The Storm God

Chapter 3139 The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu is here! (Please subscribe!)

Gantian Town.

Bai Xiaofei didn't keep in touch with Zhihe all the time.

After all, he is not Lei Xiu's nanny, and the reason why he attached the primordial spirit and consciousness to the paper crane is entirely for the convenience of watching the play after Mao Xiaofang arrives in Chenjiacun.


No one from Mao Xiaofang arrived.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not waste his mind on that.

Just after dawn, he washed up, then went out and went straight to the rice shop opened by Rose. The purpose is naturally to continue to explore the mysteries of the Living Buddha in Xiao Xiami's body.

The last time it had to be interrupted because of Mao Xiaofang's early return, now that he has time and nothing to do, Bai Xiaofei will of course go to explore it.

at the same time.

Renjia Village, inside the inn.


As soon as Mao Xiaofang put his hand on Yu Dachu's wrist, he frowned and cursed fiercely. It can be seen that this inspection has already confirmed some conjectures in his heart.


Yu Dachu became slightly sober.

After following the master for so many years, as long as he frowned, Yu Dachu knew that there must be nothing good, so he couldn't help but asked with some concern: "How is it? Is there nothing wrong with my body?"

What I said is a guilty conscience and no bottom line. Not to mention Mao Xiaofang, even Lei Xiu, who was standing aside, could tell that someone had a ghost in his heart.

"Achu, tell me the truth, when did you come back last night? What happened after you left the Ren Mansion?"

Mao Xiaofang looked serious: "The yang energy, mana, and even Gengjin energy in your body have been lost very seriously. This is obviously a sign of being swallowed by some evil thing!"


As soon as Yu Dachu heard it, he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and said pitifully, "I said, I will explain everything. When I left Ren's mansion last night..."


He told Mao Xiaofang all about his experience without reservation, and finally Yu Dachu acted like he had done something wrong, and said aggrievedly: "Master, I already know that I was wrong. I think that girl Ghosts shouldn't be malicious..."


When Mao Xiaofang heard this, he was furious.

Looking at Yu Dachu with a look of incompetence, he taught him a lesson: "No malice? The yang energy and mana in your body have almost failed, and even the Gengjin Qi has almost dissipated. Does this mean that there is no malice? Isn't it? Wait until he completely eats you up, will it be called bad?"


Yu Dachu opened his mouth, wanting to explain something.

However, before he could say anything, Mao Xiaofang interrupted directly: "Okay! There is nothing wrong with it. The duty of us as Taoists is to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Since that female ghost has done bad things, You have to pay the price!"

The implication is that Dong Xiaoyu is going to be accepted.


Yu Dachu was shocked.

Then he hurriedly pleaded: "No! Xiaoyu definitely didn't do it on purpose, otherwise if she really wanted to harm me, I would have died long ago, how can I stand in front of you!"

"Master, as long as you do, let her go."

"Xiaoyu is very poor!"


He didn't say anything.

After saying this, Mao Xiaofang became even more angry.


Mao Xiaofang snorted coldly.

Looking at the unsatisfactory disciple in front of him, he hated iron but said: "She is pitiful? You don't look at you now. Originally, as your disciple, you only need to practice hard to gather the power of the primordial spirit." , become the Taoist leader who guards one side..."

"But now?"

"Your yang energy has been lost, your mana is almost gone, and the awakened Gengjin qi has only a little heel left. Don't say that you don't have heavenly talents and earthly treasures as a teacher. Even if you have, you want to restore it to the original, afraid It is also very difficult!"

"That female ghost just wanted to be happy, but she caused you such misery. You still call her pitiful? I think you are completely obsessed by ghosts, and you are stubborn!"

"It's so mad at me!"


In the end.

Mao Xiaofang turned around and left, as if he didn't want to talk to this idiot disciple anymore, so that Yu Dachu could wake himself up.


When Mao Xiaofang walked to the door of the room, he suddenly called out.

The meaning is obvious, there is no need to stay to comfort this disappointing guy, come out with the teacher, prepare the props to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and when the time comes, send that female ghost to reincarnate!


Lei Xiu is extremely intelligent.

Almost instantly understood what Mao Xiaofang meant.

She glanced at Yu Dachu shyly, as if saying, "Brother, I'm sorry, I can't help you anymore, take care of yourself, I'm leaving."


Yu Dachu suddenly had a desolate expression on his face.


Regardless of what Yu Dachu was thinking.


After being called away by Mao Xiaofang, Lei Xiu followed Mao Xiaofang, Lei Xiu couldn't help asking: "Master, do you really want to get rid of that female ghost Dong Xiaoyu?"


Mao Xiaofang answered very simply.


"There's nothing wrong with that."

Mao Xiaofang seemed to know what Lei Xiu wanted to say, and before she could finish speaking, he interrupted and replied: "Axiu, you have to know, a ghost is a ghost, whether it is intentional or unintentional, when you are with people, you will always be a ghost." It is against the law of nature and ethics.”

"And our responsibility is to stop all of this. Otherwise, without any consideration and restraint, everyone can do whatever they want. Wouldn't it be all messed up?"


Lei Xiu was speechless for a moment.

Although Mao Xiaofang's words were a bit harsh, from the perspective of the overall situation, there is nothing wrong with it. Take Yu Dachu for example, no matter whether the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu is intentional or unintentional, the former is always unlucky.

This is still a cultivator like Yu Dachu.

If it were any other ordinary person who let himself go freely with female ghosts like Dong Xiaoyu, he would be forced to die on the spot


It doesn't matter whether Yu Dachu is willing or not.

As a master, Mao Xiaofang must prevent this kind of thing from happening, otherwise, if they are left alone, it will inevitably lead to tragedy in time.

So far.

Lei Xiu understood immediately, and no longer hesitated in her heart.

Afterwards, she began to help Mao Xiaofang prepare all kinds of props needed for collecting ghosts, such as magic talisman, altar for collecting ghosts, red thread copper coin array and so on.

These things are very common in Renjia Village.

Therefore, it didn't take much time for Lei Xiu to get everything ready. Just wait until night falls and the female ghost appears, and the two of them, the master and the apprentice, can open the altar and collect the ghosts.

It is worth mentioning that.

During this period, Yu Dachu seems to have connected.

After lunch, he took the initiative to find Mao Xiaofang, and he also wanted to personally participate in the operation of collecting ghosts, saying that he wanted to end it with Dong Xiaoyu himself.

"you sure?"

Mao Xiaofang took a deep look at Yu Dachu, then nodded, and said, "Alright! The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu's target is you. If you're here, don't worry about her not showing up."

Yu Dachu: "..."


Cooperate with me as bait?

You are so bad!


Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the sun set in the west, and night quickly enveloped the earth.

Mao Xiaofang, master and apprentice, did not wait for the arrival of the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu at the inn. After all, this matter is not very glorious. Once it gets out, Yu Dachu will be ashamed.

at the same time……

In order to avoid harming the pond fish.

They set the location of the opening of the altar directly in the small woods in the outskirts. In order to be safe, Mao Xiaofang also set up several Taoist formations in advance. And Yu Dachu, who is in the eye of the formation at this moment, is acting as a bait to lure the origin of the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

However, there was still no reaction from the surroundings, only the birds and insects in the forest chirped twice from time to time to show their existence.


Seeing that the time was getting later and later, but the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu showed no sign of appearing at all, Yu Dachu couldn't help but said: "I don't think she will come today, why don't we pack up and go back..."

What a dream.

Before the words could finish, there was a gust of dark wind all of a sudden.

at the same time.

The chirping of birds and insects in the forest also stopped abruptly.

The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu is here!


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