The Storm God

Chapter 3250 Suppress evil ways, everything is ready!

"It's a pity!"

Bai Xiaofei quickly calmed down.

Although this concealment technique is awesome, it also has great side effects, and it is obviously inappropriate for a boss like him.

Forced cultivation is absolutely putting the cart before the horse, and the gains outweigh the losses.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei's background is deep enough, and he knows a lot, so that he can see the disadvantages of this method of harmony at a glance, otherwise, if he were someone else, he might have been tricked a long time ago.

Just like the evil deity in front of him.


Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "You don't even think about it yourself. If there is nothing tricky about this awesome thing, how could the other party sell it at an extremely low price? It's obviously trying to cheat people, but you thought you picked it up. Great deal..."


"This thing is not completely useless, at least the theory in it can be used to test..."

"Maybe we can invert a better technique!"


It may not be possible for others.

But Bai Xiaofei has confidence in himself, because he has a stele of the Great Dao, from which he has learned many great principles.

This is his background, which cannot be envied by others.

With the growth of his strength and the breadth of his knowledge, Bai Xiaofei felt more and more that the stone tablet of the Great Dao was not simple.

Although it is only a broken piece, it contains many supreme truths!

It's just that my current state is not enough.


If you fully comprehend it, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. It is expected that such a treasure, even those supreme bosses will be very jealous, right?

Closer to home.

After sorting out the art of harmony and sealing it up.

There is nothing else worthy of eye-catching good things in this evil way. If there is anything, it will only have the cautiousness of the other party, who is extremely good at it.

From the memory of the other party, Bai Xiaofei learned that just in case, this guy has arranged a lot of backups.

For example, the most hated one among them, the fuck actually entrusted his life completely in the underground veins.

In this way.

As long as the evil way dies, the entire underground vein will collapse, which will lead to the end-time disaster of heaven and earth.

Bai Xiaofei had to admit that this guy was able to live to this day because he still has two talents. Leaving aside strength, just this level of Gou has surpassed too many people.


For Bai Xiaofei, this was not a difficult task at all.

Because after the memory plunder, Bai Xiaofei also knew the solution. And with his ability, wanting to get rid of these scourges is just a matter of one thought.

In less than a moment, Bai Xiaofei used his spiritual consciousness to control the evil deity, completely removing all hidden dangers in the underground veins.


In order to stabilize these messy land veins destroyed by evil ways, Bai Xiaofei also thought of a way to directly dismember the evil ways into countless pieces.

With the strength of the evil way comparable to the god king, even if the body is dismembered, he will not die on the spot. What's more, Bai Xiaofei also used a special spell to seal the loss of life in the evil way.

This makes every piece of flesh and blood in the evil way maintain the vitality and powerful power of the cause.


Bai Xiaofei buried these flesh and blood in the destroyed leylines respectively, and then used formations and special barriers to stimulate these damaged leylines, and began to greedily absorb the power of the flesh and blood of the evil way to replenish himself.

In this way.

It won't be long before these damaged leylines will return to their original state. It is not impossible to even become stronger than before.

After all, the strength of the evil way itself is quite good. Just the Godhead of the way of greed that devours everything is supported by countless auras.

There is such a great god who supports the land of China. Over time, I believe that the Yanhuang land will become more and more rich and full of spirituality.

There may even be a small wave of spiritual recovery due to this.


Those are things of the future.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about this, he cares about the life and death of the evil way, in order to prevent this guy from escaping, Bai Xiaofei has spent a lot of thought.


Heavy seals and shackles suppressed it.

The evil way completely lost everything, not only the body was dismembered, the soul was imprisoned, even thoughts and consciousness were trapped in chaos by Bai Xiaofei.

Only Bai Xiaofei was afraid that he would not be safe.

on the basis of.

He even gave the evil deity's conscious thinking, no less than a dozen mental hints, hypnosis, brainwashing, rewriting and other coquettish operations, to ensure that this guy would not have any chance to come back before his complete demise.

Bai Xiaofei even set up all kinds of defensive measures and self-destruct barriers to prevent the opponent from coming back after a bloodbath...

In short.

Evil ways can torture, but Bai Xiaofei can torture even more. After such a wave of operations, the evil way has almost no possibility of escaping and restarting.

so far.

The danger of evil ways can be regarded as completely lifted.

Although the material gain is not too great, but for Bai Xiaofei, he still thinks it is quite good, because he finally got something that confirmed some of his guesses.

This is greater than any other material gain.

Do it all.

Bai Xiaofei teleported back to Fuxi Hall.

At this time, Mao Xiaofang had been waiting for him in the room for a long time. When Bai Xiaofei came back, the former was sitting there drinking tea.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's return, Mao Xiaofang was overjoyed.

Hastily put down the teacup, walked towards Bai Xiaofei, and asked, "Did the evil way take action? Has the matter been resolved?"

Compared with the conspiracy of Adixia and others, Mao Xiaofang now cares more about evil ways.

after all……

He already knew about the conspiracy, but the evil way was still covered with a veil of mystery, full of unknowns, which made Mao Xiaofang very jealous, "OK!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain further.

He just gestured an OK gesture to Mao Xiaofang, and then asked Mao Xiaofang: "How is the situation at the ancestral hall? Adixa should have told everyone everything, right?"


Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "Everything is as you expected, Adixa revealed the real purpose of coming here, and dumped the blame on Ningma Boss..."

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, and then continued: "Mr. Bai, now that the danger of evil ways has been lifted, should we also..."

Mao Xiaofang's meaning is very simple.

In the past, if you didn't do anything, you were afraid of evil ways, and you were afraid that there would be many twists and turns. But it's different now, the evil way is punished, and only Adixa and the others are left.

To be reasonable, shouldn't it be time to make a move?


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He did not reject Mao Xiaofang's proposal, and said: "According to the time calculation, Basiba should have arrived in Gantian Town soon, and it is time to understand this matter."


Early the next morning.

Mao Xiaofang took the initiative to find Adixa and others, saying that Fuxitang would actively cooperate with the other party to find Boss Qian, and if you need help, just ask.

And Adixia was not polite to Mao Xiaofang, and directly expressed his needs.

Afterwards, Mao Xiaofang started to run around, and soon prepared all the props and venues needed for the screening of children for Adixa and others.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

And this east wind...

Of course it was none other than Ba ​​Siba, the second-in-command of the family.

Before Basiba arrived in Gantian Township, the students were supposed to go to school and everything was business as usual. As for the security work, it has been strengthened a lot.

In addition to the so-called protection of Adixia and others, there are also assistance from Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice, Captain Song and others to ensure that there will be no more danger.

As for how the children escaped from the flames?

Feel sorry!

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No matter how Adixa and the others made insinuations.

There is always only one answer from Mao Xiaofang's master and disciples - the Buddha said, it cannot be said. When the time is right, everything will be revealed naturally.

Adixia was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.


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