The Storm God

Chapter 3144 Want to be a oriole? Come down for me! (Please subscribe!)

provincial capital.

Inside the police prison.

The three baits quickly got Bai Xiaofei's instructions, and then saw them each pull out a little man made of straw from their arms.


Spell casting.

The three scarecrows instantly changed into their appearance.

And these three criminals directly used the escape technique taught by Bai Xiaofei, left the prison, and headed towards the western outskirts of the provincial capital at high speed.

no way.

The war will start soon, so we can't involve all the innocent people around, can we? There are no people in the west, which is suitable for fishing!

at the same time.

The three groups of people who came from other directions seemed to have sensed their shift, and the direction of their advance also changed suddenly, coming to the west.

In the provincial capital.

Bai Xiaofei took Ma Xiaohai along, leisurely and leisurely also heading west.

Gantian Town is just to the west of the provincial capital, so it just happened to be on the way. The three baits were given the task of playing tricks on each other by Bai Xiaofei, and there would be no problem for a while.


He is not in a hurry.

While driving slowly, you can also watch a good show.

Among the three incoming enemies, the fastest one is undoubtedly the most low-key and secretive guy. Even though this guy has discovered the three criminals, he still didn't attack directly. Instead, he found a hiding place and hid .


He also sensed the arrival of other people, and wanted to have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind him, so that he could reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

As everyone knows, a mountain is higher than a mountain, and the strong have their own strong hands. When it comes to being a fisherman, he is still far behind.

Closer to home.

Except for that guy, the three moth demon sisters in the north, and the special breath in the east, they arrived almost at the same time.


The two sides immediately launched a confrontation.

There is no other reason.

Because both of them were aware of it, the other party was not human at all.

That's right.

Except for the three moth demon sisters.

That old guy who came from the east, with a fairy-like bone and a childlike face, looked like a fairy, wearing an ancient robe and holding a Zen staff, he was also transformed by a monster, and his body was always colorful. Venomous spider.


They are also monsters, but this old guy who looks like a Taoist, but also holds a Buddhist Zen staff, puts on a righteous and awe-inspiring posture, wanting to subjugate demons and eliminate demons.

That is.

He didn't come for the bait of three criminals.

The purpose of the old guy's coming here is to protect them, and at the same time deal with other demons and ghosts with evil intentions.

Just like the three moth demon sisters in front of me!

"Old guy, I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine, looking for death!" Susu, the second of the three Moth sisters, wanted to let the old guy go, after all, there is a better choice in front of him, so there is no reason to ask for it Not very tasty stuff.


The old guy was very stubborn.

No matter what the three sisters say, they just can't do it, the three of them must give up their covetousness towards the three criminals, and they are not allowed to hurt anyone again...

This is simply impossible!


The two sides disagreed with each other, and immediately started fighting.

The three moth demon sisters have a deep friendship and have always acted together. Moreover, this old guy transformed into a spider spirit is also extremely powerful. It is difficult for any one of the three sisters to compete with him.

The three sisters teamed up with each other and had a tacit understanding. Although the old spider had profound knowledge and treasures, he was no match for six hands with two fists, and finally fell into a disadvantage and retreated steadily.


"Let's fight, let's fight, the harder you fight, the more effort I will save when I start to fight later. This time I really made money!"

"Three auras and blood food, plus four goblins' abilities..."

"It's enough to make me recover 90%!"


It's pitch black here.

On the other side, the divine sense avatar hiding in the dark was extremely excited and secretly happy. A pair of eyes are full of green light, like a hungry wolf.


No matter how loud his calculations were, they still couldn't withstand the intervention of Bai Xiaofei, the black hand behind the scenes. The next moment, the avatar of divine sense couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the three criminals no longer stood still and watched the show, but directly chose to help the old spider, and all joined the battle group to deal with the three moth demon sisters together.

Not only that.

They also all resorted to their housekeeping skills - God hit the upper body.

A Monkey King who turned into a havoc in the Heavenly Palace, armed with a stick, swept away thousands of troops; a problem child who transformed into a troubled sea, Nezha, with a fire-pointed gun, Qiankun circle, Huntian silk, gold bricks, and all kinds of magic weapons directly Big wholesale sale!

The last one to invite the gods was Erlangshen, the holy and true emperor of Guanjiangkou. He held a war halberd and opened his eyes.

Yingying, the most powerful of the three sisters, is not having a good time.

Because she was facing a full two players - the old spider spirit who was not weaker than her in Dao Xing's strength, and Monkey King!


With the addition of the three criminals, the advantages of the three moth demon sisters suddenly disappeared, and they immediately fell into a disadvantage, and they were losing ground at an astonishing speed.

And all of this was naturally directed by Bai Xiaofei. Its purpose is to lure that old Yinbi hiding in the dark to end.

Do you want to be a weasel and reap the benefits of a fisherman?


I will not let you succeed.

not end?


Then watch helplessly as the three moth demon sisters are defeated and subdued. At that time, the three criminals and the old spider have completely put on a pair of pants, let's see how you can play?

as expected.

"Damn it!"

Lao Yin, who was hiding in the dark, was naturally aware of the situation at the scene. Only by showing up by yourself can the balance of the battle be maintained.


Once the three moth demon sisters were defeated, they would probably have to face the three spirit energy blood eaters and the old spider by themselves.

Of course, these are all important. The most important thing is that if the three moth demon sisters are killed on the spot, the benefits he gets will be greatly reduced.

So, whether it's for profit or something else.

All divine sense avatars must stand up.

next moment……


In the already chaotic battlefield, another person was added immediately.

The divine sense avatar finally appeared.

"I'm here to help you!"


The appearance of the divine mind avatar is very ordinary.

His attire is no different from that of ordinary people, but his strikes are extremely terrifying, powerful, and extremely vicious.

Just for a moment.

The situation on the entire battlefield was abruptly reversed by him.

Whether it was the three criminals or the old spider, they were all pushed back by him. It was rare to find a trace of calm in the chaotic battlefield.

The scene was directly divided into three parts, the moth demon's three sisters, the three criminals and the old spider's group, and the divine mind avatar himself.

"Who are you?"

The boss looked at the avatar with complicated eyes, and asked, "Why do you want to help us? We don't seem to know each other?"

Although they seldom interact with outsiders, they still know that there is no free lunch in the world, not to mention that the person in front of them is not a good bird at first glance.

The three moth demon sisters are especially cautious when dealing with such a guy.

It's the same even if the other party is here to help you, because maybe the other party's real purpose is yourself.

after all……

The law of the jungle is the first rule of survival for monsters.

For no reason, why do people help you? Is it because you guys look good? Do not make jokes!

In short.

For this guy who suddenly appeared to help them, the three moth demon sisters were very vigilant. And the old spider on the other side was also very afraid of him.

His morality is higher than that of the three moth demon sisters, so he can deeply understand the power and terror of the coming person, especially the resentment and evil spirit that he has seen in his life.

In other words.

Nine out of ten this person is a big devil who does all kinds of evil!

Never take it lightly!


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