The Storm God

Chapter 3146 Why don't you come with me? (Please subscribe!)

Somewhere in the suburbs.


Ma Xiaohai looked confused: "Bai, where is Mr. Bai?"

Where did it go?

It was clearly still there just now.

How did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

what's the situation?


This side of the scene.

Bai Xiaofei was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Because he finally got his wish. Not only did he lure out the three Moth Demon sisters, but he also had a good Spider-Man, and he even caught the evil spirit who had been hiding for a long time.

Even if the other party is just a clone of divine sense.

"Sun thief, you are very good at hiding!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly.

But the evil spirit avatar, facing such a smile, fell into the ice cellar, the chill surged wildly, and his heart was full of fear and horror.

"So strong!"

"What is the origin of this person? How did he appear?"

"I didn't realize it at all..."

"be cheated!"

until now.

He finally came to his senses.

What kind of spiritual energy and blood food, it is completely a trap for this bastard to lure him into the bait, and he is just waiting for himself to jump into it foolishly.

Fortunately, I was still cautious and didn't let the deity come here rashly. Even if the avatar of this divine sense is caught, it's no big deal.

Because I can disappear at any time...


The divine sense avatar just thought of something to be proud of.

Immediately afterwards, his face changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of shock, horror, and disbelief.

"what happened?"

"Why can't I remove the deity's spell? And even the connection is broken directly?"

"Could it be this Jin Zhong's fault?"

"This is bad!"


The Divine Sense clone, who was relatively confident at first, suddenly panicked.

Especially when he looked at Bai Xiaofei's meaningful smile looking at him, he knew that he was really screwed this time.

Even if it was only the avatar of divine sense that was caught, and not the true deity, I am afraid that a lot of information would be poached by this terrifying master of unknown origin.

Do not doubt.

Because of similar abilities, he is not without it.


He never expected.

One day, I will end up in such a situation, and I still don't even have the ability to resist. It really is the reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good.

Regardless of the thoughts and reactions of the divine mind avatar.

A few people next to me.

Whether it was the three moth demon sisters or the old spider spirit, they were also frightened by Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared and suppressed and imprisoned the clone of divine sense with one move.

Both sides put on vigilant and alert postures, but if Bai Xiaofei had any unruly intentions, they would immediately take measures.


It is definitely impossible to fight.

This point can be seen just by Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance and one move to suppress the spiritual avatar, because neither of them has the confidence to do this.

Therefore, the so-called measure can only be to escape.

And the reason why they didn't turn around and run away immediately is because they still don't know the purpose of Bai Xiaofei's appearance?

What if you are not hostile to yourself?

If I ran away so suddenly, I might accidentally provoke the other party and put myself on the hostile list, which is not worth the loss.


Even though the situation on the scene is very dangerous, for the slightest possibility, the three moth demon sisters and the old spider must take a gamble.

What if we win?

As for the three criminals, they were very calm.

After all, it was a puppet concocted by Bai Xiaofei himself. Seeing the master appearing now, of course he didn't have much reaction.

And this.

Whether it was the three moth demon sisters or the old spider spirit, they could all see it. Then they suddenly realized that all of this was a trap set by this person.

The three humans with soaring spiritual energy were the bait thrown by the master in front of him, and the guy who was suppressed and imprisoned was the main target.

As for myself and others?


It may or may not be in it.

The specific situation depends on what the master in front of him is thinking. After all, no matter the three moth demon sisters or the old spider, they are not human, if the other party wants to subjugate demons...

It would be a tragedy for both parties.


Among the three moth demon sisters, the second eldest, Susu, is the most reckless and the most impatient. Now she feels tremendous psychological pressure and can't vomit.

So the first one couldn't help but speak.


She just said a word, and was immediately stopped by the boss Yingying.

Glancing at Susu with serious eyes, Yingying turned around and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Senior, we offended you before, please forgive me for offending you, if you have any dissatisfaction, feel free to speak up, We will do our best to…”


She has figured everything out.

If the existence beyond these goals of myself wants to leave safely, I am afraid that I will have to bleed a lot today.


It is very likely that he will be suppressed and subdued on the spot by the more terrifying master in front of him, just like the guy with the same unknown origin.

Of course Yingying didn't want to do that.

Therefore, she took the initiative to stand up, intending to confess and be lenient, and surrender obediently. Let alone other things, the attitude of admitting mistakes has to be shown first.

And the other side.

Compared to the trembling Moth Demon sisters, the old spider spirit seemed much calmer. Guyin has a clear conscience and no evil intentions.


There are still some fears.

After all, there are very few monks these days. For the sake of cultivation, all the principles of heaven and morality can be ignored.

Just like the three moth demon sisters, devouring the yang energy of living beings and gaining the essence of masters, this is the most basic embodiment of the law of the jungle.

Even if the old spider spirit didn't harm anyone, and even did a lot of good things, are these important? For some beings, these are of no use at all.

Now he only hopes that the horror master in front of him is a decent person with a moral bottom line, otherwise he might be killed today.


Even so, he will not sit still.


Looking at the three moth demon sisters who were terrified, and the old spider spirit who was calm on the surface but was already ready to fight with him at any time, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be nervous, my main target is not you."

Speaking of which.

He showed off the mini golden clock in his hand and the clone of divine sense imprisoned in it, which means that this is my dish.


Even if he said so, the three moth demon sisters and the old spider spirit still did not let down their vigilance. Who knows whether this person is telling the truth or a lie.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, even if it is the truth, one should maintain due caution.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these, he put away the golden bell, then looked at the three moth demon sisters, and said: "I have heard about some of your deeds, I know that you have lived for a long time, and you may know many things, just so I want to What are you asking, if it’s convenient for you, why don’t you come with me?”


Immediately afterwards, You said: "Of course, there is a reward. What do you think of this?"

The voice did not fall.

In Bai Xiaofei's hand, there were already three bottles of Ice Phoenix holy water.

And it's mid-range.

"That is……"

The eyes of the three moth demon sisters suddenly brightened, and they were extremely pleasantly surprised.

Even the old spider spirit on the other side was no exception. Feeling the incomparably huge aura energy of the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Immortal product, natural material and earthly treasure?!"


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