The Storm God

Chapter 3252 Want to grab it hard? There are no doors!

Ba Siba can become the second in command in the family, and even kill the first in command, and has been in charge of the family for so many years, so he is naturally very smart and scheming.

The sudden appearance of Bai Xiaofei made him feel the smell of conspiracy.

Especially when there is a spirit bird beside the other party!

To know.

The spirit bird is one of the keys to finding Boss Qian.

My own plan was going well, and it seemed to be able to end smoothly, but the one surnamed Bai brought a spirit bird, never coming sooner or later, and it happened to appear at this time. If there is nothing tricky about it, I'm afraid it's a ghost and I don't believe it!


Ba Siba pondered for a moment.

Then he called Adixa, the number one stalwart under his command, over, and ordered: "Since the spirit bird has appeared, bring him back!"

The meaning is very simple.

Since the spirit bird is a threat, let's get rid of the spirit bird first.

By the way...

It can also be regarded as testing the other party.

It would be fine if the surnamed Bai returned the spirit bird obediently, otherwise he would think that the other party might know something inside.

If this is the case, they can also make some preparations earlier.


Adixa took the order and left.


Fuxi Hall.

Bai Xiaofei and Mao Xiaofang were drinking tea leisurely in the Taoist hall, waiting for some people to arrive. And some people did not disappoint them, and they came to petition in a short while.

"Master, Mr. Bai, Master Adixa is here." Ma Xiaohai said.


Mao Xiaofang nodded slightly.

Then he found a random reason and brought Ma Xiaohai to the back hall.

Ma Xiaohai was a little puzzled, so he asked, "Master, why did we leave? Is there something we can't listen to?"

He felt strange.

But I can't tell what's wrong.


Mao Xiaofang looked at Ma Xiaohai quite unexpectedly, and then said with a smile: "You are already very good at realizing this."

He paused slightly.

Then he continued: "As for why you left, it's not that there is nothing you can't hear, but that we are not suitable to stay there, because we are all familiar with those people, and if the other party makes some requests, we can't refuse... "

The implication is that Bai Xiaofei can refuse unceremoniously, if we continue to stay there, we will inevitably be used as gunmen.


Ma Xiaohai nodded half understanding.

And in the hall.

Adixia finally saw Bai Xiaofei himself, besides that, there was also a spirit bird that had disappeared for a long time, and now it had become someone's pet, a spirit beast that was aliased as a little parrot.


After these days of training, the spirit bird is no longer what it used to be.

If in the past, it was just a rare beast with a certain amount of spirituality and strength, then the current spirit bird has completely transformed into a spirit beast-level existence in the world of cultivating immortals.

At this moment, although the size of the little parrot has not changed much, its appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

His feathers are as white as snow, extremely holy. The feathers erected on the top of the head are full of momentum, showing an unknown light and spirituality.

Especially those eyes, full of wisdom.

Look at it.

It will make people feel that what they are looking at is not a bird, but a wise man. Some of the strength is relatively low, and there is even a feeling of being seen through by the other party.

"Spirit bird!"

Adixa also saw the spirit bird.

Then he was taken aback, even though his acting skills and forbearance were quite good, he couldn't help breaking his skills at this moment, showing a very surprised look.

If they hadn't been very familiar with spirit birds, they might have thought they had misunderstood it.

at the same time……

Adixa was very curious.

What happened to this spirit bird after it was captured by Bai? Why is there such an earth-shaking change?

Could it be that he took a panacea?


Bai Xiaofei looked at Adixa and the others with a half-smile, and said, "I heard you were looking for me? If it's not bad as I expected, it should be for the little parrot, right?"

"Little parrot?"

Adixa regained consciousness in an instant, followed by a moment of bewilderment.

But he quickly realized that the little parrot should be the name given to the spirit bird by the surname Bai... He has raised the spirit bird as his pet!


Adixia clasped his hands together and replied: "Mr. Bai, the spirit bird is a sacred object in our family. It is of great significance. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Bai to return it to us. I am very grateful!"


A group of people bowed to Bai Xiaofei in unison.

The posture is well done.

This posture, if it is someone else, it is really hard to refuse. But unfortunately, what Adixia and the others are facing is not someone else, but Bai Xiaofei.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "Master Adixa, it's not that I don't want to fulfill you and return the little parrot to you, but that the little parrot doesn't want to go back with you..."


He also gave a demonstration.

I saw Bai Xiaofei waved the little parrot to Adixa and the others, but as soon as he shook his hand, the little parrot flew back by itself.

A very clingy look.


Adixa and the others were speechless immediately, Nima, can it still be like this?

How is this broken?

after all……

They didn't stop them.

He even took the initiative to push the spirit bird out, but the spirit bird flew back by itself. That posture was like a baby swallow throwing itself into his arms, which is called intimacy!

Buddha of Infinite Life!

I have never seen a spirit bird do this to other people before!

Could it be that this surnamed Bai gave the spirit bird some kind of ecstasy soup, otherwise, how could the spirit bird be so attached to an outsider?

"There must be something tricky in this!"

Adixa quickly began to judge others by himself, and then said with a serious face: "Mr. Bai, you only need to hand over the spirit bird to us, we have our own way to bring it back!"

This is hard to say, do you want to switch to strong?

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei still shook his head.

His eyes became a bit colder, and he said in a deep voice: "The little parrot has been with me for a while, and I have feelings for him. If he doesn't want to leave, no one can force him!"

The attitude is unquestionable.


Adixa and the others were startled again, because they suddenly felt tremendous pressure from Bai Xiaofei.

It was as if another mountain was pressing on them suddenly, and this feeling was only felt in front of Big Sister Basiba in the past.

That is.

The person in front of him was indeed as powerful as the villagers of Gantian Town had said, and if he and others forced him to do so, he might not have any good fruit to eat.

So far.

Adixa immediately restrained his thoughts of grabbing.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than others, and their plan is at an extremely critical moment, if their face is really torn, the consequences will definitely not be acceptable to Adixia and others.


In desperation, they could only return empty-handed.

However, after going through this incident, they had roughly figured out Bai Xiaofei's attitude, and the other party was very likely to become their enemy.

"Bai is so tough?"

After hearing Adixa's reply, Ba Siba also seemed very surprised and surprised, and at the same time felt a little jealous and angry.

He squinted his eyes and asked again: "Then what's Mao Xiaofang's attitude?"

"have no idea!"

Adixa replied: "When we went, their master and apprentice were not there, so it is probably possible to avoid them, but in my opinion, their relationship is unusual, if the surnamed Bai is an enemy of us, then Mao Xiaofang Most likely they will also stand on the side with the surname Bai..."


Ba Siba frowned tightly.

After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, then we have to take some precautions, so... Tomorrow, you send some people to ambush around Fuxitang. Be sure to delay the time and fight for this side." The selection test is over."

"When the overall situation is settled, even if they arrive, it will be impossible to turn things around. In short, we must prevent them from coming to the scene at all costs!"



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