The Storm God

Chapter 3149 Conspiring to sacrifice, the fierce sun punishes evil! (Please subscribe!)


Dongfeng Inn, in a certain room.

Two figures were sitting at the table at the moment, discussing something in a low voice.



One of them, a handsome man in a black robe with bristling hair, suddenly moved his eyes and looked straight out of the window.


But when he flicked his sleeve, the window automatically opened a gap without wind. Immediately after, a blood-colored paper crane flew in from outside.


The blood-colored paper crane landed in front of the two of them.

The next moment, a voice full of majesty and domineering came from the blood-colored paper crane: "The plan has changed, so execute it quickly, without any mistakes!"


The blood-colored paper crane spontaneously ignited without fire, and turned into a pool of ashes in an instant.


The two figures in the room looked at each other and remained silent. Seeing their frowning and pensive looks, they seemed to be hesitating about something.

After a long while.

The man in black robe suddenly focused his eyes, and then said: "The matter has come to this point, there is nothing to hesitate. Instead of being timid, it is better to give it a go. With your strength and my strength, I am afraid that it will not be able to handle the mere zombie inside." ?”

"Just a zombie?"

Another man with strange eyes couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and said with a different opinion: "You said it lightly, but it's a magic general zombie that is rare in a hundred years, and it has the power of Qilin stone , definitely not something you and I can easily deal with!"

The implication is that if you start without sufficient preparation, you will end up with a dead end, even if both of them are masters.

Because the devil general zombies are more powerful!

"Then what do you say?"

The black-robed man frowned, and said in confusion: "You heard it just now, senior can't wait any longer, and wants us to steal the Qilin Stone as soon as possible. If we can't complete the task, let alone you can't break through, I'm afraid both of us will suffer together." !"

"Of course I know that too."

The man with strange eyes replied: "I mean, it's not impossible to do it, but you need to be fully prepared, such as..."

"Before we attack, get more blood to supplement our consumption, otherwise we will have no chance of winning if we fight the zombies with that demon!"

"What do you mean..." The black-robed man understood almost instantly. He was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said in surprise, "...Use those villagers as sacrifices?"


The strange-eyed man nodded coldly, and said: "Since they have tried everything possible to prevent us from getting the Qilin Stone, then don't blame us for being ungrateful. We have helped them so much before, and now it is time for them to pay the price." !"


After a moment of silence, the black robe finally nodded in agreement with the strange-eyed man's proposal, and said: "In this case, then simply do the big one. You are good at subjugation, so you will act as the black face and find Chenjiacun All kinds of calamities, I jumped out to sing the white face, and then took the opportunity to encourage them to donate their children to become ghost warriors..."

"no problem!"

The two of you talked to each other, and they began to plot their own secrets.

So I don't know how long it has passed.


The black-robed man who was talking vigorously raised his brows suddenly, and said with surprise on his face: "Someone has moved the Yin-Yang fantasy world I set up..."


at the same time.

Outside Chenjia Village, inside Kelai Inn.

Mao Xiaofang and his quasi-apprentice Lei Xiu had already fought with the ghosts inside, and the battle was unprecedentedly fierce and lively.

The reason for this is that this yin and yang fantasy world is not just an illusion that is fake and real, but there are also several large formations for nourishing yin and vitality, refining and increasing the fighting power of ghosts.

in short.

This guest is allowed to enter the inn and not allowed to leave.

It is also very difficult for an out-of-body master like Mao Xiaofang to break through the illusion and formation in a short time and rush out.

And the ghosts in the inn's illusion are not only extremely numerous, but each one is also very strong. Coupled with the boost of the formation, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Often Mao Xiaofang had just wounded a few, and the other ghosts rushed over, giving the injured ghosts time to rest and recover, and after a while they were nurtured by the power of the formation to liven up again.

On the other hand, Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu, the talismans on their bodies became less and less as they used them, and their physical strength and magic power also disappeared faster and faster as time went by.

The two had been on the road for a whole day. They were hungry and exhausted, but unexpectedly encountered this situation. They were deeply trapped in the ghost circle and fantasy world. The right time, place and people were almost not on their side. , that's pretty bad.

Mao Xiaofang was fine, after all, he was a cultivator in the Leaving Aperture Realm, with profound Taoism and superb skills, no matter how many these ghosts were, it would be difficult to pose any threat to him.

But Lei Xiu is different.

Although she has the special physique of the Seven Star Girl, and has obtained Bai Xiaofei's skills and resources to cultivate, but after all, the time is too short and the strength is too weak.

If it weren't for the fact that he had many magical talismans and talisman treasures to protect him, other ordinary players would have been tortured by these ghosts long ago.

However, Lei Xiu was also exhausted by the ghosts and was extremely tired. As the magic talisman in her hand was exhausted, her crisis became even worse.

Just when Lei Xiu was hesitating whether to use the top-quality talisman that Bai Xiaofei gave him, trying to break through the yin and yang fantasy world in one fell swoop...


Mao Xiaofang's voice suddenly came.

Lei Xiuxun looked around, but saw that the master threw the mahogany sword directly. And he himself, with bare hands, used Taoism and footwork to deal with the ghosts attacking around him.


Seeing this scene, Lei Xiu was immediately moved.

Holding the mahogany sword, while driving mana to deal with the surrounding ghosts, Lei Xiu also made up her mind not to be entangled like this any longer.

next moment……


Lei Xiu took out the top-quality talisman that Bai Xiaofei gave her—the Fierce Sun Talisman.

The Fierce Sun Talisman, as the name suggests, once used, after the mana is activated, it will instantly erupt with terrifying flames as strong as the scorching sun, as well as the power of the sun.

And all of these are sharp weapons to restrain evil spirits and ghosts.

Coupled with the vast and terrifying power, as long as the existence whose strength does not exceed the upper limit of the magic talisman, there is no resistance at all.

in short.

Once the blazing sun talisman came out, it was as if a small sun was summoned. All the ghosts, who had nowhere to hide, would be completely incinerated into nothingness by the blazing sun's power in an instant, their souls scattered, and never reborn.

Even with the blessing of the Yin-Yang Illusory Realm and several ghost formations, the same is true for places with extremely dark interior.


The sun is the sun.

Regardless of your yin or filth, it is like snow. When the sun comes out, it will only melt water and be evaporated into air.

It's so domineering and cool!


The Fierce Sun Talisman exploded.

With its activation, the entire inn was instantly bright as day, and the terrifying power of the scorching sun almost filled the entire venue, covering all living and dead objects on the spot.


Wherever the light went, except for Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu, including the facilities in the inn, all the ghosts were instantly burned and decayed, screaming in pain.

follow closely……


A raging fire ignited.

All the ghosts covered by the power of the scorching sun, including the facilities in the inn, all the evil things were ignited.

The entire Yin-Yang fantasy world and all the ghost formations inside were almost shattered on the spot, and the battlefield turned into a sea of ​​flames, vowing to burn all the evil spirits, spreading and expanding wantonly, and burning wherever there were ghosts and ghosts!

In the blink of an eye.

The army of ghosts, who were still imposing just now, turned into fuel for the sea of ​​flames, and were burned to ashes. Their souls were scattered, and they could no longer do evil.

The entire inn was also lit up with raging fire, echoing with the afterglow of the setting sun hanging from the sky, creating a very poignant picture.


Seeing all this in front of him, Mao Xiaofang was dumbfounded, speechless for a long time.

After a long while.

He finally came back to his senses, looked at Lei Xiu who was also extremely shocked, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Axiu, how many treasures like that do you have?"

"A dozen or so!" Lei Xiu replied.


Mao Xiaofang stopped talking immediately.


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