The Storm God

Chapter 3151 The underworld master's junior! (Please subscribe!)


Hei Yue, the underworld leader's disciple, is a beautiful woman.

This woman has a different appearance from ordinary people and is full of style, but she doesn't know her temperament is so, she is still used to following a master like the head of the underworld. The whole person looks like an iceberg, giving people a sense of unattainable, The feeling of rejecting others thousands of miles away.


Her coldness is also very personal.

For example, when dealing with the master of the underworld, Hei Yue seemed much closer, and when she showed emotions and smiles, she was more like a woman than other people.

It's just that her tenderness and style are destined to be a waste of money for a blind man to light a lamp. Because the head of the underworld doesn't care about these at all.

He only needs strength!

For the tenderness and concern of his female apprentice, it was completely unheard of. No, calling Hei Yue to come over is also acting as a vanguard.

And he, the master, planned to hide behind and wait for the opportunity to move.

With such a master, the others would have been cheated to death long ago. But Hei Yue was not the case. No matter how harsh, even ruthless, the underworld leader treated her, she never complained or regretted it.


Without the head of the underworld, Hei Yue would have died long ago. This point can be seen from her name, which is completely the surname of the head of the underworld.

to be honest.

For this black moon, Lei Gang still admires and admires him very much. "Looking" at Hei Yue approaching, Lei Gang couldn't help thinking of his daughter Lei Xiu...

"I don't know what's going on with Axiu?"

"Send a message back and ask!"


Lei Gang thought to himself.

And here, the head of the underworld has explained clearly to Hei Yue what to do. Although he is a bastard, he never hides when he treats Hei Yue. If there is any danger, he has always said it directly and let Hei Yue make his own choice.

If Hei Yue chooses not, he won't say much.


Black Moon always chooses yes.

Including this time when she played a role that was almost like cannon fodder, she just wanted to do things for Master.

"Be careful!"


Black Moon is gone.

Looking at the apprentice's resolute back without hesitation when he left, at this moment, for some reason, the head of the underworld couldn't bear it.


The emotion quickly disappeared.

Instead, it was endless anger and murderous intent towards the bastard who destroyed his yin and yang fantasy world and ghost formation.

"Brother Lei, you don't need to worry about things here. With our master and apprentice, there will be absolutely no problems!"

The head of the underworld came back to his senses, and got down to business: "The plan for the Qilin Stone should be carried out as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

The sudden intrusion of the mysterious master undoubtedly made them very afraid and depressed. It was a good plan, but there were so many troubles for no reason, no one felt very upset.

The only way to avoid accidents is to do it as soon as possible.


Lei Gang nodded.

He thought so too, Lei Gang was even more anxious than the head of the underworld. Because he needs Qilin Stone more than the head of the underworld.

No matter what the head of the gangster says, he is already a monk in the Aperture Realm, and although he is proud of his profound Taoism, and he does not know how many times stronger than the underworld in terms of connotation, but in the end it is only connotation.

In a real fight, he is an orthodox Daoist, but he really can't do anything like the head of the underworld, who is a heretic, and has a lot of moisture.


Even if the head of the underworld doesn't say anything, Lei Gang will speed up the plan.

The two parted ways.

Lei Gang is in charge of setting up various head-downs near Chenjia Village, causing various disasters and causing chaos. And the head of the underworld is in charge of singing bad faces...


before that.

He had to get rid of the master who broke in suddenly.

Otherwise, if the other party is allowed to run around in Chenjia Village, the plan of the underworld leader and Lei Gang is likely to be harassed or even impacted.

The head of the underworld absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.


Plans can't keep up with changes.

Just when the head of the underworld was about to go to the outskirts of Chenjiacun, hiding in the dark to spy on the other party's details. He suddenly saw a familiar figure——

It was a middle-aged man with a bald head and dressed like a monk. But I saw that he was full of heroism, and there was a black mark that seemed to be a simplified version of a scorpion in the middle of his eyebrows, which gave him a sense of ambiguity.

"The surname is Bai!"

When the head of the underworld saw this person, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth secretly, as if he wanted to tear out the other person's muscles and make his bones ashes.


The bald man seemed to sense something too.

As he was walking on the street, his eyes suddenly focused, and his sharp eyes suddenly looked towards the head of the underworld.

"Master, brother?"

But when the bald man finally got a clear look at the master with the unfriendly eyes, his expression changed uncontrollably, and he blurted out.

He actually called the underworld chief brother!


When his identity was discovered, the head of the underworld didn't bother to hide, and walked out of the shadows without leaving the bald man.

The two finally meet.

The head of the underworld narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the bald man, and the two young men, one big and one small, who were following him, smiled contemptuously, and said, "These two are your apprentices? What kind of master is there? What kind of disciple do you have!"

The sarcasm was palpable and undisguised.

"Hey, who are you!"

The big apprentice of the bald man couldn't bear the eyes and sarcasm of the head of the underworld immediately, and couldn't help but snarled back: "You still have the nerve to mock us, and don't look at your own virtue!"


Although the big apprentice and the young apprentice looked ordinary and not very smart, in fact their qualifications were not very good, but the clothes passed on were still clean.

But what about the head of the underworld?

Let alone stained, the whole person is also unshaven, and his eyes look like he hasn't slept for several days, with dark circles and red bloodshot eyes, that's more than one.

In line with the temperament of the head of the underworld, he was like a walking nigger. I don't know how many people walked back and forth on the street, all showing disgusted eyes, and subconsciously avoided him and walked around.


It's good that the big apprentice doesn't mention this.

This mention immediately reminded the head of the underworld that he was broken into the yin and yang illusion and the ghost formation, and he was severely injured, and he was so angry.

At that time, I was in a hurry to go out, and I forgot to change clothes and wash up, but now I am disliked by so many people, and I was told in public by the apprentice of the person I hate the most...


If it wasn't for the sake of taking the overall situation into consideration, if he were the usual him, the head of the underworld would probably have already jumped up and wanted to kill someone.

But even so.

The head of the underworld was also so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, as if he wanted to eat people. The little apprentice, who was so frightened by the bald man, changed his expression and hid behind his master in an instant.


The apprentice is so strong, it stands to reason that the bald man should be happy. But the fact was the exact opposite. He even gave his eldest apprentice a vicious look, and then shouted angrily: "Don't be rude, you are a senior, hurry up and salute!"


Known as the big apprentice during the day, he was completely dumbfounded when he heard this.

Master, aren't you?

That's it……

Return my uncle?

Are you kidding me, how could there be such a thing in the sect?

Master must have made a mistake!


at the same time.

On the outskirts of Chenjia Village, Hei Yue had already arrived at the Kelai Inn as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, when she arrived, Mao Xiaofang and Lei Xiu had already left.


Coincidentally, Yu Dachu just arrived with Dong Xiaoyu.


Seeing Hei Yue, Yu Dachu was taken aback for a moment.

First of all, this woman is very beautiful, full of exotic style. Furthermore, this beautiful woman is not an ordinary person, but a monk with certain strength.


The opponent's cultivation level is not inferior to his own.

In this wilderness, to meet someone of the same kind, and she is such a beautiful woman, Yu Dachu will naturally pay a little more attention subconsciously.

In fact.

Not only him, Hei Yue also had the same thoughts.

Even, compared to Yu Dachu, Hei Yue saw more. Her ability not only allows her to see Yu Dachu's strength in great detail, but she can also see that there is a female ghost hidden in Yu Dachu's body.

"Evil cultivator?"

Black Moon doubted in her heart.


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