell on Mao Xiaofang and others.

In fact, what they have to do is also very simple.

after all……

Ren Tingting was the first victim.

The place where the key defenses are deployed must be around Ren's mansion.

As for the other villagers, they only need to follow Mao Xiaofang's instructions, sprinkle some glutinous rice around their houses, paste some magic charms and other things, and they can achieve basic protection.

According to common sense, Mrs. Ren would not kill other people before killing Ren Tingting and obtaining enough direct blood.


There are no absolutes.

But as long as precautions are taken, this danger can be reduced to a minimum. What's more, Mao Xiaofang and his disciples are sitting in the town, even if there is any accident, they can be safe.

that's all.

Everyone started to split up.


One day passed like this.

The sun was setting.

Cousin Awei came back with a group of younger brothers in disgrace. Looking at their appearance, one could guess without asking. The whereabouts of Mrs. Ren must not be found.

as expected.

Apart from complaining, Awei has no useful news.

Mao Xiaofang and the others simply ignored him, and began to carefully arrange the last few defensive procedures of the Ren Mansion, preparing to wait for the rabbit.

And the cousin Awei is also very knowledgeable, so he ran away without any intention of helping with the arrangement. Instead, he came to his cousin Ren Tingting to show her hospitality and ask for her warmth.


Ren Tingting was so annoyed by him, she couldn't help complaining: "You can either help, or go away and rest on the side, don't bother me, okay!"

"that is!"

Yu Dachu next to him also said in a bad mood: "Didn't you see that we are all busy? You are alone here, it's fine if you don't help, and you always make trouble. If you want to stay like this, wait for the old man Ren to come. Don't care about you!"

"Don't don't!"

When cousin Awei heard this, he immediately became scared.

Following the attitude, there was a 180-degree change. She was so courteous, and after all kinds of busy work, she didn't look like a 180-jin fat man at all.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help feeling that this guy's desire to survive is really terrifying.

Soon after.

It was completely dark.

The entire Ren Family Village became extremely quiet because of the matter of Mrs. Ren. There was almost no one on the street, and it was extremely deserted.

Ren Fu.

While Mao Xiaofang and the others were patiently waiting for Old Master Ren to come, the paper crane on Lei Xiu's body suddenly sent her a thought.

Bai Xiaofei's meaning is very simple, Mao Xiaofang has been here for too long, and it is necessary to settle the matter of Mrs. Ren tonight. In case something unexpected happens, he allows Lei Xiu to use some gifted talismans to eliminate Old Master Ren.

In short.

Mrs. Ren must be eliminated tonight, and there must be no further delay.

After all, Chenjiacun is still waiting, if you go late, miss it, let Lei Gang get the Qilin Stone, or even leave Chenjiacun, the wonderful drama that Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to will be completely ruined.

As the manipulator behind the scenes, Bai Xiaofei certainly wouldn't allow such a thing to happen.

Isn't it just some talismans?

Ma Dan!

I have plenty!

If there is a real situation, give me the energy to go up, don't worry about me and save money. I have as much of this thing as I want, and I can squander it as I like!


Lei Xiu sweated for a moment, then nodded obediently.

And this time.


Suddenly there were bursts of muffled sounds outside Ren's mansion, it felt like something heavy was hitting the ground.

"Everyone calm down, he's here!"

Mao Xiaofang's eyes lit up immediately, and he reminded everyone: "Ah Chu, you put away the first line of defense, and you must inflict enough serious damage on him before he enters the door!"

This he, of course, refers to the old man Ren.


Ah Chu nodded in understanding.

Following all his mental strength and attention, he put them all in the direction of the gate of the Ren Mansion, where he set up several powerful talismans, and the ground in the outer courtyard was also sprinkled with glutinous rice and talisman arrays...

As soon as a zombie rushes in, Yu Dachu will give the opponent a catch + close the door and beat the dog. At that time, all kinds of Taoism methods will be blasted, let alone an iron armored corpse, even a copper armored corpse, even if it is not dead, it will have to peel off its skin!



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