The Storm God

Chapter 3134 Red Line Array, White Paper Man! (Please subscribe!)

There was a sudden bang from the gate of the Ren Mansion, and the heavy door trembled violently, but in the end it was hard to withstand this obviously heavy impact.


It's just a moment.

The second time, it shattered into countless pieces with a "boom", scattered in the courtyard, completely ending his career.

at the same time.

A zombie wearing clear clothes, dark skin, rough and uneven, with a pair of elegant and quiet eyes full of bloodthirsty light, two fangs protruding from his lips, and the stench of rotting corpses from his mouth, also appeared in front of everyone.

It is Mrs. Ren!


Mao Xiaofang's face suddenly changed, and he said in amazement: "This is... a bronze armored corpse?! Wasn't it still an iron armored corpse yesterday, why did it evolve into a bronze armored corpse today?!"

No wonder he was so surprised and surprised.

To know.

It is very troublesome and difficult to artificially refine and raise corpses.

First of all, you have to have a corpse that meets the requirements, and then find a good tomb, combine all kinds of conditions, and wait for a certain period of cultivation before the initial iron-clad corpse will be formed.

On this basis, if you want to go to the next level and upgrade the iron-armored corpse to a copper-armored corpse, you need more stringent conditions, as well as a large amount of special blood, corpse energy, and Yin energy supply, and the time required is also shorter than Refined armored corpses are longer.


But Mrs. Ren is not.

Just now the corpse changed, it was at the level of an armored corpse. This point is very easy to understand, after all, the place where he was buried was a superficial place, with twenty years of special environment and earth atmosphere nourishment, the probability of becoming an armored corpse is extremely high.

However, it is still difficult to go one step further and become a bronze armored corpse.

But after a day, Mrs. Ren evolved!

It's incredible!


Regardless of Mao Xiaofang's reaction.

Old Mrs. Ren came here, so naturally he would not be polite to them. After ordering to smash the gate that blocked him, he immediately roared and flew towards the inner courtyard.


You read that right!

It's not jumping, it's not jumping, it's flying!

Fly across the sky!

It's like being controlled by some special force to rise up abruptly, and then move sideways, it's extremely weird!


This kind of ability should be possessed by the old master Ren after he evolved into a bronze armored corpse, and his flight directly passed the glutinous rice array set up by Mao Xiaofang and others.


Yu Dachu was stunned.

I rely on!

Do not bring such ah.

You are cheating, can you still play together?

"Golden Dragon Spits Beads!"

Yu Dachu was dumbfounded, but his master Mao Xiaofang was not.

Seeing that the glutinous rice array was useless, he quickly took out the beads from his Taoist robe, covered them with his hands, muttered something, and then threw them out violently.

The beads suddenly shattered.

The beads immediately shot towards Old Mrs. Ren like bullets with great power. There was a burst of "cracking and crackling", and the clothes on the old man's body were riddled with holes, and there were bursts of smoke.

And his figure was directly stopped by the powerful explosion power, and he even retreated a little, and finally fell into the big glutinous rice formation in the courtyard.


Although Old Master Ren looked a little embarrassed, he didn't actually receive any trauma. After all, he is a corpse in copper armor, with a copper head and iron arms, invulnerable to swords and guns.

Mao Xiaofang's golden dragon spitting beads could only force him back, but he couldn't break through the defense.


The glutinous rice array is different.

You know, this thing has been the only way to restrain zombies since ancient times. Regardless of the level of zombies, all zombies will be restrained and hurt by glutinous rice.

The difference lies in the amount of damage.

Just like now.


The old man Ren fell into the glutinous rice array, and his feet immediately felt as if he had stepped on the charcoal and magma, and he was burned by the power of the glutinous rice on the spot. And where it stepped on, the powdery white glutinous rice instantly turned into pitch black, with an unbearable stink.


Mao Xiaofang ordered.

He naturally knew that ordinary glutinous rice could not cause too much damage to the bronze armor corpse, at most it was just some harassment, just like a little spark falling on a human body, although it would cause pain and even burn the skin, but only Just skin trauma.

If you want to cause more damage, you must use strong means.

The glutinous rice is just a decoration on the surface, the real ultimate move is actually a large formation formed by connecting and arranging various talismans hidden below and around.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

As Mao Xiaofang's voice fell, Yu Dachu also reacted immediately, and then without saying a word, he immediately activated the big formation while casting his mana.

next moment……


In the entire Renfu compound, a huge talisman with complex and mysterious lines was erected in an instant. They are like walls, enclosing Mr. Ren in the middle, leaving only the only gap in the sky.


The formation is activated.

The interaction between the various talismans immediately formed a terrifying power, which made the old man trapped in it painful and screaming again and again.

at the same time.

The walls of the four spirit talismans quickly shrank and gathered together.

In a blink of an eye, the array of talismans turned into a sedan-chair-like shape, completely trapping Old Master Ren in it, with nowhere to escape.

As long as the raised spirit talisman on the ground covers the only gap in the sky, the formation of the spirit talisman will be completely completed.

By then...

No matter how powerful Mrs. Ren is, he will be restrained to death, just like Bailian steel meets Zhirou. In the end, he will be ruthlessly suppressed and unable to move.

However, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Seeing that the spirit talisman was about to form a complete encirclement, Old Master Ren suddenly let out a furious roar, breaking through the shackles of the spirit talisman formation.

follow closely……

He is like a rocket class, soaring into the sky.

The magic talisman that covered more than half of it was like a window paper, which was directly pierced by the old man Ren, completely losing the function that the talisman should have.


Its sacrifice was not in vain.

The old man Ren broke out forcefully and reopened the shackles of the spirit talisman array. He had already suffered huge backlash and damage, and now he tore the talisman forcefully, which undoubtedly added to the injury.

Visible to the naked eye, Mrs. Ren's aura immediately dropped a lot.

The most obvious thing is his skin, as if scalded by boiling oil, there are burns and cracks everywhere, and at the same time billowing black smoke rises, it looks like a human-shaped smoke bomb, miserable and desolate.

"Look at the sword!"

And this time.

Mao Xiaofang also roared, holding a money sword, and rushed over.

The money sword was taken from Yu Dachu's hand, and it has been imbued with Gengjin Qi of a considerable quality. It looks golden, like a magic weapon, and has extraordinary power.

no way.

Why is Yu Dachu's strength too low? At this juncture, only by handing it over to Mao Xiaofang can the power of the money sword be maximized.

But seeing Mao Xiaofang, stepping on the seven-star step, wielding a money sword in his hand, like a god descending from the earth, with incomparable bravery, he directly fought into a ball with the old man Ren.

You come and I come, the two sides fight so fiercely that it is almost impossible to fight.

The old man Ren, who is at the level of a bronze armor corpse, has a copper head and iron arm, and is invulnerable. Even though he lost the opportunity and was plotted against by Mao Xiaofang and others, his strength is still there and cannot be underestimated.

On the other hand, Mao Xiaofang has great strength, superb Taoism, and the money sword in his hand that has increased the aura of Gengjin, so he is confident and courageous.

And in the peripheral area of ​​the scene of the war.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu were also not idle. While watching the battle carefully, they were also actively preparing other measures and means, just in case.

Especially Lei Xiu.

The right hand hidden in the cloth pocket only held a piece of talisman given to her by Bai Xiaofei, as long as the situation on the scene changed, she would throw it out without hesitation.

In the farther inner courtyard room.

Cousin Awei was guarding the outermost, and the core party involved, Ren Tingting was protected at the innermost position, surrounded by various talismans and a large array of red threads with copper coins hanging on them.

Ren Tingting couldn't see what was going on outside, but she could faintly hear the sound of fighting coming from outside. She was nervous and scared, and also worried about the safety of Mao Xiaofang and others.

She kept praying in her heart, hoping that Mao Xiaofang and others would be safe, and her own personal safety was the second priority.

have to say.

This is really a very good girl.

But at this moment, no one noticed that in a certain corner of the room, a white paper man the size of a palm suddenly appeared.


The white paper man seemed to be smiling.

It calmly and silently came to the vicinity of the red line array, then pointed its palm at the red line and waved lightly...


The red line array suddenly collapsed.

The copper coins strung on it fell to the ground in an instant.



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