The Storm God

Chapter 3136 Thunder in the palm of his hand kills the old man Ren! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei had no interest in things like wandering Taoist priests or bronze armored corpses, so he was directly motivated to kill.

next moment……


The terrifying release of mind power.

The terrifying power, as vast as the sea and like a turbulent wave, crossed the space almost instantly, and landed directly on the white paper figurine hidden behind Ren Tingting's neck.


The white paper figurine who was about to cut Ren Tingting's skin so that he could get blood suddenly shook his body, as if he had been immobilized, and completely stopped moving.

The range and strength of its shock were a bit large.


Ren Tingting also sensed it.

It's just that she doesn't know what's going on now, and she doesn't dare to take any action. Even if she faintly senses that something is wrong, she just sits there obediently, not daring to move.

Regardless of Ren Tingting's reaction.

the other side.


In a forest on a hill not far from Renjia Village.

The wandering Taoist priest, who was casting a spell to control the white paper figurine and taking dark actions, was triumphant and secretly agitated, but suddenly screamed in pain.

follow closely……

The incense case for casting the spell completely collapsed.

The berserk power descended from the sky, like a terrifying huge pressure that suddenly collapsed, that vast force instantly crushed the wandering Taoist until his seven orifices bled, and he knelt down on the ground trembling.

Why kneel down?

That is, the feet are kept in a kneeling position, while the body is lying down.

In short, the legs of the wandering Taoist priest were completely broken at the moment when the terrifying force came, and he knelt on the ground with shattered fractures, like mud.

And the wandering Taoist priest bled from his seven orifices, his internal organs collapsed and shattered, and at the same time as he spurted out blood and flesh, he also lay down on his back due to the huge inertia.

This trip is forever.


He is dead.

As early as the moment Bai Xiaofei's mental power followed the white paper figurine to find him, and the moment it came crashing down, the terrifying power chased him down on the spot.

There is no sloppiness, simple, rough, and very crisp.

To the end of his life, he looked like he was dying.


Nobody cares.

It doesn't matter if he is worried that this guy will become a lonely ghost or something, because when Bai Xiaofei killed him, he also swallowed up the three souls and seven souls of this wandering Taoist priest.

A guy like him who has done all kinds of bad things and is full of evil is not worthy of reincarnation.

Not to mention being able to turn into a ghost and take his life.

And at the same time.


In the front yard of Renfu.

As the wandering Taoist priest behind the scenes was instantly killed by Bai Xiaofei, the rotting body of the bronze armored corpse Ren Laogong, who was fighting fiercely with Mao Xiaofang, also froze suddenly.


Mao Xiaofang has outstanding eyesight.

Even though he couldn't tell what happened to Mrs. Ren, he keenly grasped this rare opportunity, and immediately ruthlessly stabbed at the vitals of his body with the money sword in his hand.

Not only that.

With his left hand, he repeatedly pinched formulas and pinched seals, and performed a high-level spell in Maoshan Taoism - palm thunder.


Blue and white crackling thunder and lightning formed almost instantly.

Although the scale is a little off-putting to the public, the power is nothing to say, especially this thing has a natural restraint effect on all evil things, so it will be more effective with half the effort.




Mao Xiaofang's attack was very sophisticated.

On the surface, the money sword is the main one, but in fact it is the thunder in the palm, which strikes first, and hits the old man Ren who can't dodge first.

Adding thunder to the body, especially the body of a zombie that has been restrained, the effect can be imagined, and the taste is absolutely refreshing.

it's not...

A bronze armored corpse as strong as Old Master Ren immediately felt like a sack was torn apart by the thunder and lightning that erupted on the spot.

But what is even more deadly is the money sword that follows.


But seeing Mao Xiaofang holding the golden money sword, he swept away thousands of troops with one move, and chopped at the neck of Old Master Ren, who was decapitated in an instant.


The stinky blood that billowed suddenly surged like a fountain.

Mao Xiaofang moved swiftly, and instead of chasing him, he retreated rapidly. Because the blood spurted and splashed all contained corpse poison.

And this kind of corpse poison is far more overbearing than ordinary zombie corpse poison. Otherwise, Master Ren wouldn't have turned into a walking corpse in just a few hours, harming people everywhere. Even if it was as strong as Mao Xiaofang, it would be very troublesome if he was infected with this kind of corpse poison.


The old man Ren's chest was blasted with a big hole by the palm thunder.

His head was also chopped off.

The tide is over.

Even if he is not dead, he is crippled.

If he wanted to get rid of him, he was not in a hurry. When the corpse poison and blood were almost sprayed out, and the combat power of the old man Ren's corpse further declined, it would not be too late to do it.

And Yu Dachu, Lei Xiu, and his cousin Awei who were next to him, seeing Mao Xiaofang's supernatural power, suddenly broke out and lost Old Master Ren almost instantly. They were stunned at first, and immediately cheered excitedly.

At this moment.

Bai Xiaofei's voice also slowly sounded in Lei Xiu's mind: "Lei Xiu, put away the talisman, this thing can't make any waves!"

The behind-the-scenes gangster Fang Taoist has been eliminated.

The bronze-armored corpse, Mrs. Ren, was also completely destroyed by Mao Xiaofang. If there were no accidents, the affairs of the Ren family village should be considered over.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being in a good mood.

And Lei Xiu didn't think too much about other things, she would do whatever Bai Xiaofei told her to do. Although I don't know what's going on, but the boss is right.

the other side.

Mao Xiaofang did not relax his mind.

The bronze armored corpse is different from ordinary zombies. Even if the head is cut off and the body is opened, it has not been completely destroyed and died.

There is only one way to eradicate it, and that is cremation!

After waiting for a while.

"Fire Talisman!"

Seeing that the remnant body of Mr. Ren was no longer spattered with poisonous blood, Mao Xiaofang did not hesitate immediately, and immediately used the "One Finger Fire Control Technique" together with the Fire Talisman, and set the corpse of Mrs. Ren on fire, preparing to completely cremate him.


The fire talisman touched his body.

I saw the old man Ren's body and head, as if gasoline had been poured on it, it burned all over his body in an instant, and a raging fire ignited.

Billowing black smoke also curled up into the sky from the courtyard.

so far.

Mrs. Ren solved it completely.

Cousin Awei was more excited than anyone else, he jumped up excitedly on the spot, and then rushed to Ren Tingting's room regardless of the way Mao Xiaofang and the others looked at him.


"Cousin, that's great. Mr. Ren has been completely wiped out by Master Mao and others. Now you are completely safe!"

"Hey, cousin, what's your expression?"

"Why are you motionless?"


Cousin Awei soon discovered something was wrong.

No matter how indifferent my cousin is, after hearing such good news, she shouldn't just sit on the bed without any reaction, right?


She gave you don't come here, or you will regret it, what does it mean?

Could it be that he thought he was going to kill her?

How can this be?


Awei tried calling out again.

As a result, the cousin Ren Tingting still didn't say a word, didn't move, she just stared at A Wei with a pair of big black and white eyes, as if she wanted to convey something.

But it's a pity that cousin Awei, a stupid pig, didn't understand anything, and was still confused, with a bewildered and puzzled expression on his face.

Just at this time, Lei Xiu walked in from the outside.

"Miss Ren, you are safe."

"You can move."


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