The Storm God

Chapter 3256 The competition is over, kill people!

this time.

Ba Siba and the others did not cheat.

But it also didn't set some difficulty. For example, among the items Liu Ning chose, there was only one piece of cloth used as a cushion.

Most of the items Luosang chose were items that Boss Qian had used before, and the difficulty level of the two was very different.


Even so, Liu Ning passed the test easily.

After all, he is the real boss Qian, so naturally he will not be deceived by Ba Siba and others' tricks. As for Luo Sang, he got the real ability in the test.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also nodded silently.

He secretly said in his heart: "Luo Sang is innocent, and his spirituality is also very good. It would be a pity if he just gave up..."


He will not force others.

If Luo Sang really wanted to pray to Buddha, Bai Xiaofei would not stop him.

Although it is impossible for her to be the head of the family, it is still possible to be the second, third or something.

I believe that Liu Ning will not have any objections to this.

The first level is over.

Next is the second test.

But for this level, Ningma stood up and suggested: "The spirit bird has been a sacred object in the family since ancient times, and it is also one of the important basis for finding the former boss. So I think this level should let the spirit bird to choose."


Ba Siba and the others were immediately enraged.

Let the spirit bird choose?

Isn't this a clear admission of defeat? After all, Spirit Bird had already chosen Liu Ning before, so if he does it again, the result will not be bad.

They objected immediately.

However, the effect is obviously not very satisfactory, because what Ningma said is well-founded and there is nothing wrong with it, and the reasons of Basiba and others...

It's far-fetched.

Coupled with the strong support of Bai Xiaofei, Mao Xiaofang and others...

So the second hurdle was decided.

There is no question about the result.

Liu Ning won.

After two rounds of testing, the first round was considered a tie, and Liu Ning won the second round. If Liu Ning still wins the next third round, the result is self-evident, and Liu Ning is the real money boss.

But if Luo Sang wins, the two sides will still be tied. According to the rules established before, there will be another competition to determine the winner.


For this third round, Ba Siba and others are bound to win. If they lose, it means that everything they have done before will be in vain.

"The third level, compared to Buddhist scriptures!"

Ba Siba's tone was unquestionable.

Regarding this decision, Bai Xiaofei has no objection, he believes in Liu Ning, because the other party is a real boss, and the Buddhist scriptures are naturally not a problem.

He has no problem.

Mao Xiaofang and the others naturally wouldn't say anything.

Then the competition of the third level was decided like this. Use a special scripture of Tantra to test the spirituality of the two.

The specific content is that two people will read a part of the scriptures, and then clarify its essence and their own perceptions. At that time, there will be people around them, exerting various disturbances and influences to see whose concentration is stronger.

In the end, the best performer wins.


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "That's it, let's start right away!"

Ba Siba and others looked at each other.


The third round of competition begins.

Liu Ning and Luo Sang came to Basiba respectively. There are some divided scriptures, and the two of them choose which one to study.

"You come first!"

Luo Sang was very generous.

Liu Ning smiled and said, "You should come first, ladies first!"


Luo Sang took a deep look at him.

In the end, he didn't refuse, and without even looking at Basiba, he picked up the Buddhist scriptures in front of him, turned and walked to his place.

But Liu Ning chose the remaining one and came to another place.


Liu Ning opened the Buddhist scriptures and took a look.

He was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself: "It turned out to be a Buddhist scripture that I had read before. It seems that Basiba really put his heart into this test!"

"Forget it!"

"This kind of competition is a little fairer, but we have to see how far that little girl can comprehend this profound Buddhist scriptures!"

"I hope there will be some surprises!"


To be honest, Liu Ning is not worried about winning or losing the competition, because he is sure of winning. Now what Liu Ning is curious about is how far Luo Sang can comprehend this Buddhist scripture.


He also attached great importance to the little girl Luo Sang.

Such a good talent, it would be a pity not to win him into the family. Even if the other party is Ba Siba's illegitimate daughter.

after all.

The one who is guilty is Basiba, not Luosang.

The competition continued.

The time is one hour, that is, two hours. When the time limit is up, someone will come over, take away the Buddhist scriptures, and conduct an assessment.

During this period, everyone can only wait patiently.


Even waiting is not boring.

Because when Liu Ning and Luo Sang were studying Buddhist scriptures, some people would make trouble in the past and prevent them from concentrating, so as to test each other's ability to concentrate.

And these messy programs are the only fun for the audience.


For Bai Xiaofei.

These so-called pleasures are a bit naive, because their methods are very low-level in Bai Xiaofei's view.

Apart from talking, dancing, and creating reverberation, I really have no intentions at all.

If it were Bai Xiaofei who operated it by himself, he would definitely make some temptations such as delicious food and novelty toys that the children could not refuse to influence the two of them.

Even going too far, creating something bloody and brutal, guaranteed to greatly interfere with the concentration of the two of them...

In short.

Just such a simple and naive little trick can't help the two of them at all.

as expected.

During the two hours, neither Liu Ning nor Luo Sang was greatly affected, and successfully completed the study and enlightenment of Buddhist scriptures.

Then one by one confidently came to Ba Siba and other big bosses, ready to accept various upcoming assessments.


Luo Sang was the first to start the assessment.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately couldn't help snorting coldly: "Is the beating a preconceived attention? Childish! In front of the real boss, these tricks are useless!"

as expected.

Luo Sang's assessment results quickly aroused applause from the crowd.


Then Liu Ning handed over the results, but directly blinded Basiba and others, and even quoted scriptures from Buddhist scriptures, directly leaving Basiba and other big guys speechless.

Even people like Ba Siba are like this, let alone how the audience around them react, they will be blown up immediately.

Then, if you put it all together, you don't need to distinguish between strong and weak, and it's clear at a glance.

Liu Ning wins!

This is an indisputable fact.

No matter how many reasons Ba Siba and the others have, they cannot erase the fact that everyone is watching. As soon as they thought that the plans of themselves and others were all shattered, their faces immediately looked like they had died.

Not to mention how ugly it is.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

At this time, Nyingma boss stood up and said loudly: "Since the real boss Qian has been revealed, the truth about the facts should also surface."


The voice just fell.

Several figures rushed out from Ba Siba's side abruptly.

It was the Dharma protectors next to Bhaspa, who respectively held the special instruments and weapons of the family, and attacked the Nyingma boss mercilessly.

And the move is fatal, it is clear that he is going to put him to death, kill him to silence him.

"what happened?!"

This sudden change immediately stunned the audience present. Of course, it does not include Mao Xiaofang and others who have been prepared for a long time.


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