The Storm God

Chapter 3150 The slap in the face came so fast! (Please subscribe!)

Chenjia Village.

In a certain inn, the black-robed man was bragging with the strange-eyed man, probably meaning that his yin and yang fantasy world and ghost formation are so powerful, that he can get in and out, and it can be called a desperate situation. Just collect the blood and refine it.

The strange-eyed man heard the words, but he was very disdainful in his heart, and secretly said: "Humph! Just blow it up, isn't it the Yin-Yang fantasy world? If my eyes are not blind, I will definitely not fall into your trap. It can be broken in minutes!"

That's right!

This strange-eyed man is none other than Lei Xiu's adoptive father, Lei Gang.

But he was wearing a gray robe, his eyes were white, he looked very strange, and there was an even weirder scar on his neck, as if his head had been cut off and then regrown, it was extremely strange. fear.

It seems that he doesn't want people to see the scars on his neck, so Lei Gang usually wears a scarf around his neck to cover up the scars on his neck.

Even in the hot summer months.


The material of the scarf will definitely change.

For example, now, Lei Gang is wearing a linen scarf, which is low-key, inconspicuous, and breathable, so he doesn't feel awkward wearing it on his body.

Closer to home.

The black-robed man in front of Lei Gang was the same-path he had met by chance after his return—the head of the underworld.

The strength of the head of the underworld is actually a bit higher than that of Lei Gang, and he is a veritable master of the out-of-body state, which is a level higher than him.


This is the way of the underworld leader...

Lei Gang only has the role of hehe, anyway, compared to him, a son of a famous family, it seems a bit unsatisfactory.

In fact, the background of the head of the underworld is also very powerful, and he is also from a famous family, and even his experience with Lei Gang is almost the same.

The only difference between the two is that Lei Gang left Fuxitang after learning all the talents, while the head of the underworld was so angry that he left home before he finished learning his own Taoism.


In order to improve himself, he went back to seek revenge from his junior brother.

The head of the underworld began to go astray. Based on his own Taoism, he practiced sorcery, exterminated corpses and refined ghosts, and strengthened himself with various evil forces.

What I have to mention is that the talent of this head of the underworld is really not bad, even if he is going on an evil path, he has opened up a path that suits him.

And the luck situation is also good, I found a blessed place by chance, was able to advance safely, and became a master of the Out of Aperture Realm.

It's just that he practiced evil methods after all, and he only focused on speed at the beginning, but ignored the foundation and polishing, so whether it is the level of mana or Taoism, he is more than a step behind the serious monks in the state of leaving the body.

This is also the fundamental reason why Lei Gang looks down on the head of the underworld.

In his opinion, the head of the underworld is a heretic, no matter how high the realm is, he is just a silver-like pewter.


Even so, it must not be underestimated.

As the saying goes, "clay figurines still have three parts of the soil nature", let alone a master of the state of leaving the body. The fact is indeed the case, the underworld chief's family-inherited exercises and unique skills are extremely powerful.

Even if it is a somewhat watery state of leaving the body, and the crooked ways of modification, it can also exert unimaginable combat effectiveness.

It is precisely because of this that Lei Gang will cooperate with the head of the underworld.

The yin and yang fantasy world set up by the abandoned Kelai inn outside Chenjia Village is a desperate trap set up by the head of the underworld with his own ghost array technique.

Anyone who enters, whether it is a mortal or a monk, will be killed by the ghosts inside, and then devour blood energy and essence, and turn it into the cultivation energy of the head of the underworld.

At the beginning of the harvest, it was really good.

But it provided a lot of energy for the head of the underworld, but as time went by, the effect became more and more ineffective.

after all……

People nowadays are not stupid.

After hearing that the Kelai Inn was haunted by ghosts, people in the vicinity basically stopped passing by, unless they were outsiders.

I didn't expect it, and I ran into it today.

Moreover, judging from the reaction of the head of the underworld, it seems that the unlucky guy who went in was not an ordinary person, but an accomplished monk.

It's no wonder that the head of the underworld is so excited, because the energy that a monk can provide is higher and richer than the blood of ordinary people.

Although Lei Gang looked down on these low-level methods of the head of the underworld, the two parties are collaborators after all, so it is not easy to slap and ridicule them face to face.


He was duplicity, contemptuous in his heart, but praised again and again on his face, full of admiration. And the head of the underworld is also very useful, and his pride is beyond words.

However, before he had time to be happy for a while, his face froze completely following that embarrassing expression.

more even...


The head of the underworld looked as if he had been hit by a hammer suddenly, his face was dark and ugly, he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"what happened?!"

Lei Gang was also shocked by this scene, he hurried over to hug his partner, and asked with concern, "Why are you suddenly injured?"

Although the tone of the words was inquiring, in fact, Lei Gang had already guessed the reason in his heart, but it was difficult to reveal it face to face.

as expected.

Seeing the resentment on the underworld leader's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! That guy who broke into the yin and yang fantasy world broke my desperate situation!"

The yin and yang fantasy world and several ghost formations in the Kelai Inn were all arranged by the head of the underworld himself. In order to absorb and refine the blood energy and essence, he even put part of his own soul and consciousness in it, which is very convenient. You can practice at any time by yourself without wasting any energy.


Now the Yin-Yang Illusory Realm and Ghost Formation are all forced, and they are still turned into ashes. As the core and operator of the formation, the head of the underworld has naturally suffered huge backlash and trauma.

After all, he had a ray of soul and consciousness from the head of the underworld. Now that ray of soul and consciousness are all destroyed, if the head of the underworld didn't pass out on the spot, even if he has a high level of cultivation and a good state.

It's just this tone, but he couldn't swallow it no matter what.

As the saying goes, "Smashing someone's job is like killing one's parents", when the desperate situation is destroyed, a ray of soul and consciousness will also be wiped out, which will damage one's own strength...

The slap came so fast.

Just now I was bragging to Lei Gang about how powerful I was, but when I turned my head, it was like this, my face was swollen from the beating, so why not!

Who can bear this shit?

What's more, the head of the underworld is not a serious monk, but an evil cultivator, and his temper is too hot, so he can't bear this bad breath even more.


Lei Gang was shocked when he heard this.

Although he had already guessed in his heart, he was still very surprised when he heard the head of the underworld confessed. Xin said: "Looking at the situation, the head of the underworld may have suffered a lot in the hands of that person. What is the origin of the other party to have such strength?"

The head of the underworld's strength is in the out-of-body state, even if he is a little watery, but to break through his yin and yang fantasy world and several ghost formations, I'm afraid it will take considerable strength.

It is conservatively estimated that at least he must be at the same level as the head of the underworld.

That is.

That guy must at least be at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, and like himself, he must be a master of Taoism, or he must be in the state of leaving the body...

So far.

Lei Gang couldn't help having a headache.

If he didn't come early or late, but he came at this time, could it be that the other party was also from Chenjiacun who came for the Kylin Stone?

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

It is an enemy and not a friend!

"Black Moon!"

Regardless of what Lei Gang thinks.

The head of the underworld here is completely angry. He suffered such a big loss for no reason, and even broke the formation and illusion for himself. If he doesn't get back his position, how will he mess around in the future? How can I face people?

He immediately called his disciple, ready to let his disciple Hei Yue act as the vanguard, and go to the outskirts of Chenjia Village to see what's going on first.


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