The Storm God

Chapter 3137 The ghostly Yu Dachu! (Please subscribe!)


Ren Tingting was stunned when she heard the words: "Can I move? That's great, wait! No, how do you know I can't move?"

She suddenly reacted.

When the white paper figurine threatened me just now, Miss Lei Xiu didn't come in, only silly expressions came in.

How did she know?


Lei Xiu didn't explain much, but just said: "In short, everything is settled, now you are safe, clean up, and then you can have a good rest."


Then he turned and left.

Ren Tingting, who was stunned, and cousin Awei, who continued to be confused, were left there, staring wide-eyed.

And outside.

Mao Xiaofang also basically finished dealing with Mrs. Ren's affairs.

Yu Dachu began to work hard to clean up the mess and take care of the aftermath. Whether it's the ashes of Mrs. Ren or the glutinous rice corrupted by corpse poison, they must be handled carefully, otherwise many troubles will inevitably arise.

Seeing Lei Xiu come out of Ren Tingting's room, Mao Xiaofang asked, "Have you explained everything to Miss Ren?"


Lei Xiu nodded.


Mao Xiaofang nodded, and then told Yu Dachu: "Ah Chu, hurry up, it's getting late now, after cleaning up, Miss Ren should go to bed early."


Yu Dachu responded bitterly.

Afterwards, Mao Xiaofang left Ren's mansion first, and his cousin Awei, who was reluctant to part with him, started to attack because of the corpse poison on his body.


As early as last night, he had been poisoned by Master Ren's corpse.

Although Mao Xiaofang had already dealt with Awei briefly at that time, it was not so easy to completely remove the corpse poison.

That is.

It takes a certain course of treatment to fully heal.

But today, Awei hasn't changed his medicine yet, and now that time has passed, he will naturally start to relapse. As the attending physician, Mao Xiaofang is naturally responsible for Awei's safety.

After experiencing what happened to Mr. Ren, the treatment of Mao Xiaofang and others has improved a lot. Instead of living in Yizhuang, the village paid for the three of them to open three upper rooms in the inn for a temporary stay.

In Mao Xiaofang's room, there are many magic exorcising devices, talismans and other items, as well as various medicinal materials for treating Awei's corpse poison.

These are contributed by the enthusiastic villagers of Renjia Village.

After returning to the inn.

Cousin Awei was placed in a large drum by Mao Xiaofang, and the barrel was a potion made of various medicinal materials heated at high temperature.

In short.

Awei was like steamed stewed meat, kept alive in a drum, enduring all kinds of torture from high temperature and recurrence of corpse poison.

In order to prevent Awei from screaming and yelling at other guests around him, Mao Xiaofang specially prepared a wooden stick for him to bite in his mouth. In this way, when in pain, as long as he bites the wooden stick hard, he will basically not make too loud screams.

According to Mao Xiaofang's estimate, the corpse in Awei's body is not very serious. After being heated and boiled in a medicinal bath for about two hours, the poison of the corpse can be basically eliminated. After that, he only needs to exercise more. Replenish your vitality, and there should be nothing wrong.


And the other side.

Lei Xiu was left in Renfu.

The main reason is that Ren Tingting is a little scared to be alone. After all, she has just experienced the threat of a zombie like Mrs. Ren and the threat of a white paper man. As a little girl, how could she fall asleep without some psychological counseling?

Mao Xiaofang had expected this situation a long time ago, so he didn't take Lei Xiu away with him, in order to let Lei Xiu accompany Ren Tingting and have a good sleep.

After all, they are all girls.

Being in the same room is no big deal, with Lei Xiu's comfort, I believe that Xin Tingting should be able to recover soon and forget all the unhappiness.

As for Yu Dachu?


Mao Xiaofang didn't take it to heart at all.

First of all, this guy's strength is not low, although the fourth level of Qi training is not very high, but with the ability of Gengjin Qi, it is difficult for ordinary ghosts to hurt him.


Yu Dachu is a young man.

Moreover, Ren's mansion is not very far from the inn. The zombies have been eliminated, so what danger can happen? So don't worry at all.

As everyone knows.

There are no absolutes in the world. Sometimes, the more you think something is impossible, the more unexpected it will happen.

This night.

By the time Yu Dachu finished all his work, it was almost midnight or early morning. After leaving Ren's mansion, he was in a hurry to go back to the inn, so he didn't take the main road.

And just when Yu Dachu took a shortcut and wanted to return quickly through a forest path, a very handsome woman suddenly appeared on the way.

The woman seemed to have suffered some kind of injury, and she sat down on the ground, groaning in pain.

Although Yu Dachu was not very honest and always had various petty thoughts, his heart was honest and not bad. When he saw a woman die, his first reaction was to step forward to help.

I don't know.

This woman is not an extraordinary person, but a female ghost.

According to common sense, with Yu Dachu's realm and strength of the fourth level of qi training, he shouldn't be so easily deceived; So beautifully, he automatically relaxed his vigilance and vigilance, so that the other party easily confused him.


The female ghost directly asked Yu Dachu to carry her on her back on the grounds that she could not walk, and then rushed towards her "home".

And the so-called home is simply a dilapidated house in the wilderness. It's just that Yu Dachu has lost his mind and can't see through it at all. He still thinks that the girl he saved is a lady from a rich family, not to mention how beautiful she is.

Especially when the female ghost invited Yu Dachu to sit with her at home for a while, obviously wanting to repay him for saving people in some legendary way. Poor Yu Dachu is still an innocent man who has not been dealt with. temptation?


Without three moves or two moves, Yu Dachu was completely sunk.

Then, guided step by step by the female ghost, she entered the boudoir at home, followed by a boudoir bed full of "silk" and pink layout...

One person and one ghost, they let themselves go.


It is worth mentioning that.

This female ghost did not harm Yu Dachu, nor did she desperately demand and devour Yu Dachu's yang energy to improve her cultivation like other ghosts.

She was simply letting herself go with Yu Dachu.

But even so, humans and ghosts have different paths, two completely different species, especially the fusion of one yin and one yang, it is inevitable that some power will be lost during this period.

And the loser is undoubtedly Yu Dachu.


At first this loss was nothing.

But as time goes by, one person and one ghost let themselves go more and more, and Yu Dachu's lost power also begins to gradually lead to qualitative changes.

Just like a river bursting its embankment, it usually starts with tiny, inconspicuous small details at the beginning. When these details gradually become larger and finally become cracks, everything is too late.

Yu Dachu is like this.

When he let go of himself with the female ghost and carried out five or six times of charge with great joy, and was about to launch the charge of the seventh floor, the Gengjin Qi in his body finally realized the danger, and then instinctively broke out .

next moment……


Yu Dachu instantly turned into a statuette.

All the illusions and confusion created by the female ghost's magic disappeared in an instant, including her own appearance in Yu Dachu's eyes.

Then, Yu Dachu was stunned.


After regaining consciousness, someone's first reaction was to yell uncontrollably. At the same time, the cannon under his command also fell instantly and exploded.



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