The Storm God

Chapter 3138 Mao Xiaofang sees a doctor for his apprentice! (Please subscribe!)

The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu was terrified.

Needless to say, the power of Gengjin Qi has miraculous effects on all yin and evil things, because it represents the most rigid and yang, and even a bronze armored corpse has to be afraid of it, let alone someone like her. How did you become a female ghost?

When he was happy before, Yu Dachu was always in a state of confusion, fascinated, and the Gengjin Qi in his body was not activated due to the loss of Yang Qi.


Only then can she enjoy the joy and let herself go.

But now, as the yang qi in Yu Dachu's body has been lost to a critical point, this has caused the Gengjin qi to rebound.


When Yu Dachu went off and exploded, he naturally carried a lot of Qi of Gengjin. But these are great threats to Dong Xiaoyu.

Even severe enough to be fatal.

And all this.

It happened so fast.

One person and one ghost, still in a state of negative distance, just letting go of his ego, but Yu Dachu suddenly woke up, and then suddenly exploded...


Who can stand this?

Even if Dong Xiaoyu knew the danger and wanted to dodge, it was too late now. The whole person... oh no, it should be said to be a ghost, and immediately flew out like a fire-breathing rocket, crashing and collapsing countless walls along the way.


Yu Dachu's Gengjin Qi is really too powerful.

It was an angry counterattack after being oppressed and squeezed to the limit. It was beyond Yu Dachu's control. Poor female ghost Dong Xiaoyu who let him fly with him just now, it will be miserable now. The little sister was almost impaled on the spot fried...

And her entire ghost body also suffered a great impact and shock because of the aftermath of Gengjin Qi and the continuous bumping into the wall.

When Dong Xiaoyu finally came to a stop, her whole mind and consciousness were in a state of bewilderment, and she couldn't get up from the ground for a long time.

And the other side.

After this wave of "anger" erupted, Yu Dachu finally came to his senses, and when he realized what had happened, his face turned extremely red in an instant.

follow closely……

He hurriedly found his clothes in the dilapidated room, put them on in a mess, and ran outside.

As for the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu who was blown out?


He doesn't care anymore.

Really. After unplugging the ruthless Yu Dachu, now his mind is full of remorse and annoyance, and he keeps cursing himself for being stupid and lacking in concentration. It's really shameful to let a female ghost seduce and ruin him casually.

Inside the abandoned dilapidated house.

Poor Dong Xiaoyu, after a period of time, finally regained her sanity and sobriety, and she was shocked to find that she had been blown out.

Especially the lower part of her body was in severe pain. The remaining Qi of Gengjin, like a body of rotting bones, was constantly gnawing at her ghost body.

"it hurts!"

Dong Xiaoyu couldn't help gritted his teeth and hummed, while breaking out in a cold sweat.

Seeing that the injury was so serious, she didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly cast a spell to expel the remaining Gengjin Qi from her body, then flew up, burrowed into the nearby cemetery, and frantically absorbed the Yin Qi there to recover her injury .

Now that she has made herself like this, the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu is not in the mood to go to Yu Dachu to explain everything clearly, let's talk about it later.


the next day.

It was a clear day.

After about three hours of deep sleep, Mao Xiaofang's mental state still seemed very full despite being busy for most of the night.

On the other hand, cousin Awei, who had been steamed for several hours, looked listless, as if he might ascend to heaven and go to the Paradise of Elysium at any time.


The benefits are not without.

For example, the corpse poison in his body has basically been eliminated.

When he opened the round wooden barrel, the potion inside had almost completely turned into a pitch black color, and the smell was unbearable, almost like feces, and Ah Wei was fumigated on the spot.

"Can't bear the smell?"

Seeing his cousin Awei flying up naked and rushing to other rooms to find water to take a bath and wash off the smell, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.


Open the windows and doors as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, he ran to explain a few words to the service staff of the inn, and then never returned to his room, but sat in the lobby and drank morning tea.


Lei Xiu's figure appeared in the inn.

After staying with Ren Tingting for one night, Lei Xiu bid farewell to Ren Tingting's breakfast invitation early in the morning, and returned directly to the inn, and happened to meet Mao Xiaofang drinking morning tea.

"Axiu, come here."


Lei Xiu responded.

Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu, who was not yet an official disciple, drank morning tea together and waited for the arrival of another disciple, Yu Dachu.


They waited and waited and waited and waited.

By the time cousin Awei had cleaned himself N times, he left with an angry and shy expression. After drinking morning tea one after another, the breakfast eaters left one after another. It was almost noon However, Yu Dachu still appeared.


Mao Xiaofang suddenly became a little angry, so he frowned and asked Lei Xiu, "When did Ah Chu leave the Ren Mansion yesterday?"

"Maybe around midnight?"

Lei Xiu didn't hide anything, and immediately replied: "I don't know exactly when, I was with Ren Tingting all the time, but before we went to bed, I was sure that Brother Ah Chu had left..."

"That is to say, when Yu Dachu leaves at the latest?" Mao Xiaofang frowned when he heard this, and murmured to himself, "It's been so long now, no matter how tired you are, you should wake up, why? But it hasn't come down for a long time?"

"Master, why don't I go up and have a look?" Lei Xiu said.

"Let's go together!"

Mao Xiaofang was also tired of waiting.

Instead of letting Lei Xiu run up and down, it would be better to go and see what is going on with Ah Chu, and save a lot of trouble.


The master and apprentice came to Yu Dachu's room together.

"Boom boom boom."

Lei Xiu knocked on the door.

At the same time, he shouted: "Senior Brother Achu, I am Axiu, are you up yet? Master is very worried about you, and we brought you breakfast..."


The door was opened.

Then Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu saw Yu Dachu staring in a bewilderment, still not waking up, and at the same time looking very tired, as if his liver had exploded a lot, and he looked tired with dark circles under his eyes.

But Yu Dachu didn't know about it.

Seeing that Master and Junior Sister were already dressed neatly and full of energy, and brought him breakfast, he rubbed his eyes and said in surprise, "You guys woke up really early, I just came back to sleep not long ago..."


He had already opened the door, then turned and went back inside.

Lei Xiu followed in with his breakfast, followed by Mao Xiaofang, but his eyes stared at the disciple who was yawning and shrugging his shoulders, looking very listless and tired, his eyes were full of dignity and seriousness.


He had already seen something was wrong with Ah Chu.

After all, no matter how unbearable Yu Dachu was, he was still at the fourth level of qi training. Compared with the body of an ordinary person, it was many times stronger.

There must be something tricky about it.


Mao Xiaofang's complexion sank, and he said in a commanding tone: "Come here, seeing you are so exhausted, you must have some illness somewhere in your body, I'm here to show you for my teacher, so as not to delay the illness and continue to deteriorate! "


Yu Dachu yawned in a daze.

He didn't realize the deep meaning of this at all, he responded casually, and walked unsteadily to Mao Xiaofang.


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