The Storm God

Chapter 3135 The vicious thoughts of wandering Taoist priests! (Please subscribe!)

The red line broke, and the copper coins fell to the ground.

Ren Tingting, who was in it, was naturally the first to discover it. She was taken aback by this sudden scene and cried out in shock.

at the door.

Cousin Awei was immediately attracted to his cousin's voice when he heard it.

"Cousin, what's the matter?"

Awei didn't rush in immediately.

Instead, he turned his head and took a look at the situation inside, but he didn't find anything wrong. It was just a little strange, why the red line array suddenly broke down.

As everyone knows.

When Ren Tingting exclaimed, a small white paper man ran between her neck, hid herself, and threatened Ren Tingting: "If you dare to reveal my existence, I will cut your throat immediately! "

"No, nothing!"

Ren Tingting was horrified, knowing that her life was completely in the hands of the paper figurine. She was smart and did not resist, but forced a smile and said, "It was me who accidentally broke the red line array, cousin You don't have to worry about me..."


Awei suddenly realized.

I said so.

The zombie Mrs. Ren in front is still being entangled by Master Mao and others, and I am guarding here, and no one comes in. How can the good red line formation be broken?

It turned out that my cousin made it by accident.

he thought so.


It returned to the previous state.

All the minds were almost focused on the battle in the front yard. Once he finds that the situation is not good, he may be the first person to escape.

In fact.

Yu Dachu and Lei Xiu also sensed what happened in the backyard. After all, the red line formation was jointly arranged by them, so they naturally have a certain perception.

But before they could investigate, Ren Tingting's explanation came from the room, which immediately turned their minds back.


This does not include Bai Xiaofei.

Because the bronze armored corpse incarnated by Old Master Ren is nothing to Bai Xiaofei. Compared with the zombie Wang Xuankui, this thing is too far behind.

If there is anything special to say, it is probably the blood of the Ren family.

Mao Xiaofang and the others didn't know why Old Master Ren would evolve into a bronze armor corpse so quickly, but Bai Xiaofei saw the clue at a glance.

The main reason is that Old Master Ren absorbed his son's blood. The power of the bloodline was further purified, and only then did today's changes occur.


This is also inseparable from certain other factors.

For example, the refining of some evil ways.

In short.

He doesn't care about these.

In Bai Xiaofei's eyes, the fight between Mao Xiaofang and Mrs. Ren was really low-level, and it was really boring to watch.


After hearing Ren Tingting's shout.

Bai Xiaofei's mind and attention were locked in the room in the backyard at the first moment, and then he found the white paper figurine hidden in the clothes on the back of Ren Tingting's neck in an instant.

"Has the plot really changed?"

In fact, from the very beginning, Bai Xiaofei expected that some accidents and changes would happen when getting rid of Mrs. Ren, otherwise he wouldn't have specifically ordered Lei Xiu to use the talisman to kill the enemy at a critical moment.


Bai Xiaofei never expected that there was no accident with Mrs. Ren, but there was a completely strange existence here with Ren Tingting.

"White paper man?"

The ability of the eyes of the stars is displayed.

Almost immediately, Bai Xiaofei sensed the traces of Taoism on the white paper figurine, as well as a trace of primordial power attached to him.

That is.

This white paper figurine is controlled by other people who know Taoism, just like a puppet, and possesses certain special abilities.

for example……

Hide your own breath, have a certain attack power, etc., otherwise it will not destroy the red line array. It's just that it obviously didn't expect that a big boss like Bai Xiaofei was hidden in it...

After Bai Xiaofei discovered the abnormality, he didn't act in a hurry, but observed patiently. I wanted to see what this paper figurine was going to do.

Not only him.

Ren Tingting also wanted to know who the other party was and why she wanted to harm her family.

She lowered her voice and asked her doubts.

And the white paper man is also very powerful.

"Hey hey!"

But it suppressed its voice, gave a dark smile, and then explained: "Hitting your family? No way! This is entirely your own fault!"


The white paper man began to explain the ins and outs.

It turned out that the tomb of the old man Ren, the place where the dragonflies were spotted, originally belonged to a wandering Taoist priest. Later, Master Ren took a fancy to it, so he used some means to occupy it, because this kind of feng shui tomb is extremely rare.

At that time, the wandering Taoist priest was not as strong as he is now. If he wanted money but had no money, and if he wanted strength but no strength, he was a proper hanging silk.


In order to avenge the Ren family.

Taoist You Fang dug a hole, poor Master Ren actually foolishly believed what Taoist You Fang said, and really buried Old Master Ren vertically.

Twenty years later.

That is, today.

The wandering Taoist is no longer what it used to be. Not only has his strength improved by leaps and bounds, but he also has a certain amount of power and wealth. He calculated that the time should be almost up, so he wanted to use the waste and prepared to refine the old man into a battle corpse for body protection.


There is a ninth uncle in Renjia Village who has a very difficult delivery.

Unavoidable accidents happened, Taoist Youfang had no choice but to design to trick Jiushu's master and apprentice out. I thought I could sit back and relax in this way, but Mao Xiaofang came again.

Mao Xiaofang is a master at the Aperture Realm, but the wandering Taoist priest only has the ninth level of Qi training, and he considers himself no match for him, so he has been hiding in the dark and has no way out rashly.

The last time in Yizhuang, Mao Xiaofang's sudden departure was designed by the wandering Taoist priest, in order to make the old man Ren into a dead body, otherwise if he missed the opportunity, he would have no chance at all.

It went very smoothly afterwards.

The old man Ren's corpse changed, killed his own son, and devoured the blood power of his immediate family members. The blood power was further purified, and then underwent a qualitative change, and advanced into a bronze armored corpse.

to be honest.

All this was also unexpected by the wandering Taoist priest.

If he had known that the Ren family's blood was so special and could be refined into a bronze armor corpse so easily, he would not have given the Ren family twenty years of buffer time.


He cared more about Ren Tingting.

If Mrs. Ren absorbs the blood of this granddaughter again, and then uses a special way to refine it in conjunction with the extremely yin land, will he be able to advance into a silver armored corpse soon?

Every time he thinks of this, the wandering Taoist will tremble with excitement.

follow closely.

He planned the attack tonight.

The appearance of Mrs. Ren is just an introduction, the real main force is actually the white paper figurine possessed by the power of the wandering Taoist Primordial Spirit.

After all, Mao Xiaofang and the others were not a decoration, and it was really difficult to take advantage of them by relying on the old lady Ren alone. If some tricks were not adopted, it would be impossible to get Ren Tingting's blood.


The wandering Taoist did not want Ren Tingting's life.

He can tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal. After all, Ren Tingting is the only direct descendant of the Ren family. If she dies, it will be impossible for Mrs. Ren to rely on the blood power of her direct blood to evolve in the future.


The wandering Taoist's plan is simple.

Capture Ren Tingting directly and use it as a blood bank and train it for convulsions, so that not only can he obtain the blood power needed by the old man to advance at any time, but also occasionally solve his own physical needs, which can serve multiple purposes.

after all.

Ren Tingting is very beautiful. It would be too violent to kill such a top-notch beauty if she didn't enjoy it.

What's more, Ren Tingting is of great use to him.


Wandering Taoist priests are greedy.

Not only did he plan to harm Mr. Ren, he turned Mrs. Ren into a bronze armored corpse, but now he wants to occupy Ren Tingting, and at the same time, he has to serve as Mr. Ren's blood bank...

Such thoughts are truly vicious.


Knowing all this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but frowned, and secretly said: "It turns out that you are the bastard who caused all this. Since the culprit has jumped out by himself, it will save me a lot of trouble, let's just kill him." !"


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