The Storm God

Chapter 3142 Divine mind avatar, moth monster out of hole! (Please subscribe!)

And at the same time as the three visions of spiritual energy soaring into the sky rose.

Gantian Town.

In a hidden corner.


A figure sitting cross-legged seemed to sense something, opened his eyes suddenly, and said in surprise: "What an amazing aura!"


His brow wrinkled.

Something is wrong!

This world is the Dharma-ending age, and the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted. Even if there are any treasures of heaven and earth, or the birth of a god, the probability is extremely low.

Now there are three...

I'm afraid there are ghosts!


The truth is this.

But the reality is right in front of his eyes, such a delicious cake happens to be exactly what he needs, if he doesn't fight for it, it would be too cowardly.

The mind is spinning.

The man soon had an idea, and saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, followed by making seals, and a phantom floated from his body.

The phantom curled up, without substance, but the breath was extraordinarily powerful. According to the division of realms in this world, at least one must have the peak level of the realm of God on the day of leaving the body.

And this is far from the peak of that person.


This phantom is just a trace of his divine thoughts, even if it is destroyed, it will not have any effect on himself. On the contrary, through its existence, this person can know many things.

With this person's operation, the phantom of the spiritual sense became more and more solid, and almost in an instant, it turned into a real figure, but its appearance was a standard passerby armor configuration. That is to say, if you throw it in the crowd, you can't find any appearance.


The man ordered to the avatar transformed by the divine mind.


The divine sense avatar nodded, and then turned into a wisp of green smoke, flew out of the space where the man was meditating, and then went straight to the direction of the provincial capital.

And in the space.

The man closed his eyes, and thought to himself: "Damn! If I hadn't been cheated by those old yin ratios in the space, my strength would have been greatly damaged, and my realm would no longer be restored; with my ability, why should I suffer such a bird's temper?" !"


"Hurry up, as long as you refine the yin qi and earth veins in your body, together with the three sky-high aura treasures, this seat's strength can be restored to at least 70% of its peak..."

"At that time, the whole world will belong to this seat!"


Think of excitement.

The man could no longer restrain the emotions in his body, and couldn't help laughing out loud.


at the same time.

In a certain wilderness at the back of the provincial capital.

In a very hidden cave, the three moth demon sisters, who are practicing diligently and striving to become immortals as soon as possible, also felt the three soaring aura fluctuations.


The three sisters opened their eyes instantly.

They looked at each other, eyes full of shock and excitement. One of the beautiful women in ancient costumes who is very similar to the actress Yang Gongru said: "Great, our chance has come!"

This demon, whose name is Yingying, is the eldest among the three sisters. He is powerful and has practiced for nearly two thousand years. The other two Yao Susu and Qingqing are not as good as her.

The three of them sisters practiced the Dafa of Ascension to Immortals, and devoured the true essence of Taoist masters, and the yang energy of mortals. I don't know how many years it took to reach the current state. But now, before they become immortals, there is only the true essence of the last Taoist master left.

Yingying knows a little bit about divination.

She calculated that the last chance should be near the provincial capital. But the specific place, but for some reason, cannot be calculated.


These days, they have been wandering around, and when they meet some villains, they will unceremoniously devour the other person's yang energy and essence to improve their own cultivation.

After all, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Those gangsters who robbed Song Zilong and other members of the police force and knew a little bit of magic were killed by the three moth demon sisters.

It's just that when the level reaches a certain bottleneck, if you want to go further, you need more than just a little amount.

Catalysis is also required.

And this quality, it is best to be the real essence of a master.


The yang energy and essence energy of other mortals, no matter how much they have, are almost useless, because a drop in the bucket, that little bit of strength, is not even enough for their usual expenditure of transformation.

Because of this, if there is nothing serious, they generally will not leave this temporary cave and go outside to roam around.

Staying in the cave to cultivate, although the progress is extremely slow, but at least it will not waste essence and mana, and even accumulate a little bit.

But going out is different.

To know.

None of the three moth demon sisters have truly become immortals, nor have they fully transformed into human forms. Their current forms and appearances are all condensed and transformed by their own magic power.

In other words, unless you show up in the form of your body, you have to "consume" when you go out, and this consumption is not usually small.

If it is placed in a world or environment rich in aura, this consumption is just a matter of sprinkling water, but in this degenerate age, it is an extreme luxury.

To maintain the balance between their mana expenditure and income, their only choice is to devour the yang energy and essence of living beings to supplement their huge consumption of mana.


And that's just one of them.

The biggest key is mainly the exercises they cultivated. One is that they are not complete at all, and the other is that they took shortcuts in order to speed up their cultivation.

Once you devour mortal yang energy, essence energy, and even get the true essence of a superior person, you can have the Taoism equivalent to hundreds of years of penance in an instant...


Such a good thing, who can be the winner?

in short.

They are completely addicted.

Just like smoking opium, you must devour yang and essence regularly, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable all over, your mana will be disordered, it will be difficult to maintain your current body shape, and you will appear as a monster.

Only by staying in the cave, practicing intensively and immersing themselves in it, can the three moth demon sisters barely restrain their addiction to "smoke".


It's different now.

After feeling the fluctuations of the three soaring auras, among the three moth demon sisters, whether it is the impulsive second child, the youngest who has no opinion, or the calm and calm eldest, they can no longer restrain their inner desires. = looked forward to.

Three soaring auras!

A treasure of this level is definitely comparable to the essence of a Taoist master.

That is to say, as long as they can obtain these three treasures, the three moth demon sisters will be able to break through the last shackles of cultivation, successfully ascend to immortality, and completely break away from the category of demons.

Such a temptation, how can you tell them not to be surprised or happy?

After the boss Yingying regained her composure, she quickly pinched her fingers and calculated the divination. Finally, her eyes lit up and she said happily, "The three soaring auras are in the nearby provincial capital. God help me to wait!"

"That would be great!"

The second child Susu said happily: "Sister, what are we waiting for? Why don't we fly to the provincial capital and look for the three hosts with soaring spiritual energy!"


The third chick nodded like pecking at rice and said: "These three auras are too strong, and it is likely to attract other practitioners. If we don't hurry up, maybe others will take the lead!"

Although this world is the end of the Dharma, there are still many monsters and evil things, such as the three moth sisters, and other goblins and ghosts hiding in the deep mountains.

Usually, these existences may not go out of the door or step out, just want to be at ease. But if any shocking treasure is born, it will be completely different.


The law of the jungle is the first rule of survival in their world.

Compared with human beings, these monsters and evil creatures are more direct and ruthless in their pursuit of interests, and they are cruel and merciless.

For the bright future of the three sisters, the boss Yingying nodded heavily when she heard the words, then looked at the two sisters resolutely, and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then let's go to the provincial capital to fight, whoever dares to stop us Three sisters, don't blame us for being rude!"


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