The Storm God

Chapter 3148 The guest of the yin and yang fantasy world comes to the inn! (Please subscribe!)

After a while.

Ma Xiaohai finally found Bai Xiaofei.

To be precise, it should be Bai Xiaofei who found him. After all, Ma Xiaohai's location is still very far from the scene of the previous battle.

"Mr. Bai, they are..."

Ma Xiaohai stared blankly at the three moth demon sisters and the fairy old spider spirit, a little dazed and stupefied, and more dazed.

Although his strength is not very high, he still has good eyesight, whether it is the three moth demon sisters or the old spider spirit, Ma Xiaohai can tell at a glance that the other party is not human.

Bai Xiaofei's strength is many times higher than Ma Xiaohai's, so there's no reason why he can't see the other party's true identity.


The more this is the case, the more Ma Xiaohai can't understand that Mr. Bai left suddenly before, but now he is with a group of goblins...

What's the situation?


Ma Xiaohai's doubts were almost written all over his face, so Bai Xiaofei couldn't fail to see it, he smiled slightly, without further explanation, he just said: "Some friends who just met, their identities are not important, don't care about these details... "


Poor Ma Xiaohai stood there in a daze.

Identity doesn't matter?


They are all fairies!

Isn't our duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons?

You treat them as friends and tell me not to care about these details? Mr. Bai, what on earth are you going to do? If Master finds out about this...

Just thought of this.

The old spider spirit then came to Ma Xiaohai's side, and said to him with a smile: "My fellow Taoist, Xu Zhuzi, if there is anything wrong with what I did in Fuxi Hall in the future, please forgive me..."


Ma Xiaohai looked at the old spider blankly, and said in his heart: "This guy... is obviously a spider spirit. Not only does he not have any demonic, sinister or resentful aura, but he has an extremely strong Taoist aura and a little bit of Buddhist magic power?"

"Could it be that this is a good elf who has never harmed anyone?"

"What's the matter with them?"


Ma Xiaohai is at the fourth level of Qi training.

The power of the primordial spirit is already at a low level, so it is not difficult to see the specialness of the old spider spirit, as well as the incomparably strong evil spirit, Yin energy and resentment of the three moth demon sisters.

The old spider is very spirited, he doesn't look like a bad guy, but Ma Xiaohai can understand that such a good fairy, not to mention Bai Xiaofei, even he is willing to get close to him.

But fairies like the three moth demon sisters are another matter.

This kind of bad goblin who has harmed many people just by looking at it, let alone get close to it, it is already very good if it doesn't kill the demon on the spot.

Ma Xiaohai really couldn't understand why Bai Xiaofei didn't kill them, but treated them as friends, and seemed to bring them back to Fuxitang...


Could Mr. Bai be confused by these three fairies?

So far.

Ma Xiaohai couldn't help taking a closer look at the three moth demon sisters, and then found that these three were not bad looking, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, and extremely charming.

Especially Yu Yingying, the boss standing in the middle, has an indescribable aura that makes people fall in love with someone they fall in love with.

"not good!"

Ma Xiaohai, who found himself a little obsessed, suddenly screamed that something was wrong, and quickly recited the Taoist meditation mantra silently, forcing himself to calm down.

In order not to lose your mind, you are really confused by that female goblin.

Seeing his appearance like this, the three moth demon sisters couldn't help but secretly smiled. If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei, the three girls would have laughed outright.


Bai Xiaofei stared at Ma Xiaohai speechlessly, and said angrily, "What are you thinking about? I have something to ask them, so I brought them back to Fuxi Hall, and they have already promised me that they will not hurt the world from now on! "


Ma Xiaohai had an oolong, and immediately lowered his head in embarrassment, blushing all over his face.

"Let's go." Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything more, and led a group of people on their way, heading towards Gantian Town in the west.

The divine sense avatar was arrested, Bai Xiaofei guessed what the evil way might do next, so he had to go back quickly to prevent the villagers of Gantian Town from suffering.


at the same time.

Somewhere on the outskirts of Gantian Town.

The deity of the evil way, who was meditating and practicing hard to restore the market, seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly opened his eyes.


His eyes were full of anger and murderous intent, and his mouth was even more sinister growling in a low voice: "After all, did you underestimate that guy, and actually designed to trick me? Although I am skilled, I lost a sentence of divine sense after all. Doppelgänger!"

Although the spiritual avatar does not have much power, if it is completely destroyed or lost, the deity will be affected to some extent.

This is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable thing for the evil way, which is already hurt. Coupled with being set up by someone and almost being recruited, he hated it even more!


Soon the evil way calmed down.

Seeing his sinister and cold pupils, turning around, he shifted his attention instantly, and murmured to himself: "Forget it, since the spiritual energy and blood food is a trap, at this moment, I can only take it out." Hope is placed on the Qilin Stone in Chenjia Village..."

"The unicorn stone is a rare treasure, and it has absorbed hundreds of years of dragon veins and earth energy, as well as the essence of the sun and the moon. The energy it contains is terrifying!"

"Thinking about it, I should be able to restore about 90% of my peak strength. Then, with the head of the underworld, Lei Gang, and that zombie general, how can I fight that bastard?"

"I just hope that the head of the underworld will work harder to successfully steal the Qilin Stone. Otherwise, if there is another mistake, I'm afraid I will have to do it myself!"

"The night is long and the dream is full, let's urge them!"


The voice just fell.

In the hands of the evil way, there was an extra blood-colored paper crane.

He cast a spell for a while, and the blood-colored paper crane seemed to come alive immediately, full of spirituality and evil aura, then flapped its wings and flew high, left the cave, and went straight to Chenjia Village.


time goes by.

It was getting late, and when the sun was about to set in the west, Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu, master and apprentice, finally arrived at an inn and restaurant near Chenjia Village.

After walking for a long time, the two were tired and thirsty, so they decided to stop and go to the inn and restaurant to have some tea and rest their feet.


As soon as Mao Xiaofang stepped into the "Ke Lai Inn", he immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, he quietly opened his eyes, and took a careful look at everything in the inn, no matter people or things——

Good guy!

The people walking back and forth inside were all ghosts, and even the inn itself was like a ruin.

The tea served by the waiter in the shop was an unknown viscous substance with an extremely foul smell. Poor Lei Xiu didn't notice anything unusual, she thought it was sweet and delicious tea and was about to drink it.

"Axiu, don't drink!"

Mao Xiaofang had quick eyes and quick hands, he quickly stopped him, and at the same time pinched his fingers, and touched Lei Xiu's eyes with mana, which also opened Lei Xiu's eyes.


Lei Xiu saw everything in front of her clearly, she was startled suddenly, and said with a horrified expression: "Master, what the hell is going on?"

Generally speaking.

During the daytime, ghosts cannot appear.

Once it comes out, it will be burned to death by the sun. But the inn in front of him, as well as the ghosts inside, completely violated this common sense.

Not only that.

They even had the ability to turn the ruined inn into something similar to when it was good before, so that a master of Taoism as strong as Mao Xiaofang almost didn't notice it, so it can be seen that there are definitely masters hiding here.

as expected.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang looking around at the ghosts who seemed to have been startled with a solemn expression, he said in a deep voice: "It seems that we have met a master, if you guessed right, this should be the top illusion in ghost art - Yin-Yang illusion boundary!"

"Then what should we do now?" Lei Xiu asked.

"Let's go out first!"

Mao Xiaofang replied.

At the same time, he has already found more than a dozen talismans in his hand, combined with the seven-star step, his figure is like a phantom, like electricity, before the surrounding ghosts gather around, he is the first to act first, and directly gives all the ghosts near the gate of the inn In place.

Lei Xiu followed closely behind, heading straight for the door.


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