The Storm God

Chapter 3145 Finally caught you! (Please subscribe!)


The divine sense avatar is so depressing.

Seeing the three moth demon sisters looking at him vigilantly, the old spider here seemed to be facing an enemy again, and the degree of anger in his heart was almost indescribable.

Depend on!

I helped you out, but you are still guarding against me?

You three have persecution delusions, right?


Anger returns to anger.

The play should still be played.

If the extraordinary duck flies away, it will be depressed to grandma's house!

So far.

The identity of the divine sense hurriedly said: "Now is not the time to explain, if there is any problem, let's talk about it after taking down those three guys!"

The implication is that my target is not you, but those three guys.

We all have common interests, don't fight among ourselves!


The three moth demon sisters looked at each other, with suspicion and disbelief in their eyes, but more fear and hesitation.

no way.

Who made the strength displayed by the divine sense avatar too terrifying? The three sisters didn't have the confidence to resist him, so naturally they didn't dare to seek skin from the tiger.

If I get involved myself, wouldn't it be a loss to grandma's house?

at last……

Both Susu and Qingqing looked at Yingying.

Obviously, the two younger ones didn't have any ideas, so they put all the decision-making power directly on the boss Yingying.

She said to do it, and the two of them followed suit.

Otherwise go together.


Yingying suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

To be honest, her intuition told herself that the divine mind avatar was not reliable. However, the current situation is so urgent.

This is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that they have been waiting for for a long time.

No one gives up easily.


The stakes are also high.

In the end is it a risky fight, seeking wealth and wealth? Or continue to develop insignificantly and survive in a stable way? It was difficult for Yingying to make a decision for a while.

After all, this also involves the safety of the two sisters, not just her own business, which needs to be carefully considered.


On the other side, the divine sense avatar waited a little anxiously.

Seeing that the three moth demon sisters were still swaying and not giving him an accurate answer, he immediately rolled his eyes and looked directly at the old spider.



He said nothing.

He was alone, and directly attacked the old spider. Obviously, the divine sense avatar is trying to force the three moth demon sisters into the water.

Now that I have been beaten, I still want to fuck. If you delay any longer, no one can get these three spiritual energy and blood food.

That's what he was trying to convey.


And the three moth demon sisters understood it in an instant, and their faces became extremely ugly, with a feeling of being cheated, and their faces were sullen.


The spiritual clone and the old spider are in a fierce battle.

In terms of overall strength, the Divine Sense clone is naturally stronger, but this time, in order to dispel the concerns of the three Moth sisters, he wisely retained some strength and means, and did not use all his abilities.

This gave the three moth demon sisters a false impression that this person was nothing more than that. Although his skills and conduct were profound, his abilities and methods were very ordinary.

In layman's terms, it is a silver-like pewter gun head.

In fact.

Such existence is not without.

In their past lives, the three moth demon sisters have encountered several such cases. They thought that the other party was some kind of terrifying monster, but they turned out to be a fool who only knew how to practice but had no powerful means at all.

Then the other party was swallowed alive by their sisters.

And now...

Here in the divine sense avatar.

They saw the same scene, coupled with the fact that the avatar of divine sense pulled them into the water with a conspiracy, once the battle started, the three sisters couldn't control so much immediately.

Let's do it first.

In short.

Those three guys with extraordinary aura belong to our three sisters, no one can take them away!

that's all……

Fighting broke out again.

And compared to last time's worries and timidity, this time, the two sides have completely let go of each other, and almost all of them have shown their true abilities.

in short.

That was all a real hit.

The first one to go all out was the old spider who was beaten badly by the divine sense avatar. In his rage, he didn't care about his immortal demeanor, and directly showed his own body, turning into a huge magic spider , showing his unique skills——

"The sky and the earth net!"


The spider silk ejected from his tail turned into a big net covering the world almost instantly, covering the three moth demon sisters and the clone of divine sense.

This heavenly net is not only very tough, hard to hurt with a knife and axe, but also has amazing stickiness and toxicity, which is very terrifying.

Although the three moth demon sisters are powerful, their Sannaihe biological characteristics have already been restrained by the spider. Now that the other party shows its true body and uses special skills, even if they try their best, they are still suppressed in a very embarrassing and miserable way.

Fortunately, there is a clone of divine sense to help them resolve the crisis from time to time, otherwise, the three sisters, even if they are not injured, will be restrained and troubled for a while.

And the three most annoying people who were turned into puppets by Bai Xiaofei didn't intervene in it now, but hid aside, watching the good show with relish.

It wasn't that they crossed the river and demolished the bridge, but that the old spider's move covered too much area, making no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. If they don't dodge, I'm afraid they will also be bound by the net, so they can only jump out of the battle circle.


Jump out and jump out.

But this does not mean that they really did nothing. Whenever the three moth demon sisters want to rush out, or when there is any change in the avatar of the divine sense, they will wait for the opportunity to take action against them. An extremely precise long-range strike.

"Damn it!"

The divine sense avatar was suddenly furious.

He has been in the reincarnation space for so long, and he has never been so aggrieved.

Seeing that the old spider's vast web was about to start to shrink, the divine sense avatar couldn't stand it anymore.

He came directly to the three moth demon sisters, and said, "I'll find a way to hold back the retracting movement of the net, and you go deal with that old spider!"

Although the three moth demon sisters are powerful, they have nothing to do with the spider web.

After all, the restraint is too powerful.


Without the heaven and earth net, the situation would be another matter.

In order not to expose himself and at the same time strengthen the trust of the three moth demon sisters in him, the divine mind avatar took the initiative to choose this most difficult task.

And the three moth demon sisters were not polite to him either.

When the divine sense avatar turned its head to hold back the net, the three sisters were also surrounded together, releasing their demonic power, ready to start their big move.

at this time.

The three criminals, who were supposed to help, suddenly pretended to be powerless, and quit the state of praying to the upper body one after another, and all returned to their normal appearance, limp on the ground, expressing their powerlessness.

As a result, the old spider alone endured all the attacks and pressure from the divine mind avatar and the three moth demon sisters, complaining endlessly.


Soon, the ultimate move of the three moth demon sisters was finished.

In an instant, the sky was full of lin powder, like rain, and at the same time, countless long sleeves, dancing wildly like spirit snakes, all shot towards the old spider angrily.

"My life is over!"

The poor old spider has been completely dragged down by the divine mind avatar at this time, unable to dodge, and can only close his eyes to resist the trick of the three moth demon sisters.

But just when he thought he was going to die here, the expected attack did not come.

On the contrary, there was a small voice full of inexplicable breath and charm, which suddenly came from the void, which made the old spider feel very comfortable.

Open your eyes and take a look.

At some point in front of him, there was already a handsome young man. But the attack of the three moth demon sisters stopped less than an inch in front of the young man, and they couldn't go any further.

the other side.

The divine sense avatar seemed to have seen something terrifying, with a look of horror on his face, without saying a word, he directly transferred and ran away.



He had just turned around, and he still had time to start his escape movements. A huge golden thing like a big bell was suddenly buckled from the void, and it was suppressed and locked inside on the spot.

And the man who suddenly appeared was none other than Bai Xiaofei.

However, when Bai Xiaofei raised his hand slightly, the huge transparent golden clock spun and shrank, and flew directly into his palm.

Looking at the horrified avatar of divine sense inside the golden bell, Bai Xiaofei had a smile on his face: "I finally caught you, even though it's just a avatar of divine sense..."


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