The Storm God

Chapter 3254 Basiba's delaying plan!

Final selection tests are underway.

At this time, the sudden intrusion of the spirit bird naturally immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially Ba Siba, a big man with ulterior motives.

His eyes froze suddenly, realizing something was wrong.


A release of mental coercion.

Ba Siba wanted to use his powerful power to forcibly suppress the spirit bird, so that the other party would retreat in the face of difficulties, so as not to destroy his memory.


Secretly moved his hands and feet.

The result of the test was Luo Sang, but in the end the spirit bird landed on Liu Ning. This kind of ending is obviously unconvincing.

It also raises doubts about the fairness of the test.

For his own strength, Ba Siba is very confident, not to mention that it is only a spirit bird that broke into it.


The spiritual bird at this time is not the previous spiritual bird.

After Bai Xiaofei's continuous feeding these days, coupled with careful teaching and teaching, the little parrot not only ushered in a transformation, but also became an extraordinary.

Even his sanity was opened, and he became a spirit beast-level existence among the rare and exotic beasts, and his strength conveniently surpassed many masters and big bosses in this world.

This also includes Basiba, the original boss.


Feel the coercion of Ba Siba.

The little parrot was only slightly stunned for a moment, but the speed of its flight did not decrease at all. Not only that, it also chirped.

The meaning is very simple: "This time, based on the past affection, I will not argue with you. If you dare to be disrespectful again, don't blame me for being rude!"

As the second-in-command of the family, Ba Siba is truly one of the real bosses, even if he can't understand the bird language, he can still understand the undisguised contempt of the little parrot at this moment.

He froze suddenly, and his face became even more ugly than ever.

"Spirit bird!"

The younger brother Adixa is very good at observing words and expressions.

Seeing that the boss was not affectionate, he immediately knew that he had suffered a loss, and his plan to stop the spirit bird had failed, so he shouted loudly.

And following his shout, the rest of the younger brothers also understood one after another, and immediately terminated this selection test.


They stopped, they stopped, but Luo Sang and Liu Ning, who were on the scene, were on their way to the lotus platform and couldn't stop.

The two are still going on.

And the final result, as expected, was Luo Sang who won.

Liu Ning loses when he loses. The lotus platform under his feet has already been tampered with. No matter how high his spirituality is, he can't handle his physical defects. In the end, he fell off the lotus platform and lost the test competition.


The spirit bird and parrot landed on his shoulder.

What this means, Ba Siba, Adixa and others are very clear in their hearts. Even some of the surrounding village names, there is no shortage of smart people, who quickly figured out the key.

Among them, Captain Song Zilong was included.


The stakes are high.

So he didn't say much.

However, Captain Song looked suspiciously at Ba Siba and the others. His intuition told that there was something tricky about it.

As for the other smart villagers, they didn't have so many scruples, especially under the suggestion of Bai Xiaofei's mind, they immediately started talking about it.

"Isn't that the spirit bird of the family?"

"I've checked the information, and it's said that to find Boss Qian, you have to rely on the spirit bird. These masters stayed here precisely because the spirit bird stopped in Gantian Town."

"Ah? According to what you said, the spirit bird landed on Liu Ning, so isn't he the real Boss Qian? But the result of the test is..."

"What the hell is going on here?"

"not sure!"


The discussion is getting louder.

Similarly, the voices of villagers questioning the results of the selection test are getting louder and louder. After all, Liu Ning was born in Gantian Town, but Luo Sang was from outside, so everyone was more inclined to Liu Ning because of emotion and reason.

For the key spirit bird, the extra points are too serious.

Very convincing!

As for the little girl Luo Sang?

Feel sorry!

Everyone is not targeting you, but the choice of the spirit bird, which is far more convincing than this so-called test. After all, the test can be faked, but the spirit bird is not.

Seeing so.

The faces of Ba Siba and the others were indescribably ugly.

Just one step away!

Luo Sang was obviously going to be the head of the family soon, the new boss, but in the end he was destroyed by a beast!

this moment.

They almost roasted the spirit bird's heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people at the scene, and there was no shortage of powerful people, Ba Siba and the others would have already started to kill people to silence them.


Ba Siba can become the second in command, and he has been in charge of the family for so many years, so he naturally has two brushes, and he quickly recovered.


He used a technique similar to a lion's roar, his voice was obviously not loud, but it abruptly overshadowed everyone's discussions and doubts.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient!"

"About this test, I declare it invalid, because the sudden intrusion of the spirit bird has broken the fairness of the competition..."

"The final result is unconvincing!"


Ba Siba was very depressed.

This result was far from his plan.

But he also has no choice. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he can't be a rascal, right? Even if you play it, you can't convince the crowd.


He can only conform to public opinion and conduct another test.

As for the second test, in front of so many people, it was not easy for him to play tricks secretly. If he was found out on the spot, he would be completely embarrassed.

However, you cannot sit still.


Ba Siba thought of an unsolvable solution, that is, to send someone to drug Luosang's drinking water, making her suffer from diarrhea and unable to compete...

in short.

It is to delay time and create opportunities for them.


Their plan went very well.

Just when the second test was about to start, Luo Sang suddenly had a stomachache, and his red face turned pale.

Ba Siba and the others immediately showed a look of great concern, came to check it out pretendingly, and then said: "Luo Sang is not feeling well, so it is impossible to take the test again. In my opinion, it is better to use the time Postpone it!"


Captain Song and the others were also speechless.

Although most people have guessed that there might be some tricks in it, because it all happened so suddenly...


They were powerless to refute.

After all, Luo Sang's pain is real, it's not fake at all, you can't let a little girl participate in the competition with an injured body, right?

This is obviously bullying.

And at this moment.

"Need not!"

A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting everyone's discussion and hesitation: "I happen to be proficient in some Qihuang techniques, why don't I let the little girl Luosang have a look, maybe with luck, the disease will be cured!"

The person who spoke was naturally Bai Xiaofei.


Ba Siba and the others were startled.

When they saw that the speaker turned out to be the mysterious Bai from Fuxitang, their complexions immediately darkened to the extreme.

Adixa frowned and said, "Mr. Bai, this is not right. Even though you have excellent medical skills, the body of Lord Luosang has been affected after all. If you take the test like this, there will inevitably be errors..."

It actually means: "You don't want to destroy our plan, we have a lot of reasons to deny it, just try it if you don't believe me!"

As everyone knows.

Bai Xiaofei is a person who does not believe in evil.

Hearing this, he immediately laughed and said: "Master Adixa, you can rest assured that there is a kind of water from a spiritual spring, even if you are a cultivator, taking it will be of great benefit. After Miss Luosang takes it, it is guaranteed that not only the medicine Until the disease is cured, and even reborn because of it, it will definitely not affect the test."

Adixa: "..."

Ba Siba: "..."


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