The Storm God

Chapter 3141 Put a long line to catch big fish! (Please subscribe!)


On the way back, Lei Xiu also asked her own doubts: "Are you asking Brother Ah Chu to leave? Will this be too... what?"


Mao Xiaofang paused slightly when he heard the words.

Then he returned to normal, continued to move forward, and at the same time replied: "As a teacher, there is nothing I can do. Think about it, if others find out, as a disciple of the teacher, there is a female ghost by his side..."

Lei Xiu suddenly realized.

At this time, Mao Xiaofang continued to explain: "In short, it is good for everyone to let Ah Chu leave temporarily. When he thinks it through in the future, he will naturally come back."

The implication is that this is only temporary, and I didn't say that I would expel him from the school.

As for Yu Dachu's understanding?


None of that matters.


the next day.

When Yu Dachu returned to the inn, Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu had already packed their things, left Renjiacun, and went to Chenjiacun.

after all……

There is still the case of Qilin Stone, waiting for them to deal with it.

They have been delayed for two days in Renjia Village, if this delay continues, God knows what will happen to Chenjia Village.


That night.

After Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu returned to the inn, they packed up their things and left overnight. Anyway, they had already rested during the day, so they didn't need to rest at night.

And Yu Dachu was depressed.


He still didn't quite believe that Mao Xiaofang would let him leave, but the current situation all showed that Mao Xiaofang meant to drive him away.

Otherwise, why did they leave overnight without knowing themselves at all?

"Ah Chu..."

The female ghost Dong Xiaoyu hid in the soul nourishing talisman refined by Ah Chu. Seeing Yu Dachu feeling sad, she couldn't help comforting her, "It's okay, you still have me, I won't leave you..."


Yu Dachu smiled wryly.

The heart said, no, this is different, that is a completely different matter.


Confused for a moment.

Yu Dachu finally made a decision: "I'm going to Chenjiacun!"


Dong Xiaoyu was very puzzled.

Puzzled: "Ah Chu, since he chased you away, why did he chase after you? Could it be that we can't live without him?"

"You do not understand!"

Yu Dachu did not explain further.

As he hurried towards Chenjiacun, he said casually, "I won't give up until I get a definite answer!"


Gantian Town.

Bai Xiaofei was very happy at this moment.

Because I went to the rice shop of Rose yesterday, and the harvest was very rich. Not only did he get more secrets about the Living Buddha from Xiao Xiami, but Ma Xiaohai also managed to find a clue for him that might be related to the three sisters of the Moth Demon.


Early this morning.

So he took Ma Xiaohai, left Gantian Town, and came to the provincial capital.

Rumor has it that three criminals who know magic will be captured and brought back today for trial. According to the development of the original plot, the three moth demon sisters will attack the three guys in order to find the so-called masters and gain strength to improve themselves.

So as soon as Bai Xiaofei heard the news, he decided to come over to see the situation. Even if the three moth demon sisters didn't show up, it doesn't matter. He took the three criminals into his hands in advance and packaged them as high-spirited people, using this as bait. Don't worry about them not showing up.


These things, Bai Xiaofei will not tell Ma Xiaohai. He just said that he had other things to do when he came to the provincial capital, but he didn't mention what it was.

Although Ma Xiaohai is dull, he still has eyesight.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't want to say more, he didn't ask any more. It's rare to come to the provincial capital, and there is no master by his side, so Ma Xiaohai naturally wants to have a good time.

As for the content of the game, it is also very simple. In addition to walking around and seeing more, it is basically shopping. After all, in this era, there are not many entertainment items.

And things like brothels are Ma Xiaohai's taboo.


There isn't much he can do.

As the boss, Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't treat his younger brother badly. Before leaving, he gave Ma Xiaohai a large sum of money, letting him spend it as he wanted, without saving it for himself.

The two then went their separate ways.

Provincial Police Department.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power opened up, and he easily invaded inside, thus knowing the exact situation of the three criminals and the outcome of the trial.

The three of them know some fists and kicks themselves, and they are very powerful. In addition, they know the thaumaturgy of [Inviting God to Upper Body], so they can burst out with considerable power at critical moments.

Relying on this ability, they committed crimes and committed crimes in the vicinity of the provincial capital, and did many bad things. In order to capture the three of them back, many people in the police force died.


They were full of crimes and received heavy sentences.

In view of the fact that the three criminals are not locals, and for some other reasons, they must be escorted back to the local area for detention and punishment.

Coincidentally, Gantian Town is on the only way for the three criminals to be transported.

That is to say, even if Bai Xiaofei didn't do anything, the three of them would pass through Gantian Town, and then escorted for a certain distance with the assistance of Captain Song and other police officers.

"It's all here, idle is idle, so let's control it first!"

Bai Xiaofei thought truthfully in his heart.


After three criminals were taken to prison, he launched his operation.

The figure turned into a phantom, and while sneaking into the prison, the terrifying spiritual force also enveloped the entire police station in an instant.

next moment.

The illusory real illusion comes.

Everyone in the police hall fell into hallucinations and hallucinations.

Under such circumstances, Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared, walked into the prison in a big way, and finally came in front of the three criminals.

"It's interesting!"

Taking a closer look, Bai Xiaofei discovered that these three criminals were not only physically strong, but also possessed a not-so-weak mana.

Think about it too.

If there is no mana, how can it be used to invite the gods?

Although the level of the three of them is not high, they are not comparable to those of ordinary people. In the original plot, even the three of Mao Xiaofang, the master and his apprentice, faced the three criminals. It was only with fist and kick that they were defeated.

It can be seen from this that although these three criminals do not have high mana, they are very experienced and domineering in the skill of inviting gods.


It also happened to provide a very good material basis for Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and at the same time bewitched and hypnotized the three of them with his spiritual power, he also gave them three bottles of Ice Phoenix holy water.


The three of them drank the Ice Phoenix holy water without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei used his ability to completely seal the power of the Ice Phoenix Holy Water into the bodies of the three of them with a 100% absorption level.

In this way.

The three criminals will release a unique aura of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, just like the modern version of Tang monk meat, which has a fatal allure to some monks.

And Bai Xiaofei's move was not only to lure the three moth demons to take the bait, but also to put a long line to catch big fish, trying to lure out the evil way that was hidden deep down.

after all……

In this doomed age.

It is extremely rare to have the treasures of heaven and earth and the aura of earth veins at the level of the three of them.

Whether it's for repairing the injury or improving himself, Bai Xiaofei believes that the evil way can't help but come forward to take a look. And as long as he hides behind the scenes and deploys well, he won't have to worry about not being able to find the other party's clues.

After doing all this.

Bai Xiaofei left the prison and released the illusion.

at the same time.

Three strands of aura as vast as the sea soared into the sky.


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