The Storm God

Chapter 3251 Basiba arrives, Bai Xiaofei appears!

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed like this. During these three days, everything in Gantian Town was very peaceful, and nothing bad happened.

To this.

The villagers are naturally very happy.

But Adixa and the others were depressed, because this didn't match their plan at all!

According to the normal plan, at this time, they have almost eliminated all the other children, and even the candidates should have been eliminated.


Because of the fire two days ago, everything changed.

In fact.

It's not that Adixa and the others don't want to do it again.

But around the new school, there are people inside and out, whether they are people from the police station, or Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice, they have no chance at all.


Killing is not impossible.

But if you really want to kill, there is almost no need to investigate. The murderer must be locked on Adixia and others. This is tantamount to telling them that we have a problem!

after all……

We are not fools.

In addition to the police, it is Mao Xiaofang's mentor and student, and the child was killed here. Except for you people from families in the far west, who else could be the murderer?


For the sake of the overall situation, Adixia and others can only endure it!

Depression is depression, plan delays and failures are better than a total collapse, right? They believed that the boss of Ba Siba would definitely forgive himself and others.

at this time.

They were all looking forward to the appearance of the big brother Nyingma.

As soon as Nyingma appears, Adixa and the others can blame all the disasters on the other party.

But it's a pity.

Big brother Nyingma seems to have disappeared, and there is no clue anymore.


In such a situation.

A group of family members headed by Ba Siba finally appeared outside Gantian Town. After receiving the news, Adixa and the others immediately went to greet her.

As soon as they moved, Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice, as well as Captain Song Zilong and others, naturally knew that Adixa's boss was coming.


Soon outside Gantian town.

Then there was a large crowd, all of them came to watch the big man Ba ​​Siba.

After all, this is equivalent to an existence like an emperor.

The villagers of Gantian Town, when have they seen such a distinguished boss? Now that they finally have the opportunity, they naturally don't want to miss it.

that's all.

The originally wide suburban path became extremely crowded and narrow due to the influx of almost all the villagers.

And everyone finally saw the legendary "Emperor".


One by one shook their heads and sighed.

"That's it?"

"How awesome I am to be their boss. It turns out that it's nothing more than that. It looks like an ordinary master!"

"It's really better to be famous than to meet, and to be civilized is worse than to meet!"

"Everyone should leave!"


It didn't take a while.

The crowd at the scene quickly left more than half.

After all, there is still a meal, just take a look at it, what else? You can't pounce on it, you have to take advantage of others' luck, right?

And the other party didn't look very good.


Everyone quickly lost interest.

Such a situation undoubtedly made Ba Siba very depressed and angry, feeling that his majesty had been offended, but he was too embarrassed to get angry.

at last.

He could only vent his anger on Adixa and the others.

"How do you do things?"

"You can't do this kind of trivial matter well, and so many lives have been caused. How did I order you? But you did it so badly!"

"How do you ask me to explain to everyone?"


have to say.

Ba Siba is able to achieve the position of the second-in-command in the family, and he still has two brushes. At least he has done enough superficial skills.

Many villagers at the scene, anyway, were immediately fooled by Ba Siba, expressing their understanding again and again, and unexpectedly revealed the past easily.

Mao Xiaofang stood in the crowd, a little reticent.


From the very beginning, he was observing Ba Siba and others, and found that these guys were all of high strength, and none of them were lower than the ninth level of Qi training.

And the strongest Ba Siba is even stronger than himself. At least Mao Xiaofang couldn't tell the depth of Basiba.

As for the others?

Feel sorry!

Mao Xiaofang didn't care at all, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

After a while of courtesy from both sides.

Basiba and others welcomed them to Gantian Town.

Originally the head of the school was Master Adixa, but with the arrival of the boss, Bhasba, the position of the speaker was naturally replaced by Bhasba.

Ba Siba sat on the chief seat, watching the group of children below, especially Luosang who is outstanding, his eyes kept shining.

"As expected of my daughter!"

"This kid is not bad. Without a foundation, his spirituality can keep up with my daughter Luosang's level. It can be said that he is very talented!"

"If nothing else happens, he is probably the reincarnation of Boss Qian!"

"As for the others?"


Ba Siba looked around.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. After seeing the spirituality of Luo Sang and Liu Ning, I will go to see the rest of my friends...


That is really unsightly!

It's like being used to seeing peerless beauties who are overwhelmed by the country and the city, but suddenly let you see a group of flowers, I am afraid that few people can hold on.

Although Ba Siba held on, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"A group of crooked melons and dates!"

"At this level, how could it be Boss Qian's reincarnation, unless he had awakened a long time ago and deliberately hid his clumsiness, otherwise it would be impossible to be so uncrowded!"

"But it doesn't matter, I still have one last trick to test!"


My mind turned.

On Ba Siba's face, he remained calm, eloquent and eloquent.

While lecturing scriptures for these children, he occasionally answered questions from Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song Zilong, and others.

at last.

Everyone discusses.

Boss Qian's selection and final test will be at noon tomorrow.

The location is the village west square in Gantian Town, where the place is spacious and the distance is not far, which can meet all the needs of everyone.

"no problem!"

Captain Song patted his chest and said, "Everything is on me, and I promise to give everyone a satisfactory explanation before tomorrow."


He took a group of police officers and ran to work.

As the police force of Gantian Town, when they are free, most of their work is to help the villagers deal with various problems.

Right now, Gantian Town is electing the boss, which is a rare occasion. As the mayor of the town and the chief of the police station, Song Xueliang will naturally not stand by and watch.

One order.

Almost the entire police station was mobilized.

And their actions were also very quick. In just half a day, all the props needed for tomorrow's selection venue were almost prepared.


The help of the villagers of Gantian Town was also indispensable for this. In short, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

And that night.

Bai Xiaofei, who once disappeared from the public eye, finally announced his comeback. This news caught Adixa and the others by surprise.

follow closely.

Adixa immediately found Basiba, and told the boss everything about Bai Xiaofei and Lingniao.


After Ba Siba finished listening, his brows frowned immediately, and he said in a deep voice: "The spirit bird is on Baba's body, but the other party is impartial. He happened to show up on such a crucial matter, so I'm afraid he didn't come prepared. ?”


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