The Storm God

Chapter 3140 Do it yourself! (Please subscribe!)


A terrible wind hit.

Dong Xiaoyu's appearance fit her identity very well, and she showed her aura of a female ghost to the fullest, giving people a sense of ignorance.


Only for ordinary people.

For example, in front of Mao Xiaofang at this moment, these things are nothing.

After a person dies, the three souls leave the body and the spirit dissipates. Certain special conditions, such as those with great resentment, may produce obsessions, making the three souls condense and not disperse, thus forming ghosts or even evil ghosts.

The origin of Dong Xiaoyu's identity, Mao Xiaofang had already asked someone in Renjia Village during the daytime, and he died unexpectedly, which is very suitable for becoming a resentful spirit.

In addition, her body was buried near the place where the old lady Ren had just touched her body, and she was extremely yin, which is why she had grown to such strength in such a short period of time.


This kind of strength may be difficult for others to deal with, but in Mao Xiaofang's view, it belongs to the general category, and he can be easily killed with a little understanding of the truth.

Especially after he was promoted to the Leaving Aperture Realm.

In short.

Mao Xiaofang has a plan in his chest.



Dong Xiaoyu and Yu Dachu's two old lovers met, and it is conceivable that they immediately got carried away with excitement, after all, they are life-and-death friends.


The female ghost wanted to rush over and hug her lover.

However, at this time, Yu Dachu suddenly thought of something, and quickly reminded loudly: "Don't, don't come here! There is a trap here..."


It's too late.

But I saw the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu, on the way running, it was like a layer of electric grid was installed, and the whole body was wrapped in golden electric lights.

at the same time.

Billowing blue smoke rose.

Dong Xiaoyu also felt as if she had been burned and fried. She was in great pain and screamed again and again.

This is the activation of the magic talisman formation that Mao Xiaofang arranged in advance.


Yu Dachu was shocked.

Seeing the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu suffer so much, screaming in pain, he felt very uncomfortable, and quickly persuaded: "I'm sorry! It's all my fault, Xiaoyu, you are a good ghost, but we can't be together, you better go !"


The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu shook her head resolutely, looked at Yu Dachu affectionately, tried to force a smile and said, "Ah Chu, no one can separate us, not anyone!"

The words fell.

She started to explode.


Dong Xiaoyu's body was like a bursting balloon, suddenly spewing out infinite ghost energy. The ghostly aura was so vast that it forcibly resisted the blocking force of the spirit talisman array.

next moment……


The clothes on the female ghost exploded.

Dong Xiaoyu, who still had the air of Xiaojiabiyu just now, instantly returned to the original appearance of a female ghost, a little ferocious, a little scary...

But the most important thing is still her aura. Compared with just now, not only has it not weakened, but it has become stronger. At the same time, boundless resentment also erupted from her body, like nuclear fission, providing it with terror And huge power.


Mao Xiaofang, who was still interested in watching the show, saw this, his face darkened immediately, his eyes were full of surprise, and he murmured to himself: "I can't imagine that this female ghost's feelings for Ah Chu are true? Could it be that I misunderstood her?" gone?"

Ghost cultivators are different from other monks.

There is no specific method for their power source, they can use Yin and evil Qi to cultivate, and they can also devour the Yang Qi essence of living beings to improve...

And the most special among them is resentment.

Legend has it that at a certain time in ancient times, there was a woman who was full of resentment, and after she died, she turned into a ghost of extremely high realm, almost destroying the whole city.

Compared with other monks, they worked hard, spent countless financial resources and energy, and took huge risks to achieve the realm. This is simply a cheating existence.

There is no reason at all.


Having said that.

But according to many summaries and analyzes of ancient ancestors, the source of ghost cultivator's resentment is not generated out of thin air. The first necessary condition is that they have to give their true feelings. Marrow, only then can generate boundless resentment.

For example, Dong Xiaoyu, the female ghost in front of me.

If she hadn't given Yu Dachu her sincere feelings, she would certainly not have such terrible resentment, at most it was just some ordinary resentment.

On the other hand, the resentment on one side cannot improve her strength too much.

That's why Mao Xiaofang was so surprised. After all, Dong Xiaoyu is a female ghost and has been dead for several years, while Yu Dachu is a living person.

A life-and-death friendship like this is not common.

Most of it is for profit.


Even so, Mao Xiaofang will not give up his original intention, after all, people are humane, ghosts have ghosts. It is impossible for them to be together, forcibly renewing their relationship will only harm others and themselves.


The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu almost ran away.

Naturally, Mao Xiaofang couldn't stand by and watch anymore, he shouted in a deep voice, reminding Ah Chu to step aside, and at the same time he held a mahogany sword and a magic talisman, and rushed towards Dong Xiaoyu.


Dong Xiaoyu is not a vegetarian either.

What's more, she was still in a state of rage, and when she saw Mao Xiaofang rushing over, she was unceremonious, roared angrily, and launched an attack instantly.

"Hiss hiss!"

Her beautiful hair turned into a waterfall in an instant, and it grew in the wind, like a python coming out, or like a stormy sea, curling, clapping, entangled, and attacking Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang has profound Taoism, facing the extremely weird and flexible female ghost attack, he is fearless and calmly responds.

The fire talisman and the thunder talisman were used by him to the fullest, and the sharp edge of the mahogany sword was even more invincible and unrivaled.

Although the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu's strength has increased a lot, the gap with Mao Xiaofang is still too far behind. In particular, his Taoism and magic tools were extremely restrained against Dong Xiaoyu, so when the two sides fought, Mao Xiaofang always had the upper hand.

It's also because Mao Xiaofang didn't intend to hurt her life, otherwise, with his way, how could it be so troublesome, if he didn't have three or two moves, he would directly kill Dong Xiaoyu.

Lei Xiu knew it clearly.

On the other hand, Yu Dachu was careless, caring about Dong Xiaoyu's safety, he didn't understand Mao Xiaofang's good intentions at all, he just kept worrying beside him, or reminding Dong Xiaoyu to be careful to dodge Mao Xiaofang s attack.


Mao Xiaofang was so angry when he heard it.


A typical one who has a lover and does not need a master!

I am also angry!

He secretly swore that after Dong Xiaoyu's problem was solved, he would punish Yu Dachu severely in the future, so that this traitor would know who is the last person to mess with!

at the same time……

With this anger.

Mao Xiaofang also struck a little harder, but accidentally, the power of the Thunder Talisman became a little bit stronger, and then chopped Dong Xiaoyu down from the sky on the spot.


Yu Dachu could no longer stand on his feet.

Seeing Dong Xiaoyu being struck by lightning, he rushed over regardless.


Seeing Yu Dachu and Dong Xiaoyu hugging each other tightly and looking pitiful, Mao Xiaofang, who wanted to reprimand this traitor, was suddenly speechless for some reason.

Especially when Yu Dachu firmly protected Dong Xiaoyu behind him, and then looked at him with a pair of unwavering eyes that were full of hatred at the same time.

this moment.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help questioning himself.

"I'm doing this, right?"


He was speechless.

After all, Mao Xiaofang has experienced love in his life. Naturally, there is no way to understand and feel Yu Dachu's mood and thoughts at the moment.

He just simply wanted to protect this disciple, but he didn't know whether these were what Yu Dachu really wanted.

"That's all!"

After a long while.

Mao Xiaofang finally shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "I won't take care of this matter anymore. But there is one thing, you must remember, Ah Chu!"

"Humans and ghosts have different paths, forcing them to be together is against the law of heaven. If something happens in the future, you need to be responsible for your decision today!"

"You guys do it yourself!"


Turn around and leave after speaking.

The back is bleak, desolate and lonely.


Lei Xiu took a deep look at Ah Chu and Dong Xiaoyu, and said, "Take care!" Then he followed Mao Xiaofang and left together.


It took a while for Ah Chu to come back to his senses, then he stared wide-eyed and muttered to himself in a daze: "Master, what does this mean? Could it be that you don't want me?!"

Think here.

He couldn't help but start to panic a little.


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