The Storm God

Chapter 3255 Ningma shows up, the test continues!

Bai Xiaofei's attitude was very firm.

It seemed obvious that he wanted to fight against Ba Siba and others, and no matter what the other party's reaction was, he came directly to the little girl Luosang, and then he stretched out his hand to diagnose her.


Ba Siba and others were shocked.

They subconsciously wanted to stop Bai Xiaofei, but they were shocked to find that they couldn't move at all.

He could only watch helplessly as Bai Xiaofei's hand landed on Luosang's wrist.

"Want to stop me?"

Bai Xiaofei's heart was full of disdain, and he snorted coldly: "You are not qualified enough!"

Of course he was the one who made the move.

As soon as the psychic power came out, Ba Siba and the others were immediately arrested.

And Bai Xiaofei also checked Luosang's physical condition as he wished. In fact, he didn't need to feel his pulse at all, he knew what was going on.

But empty words have no proof, and they cannot convince the public.


Bai Xiaofei could only do this, then frowned and said: "It's not a serious problem, it's just that he ate something bad and has a little diarrhea."

"Luo Sang, don't be afraid!"

"Brother here has holy water, drink it and keep your medicine until you are cured, you will be alive and well!"

"Do you trust brother?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly.

At the same time as he spoke, he had already untied the suppression of thoughts on Ba Siba and others. But now, even if they have reacted, they are too embarrassed to say anything more.


Luo Sang nodded obediently.

That meant that she was willing to believe in Bai Xiaofei and drink the holy water that was said to cure diseases. The parties involved are all like this, so what can they do?

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei's holy water is so fucking effective. As soon as Luo Sang drank it, his pale face turned rosy.

Not only that.

Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, Luo Sang actually just stood up like this, expressing that he was completely fine.

Adixa: "..."

Ba Siba: "..."

The surrounding villagers: "..."

this moment.

Except for Mao Xiaofang and the others who had long seen the power of the Ice Phoenix holy water, almost everyone else was overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's holy water.

Especially the villagers of Gantian Town.

When they came back to their senses, the first thing they thought of was not the selection test, but...

Is there any holy water like this?

If we paid for it, what price would it be?

After all, this panacea is effective as soon as you drink it. If you have any headaches in the future, with this holy water, you don't need to go to the doctor.

As expected of Mr. Bai, he is amazing!


Bai Xiaofei immediately became the focus.

All the attention of the villagers was almost transferred to the Ice Phoenix holy water, and they almost completely abandoned the selection test.

at last……

It was Bai Xiaofei who stopped everyone.

Only then did the crooked building be straightened again: "Master Ba Siba, look, since little girl Luosang is fine, can the selection test continue?"


Other villagers also followed suit: "Mr. Bai has already taken action. The medicine will definitely cure the disease. Everyone has seen the effect. Luo Sang is alive and well, so it will definitely not have any effect!"

"Since this is the case, let's continue the selection test. After all, preparing these things is quite troublesome, so there is no need to delay it any longer?"

"that is!"

"If you still think it's inaccurate, it's a big deal to do a few more tests, and whoever wins the most must be the boss of Qian!"

"Otherwise, it will be meaningless to compare later!"


Looking at the villagers talking a lot.

Ba Siba, Adixia and the others suddenly looked as if they were blamed, and were completely speechless.

If you don't want to continue, they won't come down, after all, Bai Xiaofei has already cured Luo Sang, if he still refuses, it's hard to guarantee that people won't be suspicious.


If the test continues, the outcome may not be what they are willing to accept. If Liu Ning really wins, then all their plans will be in vain.

How to choose is a lot of problems.

It can be described as a dilemma.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

And at this time, a person that none of them had thought of suddenly appeared on the scene.


"It's the murderer Nyingma!"

"Why is he here?"


The villagers were taken aback.

But Ba Siba, Adixia and the others frowned even tighter in an instant. Because the sudden appearance of Nyingma is definitely not a good thing for them.

as expected.

Then Bai Xiaofei said suddenly: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. In fact, Ningma's status in the family is quite high, only under Master Basiba, and he is a veritable third in command!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone couldn't believe it for a while.

Apparently, no one expected that this master, who was unanimously considered by everyone to be the murderer, was actually a powerful figure in the family!

follow closely……

A lot of questions popped up.

With such a high status, why did he kill people? Even if he wanted to usurp the throne, the first person to kill him should be Basiba, the second-in-command, right?

Could it be that there are some unknown tricks in this?

this moment.

Even some villagers who were slow to react immediately sensed something was wrong, and then looked at Basiba and the others one after another.

It seemed to be asking for proof.


Ba Siba and the others turned dark again.

However, in front of so many people, they couldn't deny Nyingma's identity and status, so they could only proclaim the Buddha's name and admit Nyingma's origin.


Ba Siba began to try to change the subject, and asked: "Ningma, I heard that Gantian town has made a lot of names before, but what did you do?"

"There is absolutely no such thing!"

Ningma immediately denied it.

He clasped his hands together, and said very piously: "I have only one purpose here, and that is to find Boss Qian and protect his safety, so that no one can kill him. Those murders before were committed by others!"


Ningma straightened her face.

Looking at Luo Sang and Liu Ning, he continued: "I didn't show up before to prevent the murderer from framing me, but it's different now. The real boss Qian will appear soon, and the truth will be revealed by then!"

The implication is that it is useless to talk nonsense, let's continue testing. As long as the real Boss Qian shows up, right and wrong will have their own conclusions.


Ba Siba and others were speechless.

If before, they could still be cheeky and postpone the selection test to another day, then with the appearance of Nyingma, this possibility is no longer possible.

no way.

Nyingma has spoken so bluntly, if they refuse again, wouldn't it be obvious to everyone that they have a problem?

At this time, even if you have to bite the bullet, you must continue to test.

after all……

Even if Boss Qian is found, he is not the real predecessor. He must go through a lot of tempering and practice before he can fully awaken.

That is.

Even if all these plans fail, they are not completely hopeless. As long as Boss Qian doesn't fully awaken for a day, Ba Siba and the others still have the chance to start over.


Selection tests soon began again.

And this time.

However, some changes have been made to the content. After all, the previous lotus platform has been damaged, and it cannot be used by anyone, so I can only find another way. And in order to convince the public, the final test was changed to two wins in three rounds.

first round.

It is an item used by the boss of selection and money during his lifetime.


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