The Storm God

Chapter 3253 The final test on the lotus platform!

the next day.

The selection site was overcrowded, and the selection was in full swing.

On Fuxitang's side, because it is far away from Gantian Township, unlike other villagers, they were able to arrive at the scene early.

Ba Siba and others showed up earlier today.

After he appeared, he exchanged a glance with Adixa, and the two had a complicated eye contact. Then it was announced that today's selection test would start ahead of schedule.

Everyone was in an uproar.


Go early and early, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Anyway, most people at the scene thought it was nothing. After all, no matter sooner or later, they are just a crowd of onlookers.

The real protagonists are the children at the scene.

Only a very small number of people, such as Song Zilong, Captain Song, faintly sensed that something was wrong with their years of experience in handling cases.


Because there are too few clues.

Even though Captain Song faintly felt that something was wrong, he didn't know what was wrong. Moreover, their duty in this selection meeting was to protect everyone's safety, and the real person in charge was the boss Basiba.

So I didn't say much, just wait and see.

And the other side.


Mao Xiaofang, who was on his way to the selection site, suddenly reached out to stop Ma Xiaohai and the others, frowned and said, "The surrounding situation is not quite right..."

The voice did not fall.


A dozen or so figures suddenly jumped out of the surrounding area. Judging from their skills, they seemed to be extremely good, and their strength was at least level nine.

These people were wearing black clothes in broad daylight, holding sharp knives in their hands, making a siege, and surrounded Mao Xiaofang and others.

It seems that the visitor is not good.


as expected.

Seeing that their actions were exposed, these people didn't talk nonsense to Mao Xiaofang and others after they showed up. They greeted them and started to fight.

"Everyone be careful!"

Mao Xiaofang reminded, and then took the initiative to meet him.

As a master master, Mao Xiaofang is naturally not afraid of these men in black, but his apprentices are not.

So he can only try his best to deal with the enemy and reduce the pressure on the apprentices, otherwise so many masters will rush forward in one go, and it is easy to kill people.

As for Bai Xiaofei?


Mao Xiaofang wasn't worried at all.

After all, the opponent's strength is far above his own, and even he is not afraid of the ambush of these masters, let alone Bai Xiaofei.

And it is true.

Bai Xiaofei was not at all interested in these black-clothed killers who jumped out. As soon as the power of thought came out, the opponent was directly given on the spot.


There's no after that.

Those men in black who had lost their ability to move were like living targets, and in a blink of an eye they were treated as free training partners by Yu Dachu, Lei Xiu, and Ma Xiaohai, greeted with all kinds of fists and kicks.

Not for a while.

These men in black were beaten into pig heads.

Compared with the men in black that Mao Xiaofang knocked down, none of them were worse, and some of them even cried aggrieved, with tears streaming down their faces.

"It really is them!"

After subduing the enemy, Mao Xiaofang uncovered the masks of these men in black one by one, and then easily recognized the identities of each other, it was Adixia and the family elites around Basiba.


The reason why they did this was to prevent Bai Xiaofei and Lingniao from appearing at the selection meeting, so as to avoid many twists and turns.

However, Ba Siba and others never expected that Bai Xiaofei's strength would be so terrifying, and they had arranged so many masters to ambush, but they couldn't even delay for a few minutes.

It's not to blame for their lack of strength, but because Bai Xiaofei is too perverted.

To know.

Even for a master-level master like Mao Xiaofang, if he wants to break through the joint siege of these family elite masters, it will take quite some time and means.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

With just one look and waiting, these masters are as if they have been hit by a hold spell, they can't move at all, and they can only be beaten.

Who can resist this.


Mao Xiaofang frowned and said, "I never imagined that they would be so crazy that they would start committing crimes blatantly."


He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Asked: "Mr. Bai, for the sake of the overall situation, let's go to the selection meeting site as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

It means, quickly open a space crack!


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

The reason why teleportation was not used at the beginning was because there was no need for that.

Bai Xiaofei has absolute confidence in his own strength, so he doesn't take Basiba and Adixia seriously, and the plan has reached the final stage, and he has Ningma and Liu Ning and other arrangements on his side...

In short.

Everything is ready, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

What a dream.

In order to be safe, Ba Siba actually played the trick of ambush and assassination, it seems that he is ready to take the risk.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not tolerate such crazy behavior.

Without any nonsense, he directly tore through the space, and was the first to cross over. Mao Xiaofang and his disciples followed closely behind.

And this time.

On the site of the selection meeting, because the test selection was held in advance, when Bai Xiaofei, Mao Xiaofang and others arrived, Basiba and others had already started for a while.

Those who were originally from the red ribbon class were quickly dismissed by the bosses, and now there are only three or four children left at the scene, waiting for the final selection.

Among these children, naturally there are Luo Sang and Liu Ning.


The final test selection was very cruel and dangerous. It turned out that a large flame was ignited directly, and then the children were asked to recite scriptures to walk through the fire.

If it is a child with high spirituality, with the protection of Buddhist scriptures, there will be no danger, otherwise, it may be burned by the flames.

Lobsang was the first to test.

pass safely.

Then there was Liu Ning, also without any suspense, easily passed the flames and got an excellent result in the selection test.

When Bai Xiaofei, Mao Xiaofang and others passed through the space crack and arrived at the scene, what they saw was the scene of the remaining two children being frightened by the fire and unable to recite the complete scriptures, which led to the failure of the test.

That is.

After a lot of testing, there were only two people who really persisted to the end, one was Luo Sang from the West, and the other was Liu Ning who was the incarnation of Boss Qian.

Who is the real money boss will be chosen among the two children.

See here.

The countless villagers in Gantian town were suddenly depressed and speechless. Obviously, such a result was never expected by everyone.

So very surprised.


Surprises are surprises, but no one doubts anything in their hearts. They are all patiently waiting for the selection of the real money boss.

And the examiner for the last test is the family's second-in-command, Big Brother Ba Siba. The content of the assessment is the Lotus Terrace.

The so-called lotus platform is composed of more than a dozen lotus plants of different sizes. Children participating in the assessment test must rely on their own strength to gradually climb to the top of the highest lotus and sit on it to recite the complete scriptures .

If it finally falls, it is considered a failure.

"It's almost the same as the original plot!"

Bai Xiaofei saw the trickiness in it at a glance, and then murmured in his heart: "But since I'm here, I won't let your plot succeed!"


He looked at the little parrot standing on his shoulder.

The little parrot immediately understood.


Suddenly, an extremely loud cry was made, and at the same time, he spread his wings and flew directly towards Liu Ning who was in the scene.



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