The Storm God

Chapter 3257 The duel between the two bosses!


Mao Xiaofang also made a move.

With a wave of his hand, a string of Buddha beads flew out like countless thunderbolt bullets, forcing those King Kongs to retreat again and again.

Boss Nyingma's pressure was greatly reduced.

"Shenhuo Flying Needle!"

"call out!"

On Basiba's side, Master Adixa, who is the second expert, was not idle either. Seeing Mao Xiaofang meddling in family affairs, his face darkened.

Followed by a brazen shot.

A flying needle that was as fast as lightning in one hand hit the major acupuncture points on Xiaofang's body.

Other people also rushed up one after another.


Yu Dachu, Ma Xiaohai, and Lei Xiu are not vegetarians either. Although there are only three of them, their strength is obviously higher than the other younger brothers.

For a while, the two sides fought in full swing, and the fight was extremely fierce.

Song Zilong and others led the police officers and did not intervene in the duel between the two sides, but immediately protected the villagers and prepared to evacuate the scene.

in the field.

The only ones who didn't make a move were Bai Xiaofei, Ba Siba, and Liu Ning and Luo Sanglian.

Of course.

Liu Ning is hiding his strength.

And Luo Sang is an innocent little girl who really knows nothing.


Luo Sang's biological father is Basiba.

Therefore, her father will not let her daughter be harmed. Seeing that the aftermath of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, it will gradually affect Luosang.

Finally, Ba Siba made a move.


Seeing him wave the cassock, the red cassock instantly turned into an indestructible city wall, directly resisting all the strength outside.

Rosen was unharmed.


She is weird.

I am not the real boss of Qian, but Liu Ning is. Logically speaking, as the second in command of the family, shouldn't Ba Siba protect Liu Ning?

Why did he choose himself in the first place?

This is unreasonable!


Bai Xiaofei ignored everything around him.

Looking at Ba Siba indifferently, he said: "Have you finally taken it? Yes! After all, Luo Sang is your biological daughter, no matter how cold-blooded you are, it is impossible not to protect your own child. As a father, you are quite qualified! "


When the little girl Luosang heard the words, she immediately became bewildered. Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously, and corrected him: "Big brother, my father is not him..."

Ba Siba: "..."

Compared to Bai Xiaofei's telling the truth.

Maybe the biological daughter couldn't bear her own father, which made Ba Siba even more sad?

At the first moment, he didn't guard against Bai Xiaofei, but squatted down, stared at Luosang affectionately, and said with a responsible expression: "Luosang..."

Ba Siba originally wanted to tell Luosang all the truth.


When he saw Luosang's incomparably pure eyes, Basiba was instantly struck by lightning, and he couldn't say the following words no matter what.

"Let me speak for you!"

However, Bai Xiaofei knew that the truth must be made public, otherwise his plan would not be able to be carried out smoothly, so he said: "Luo Sang, Basiba is indeed your father!"

"Ah? This..."

The little girl had a look of disbelief, a little skeptical about life.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things, and continued to explain: "Back then, Ba Siba violated the precept and had an affair with a woman, and was discovered by Boss Qian. As a result, Ba Siba became evil, and for the sake of power and status, he led someone to assassinate Boss Qian. ..."

"You should know the rest of the matter. As the second in command, you can't be tainted, so I can only foster you in someone else's home, and train you carefully from an early age, so that you can succeed the boss Qian in the future. The mantle of the family, become the real boss of the family!"

"But it's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. The real boss Qian has already been discovered by me and led to his awakening."

"That's right!"

When it comes to this.

Liu Ning finally stood up, and his face no longer had the immature expression of a child, but an extremely mature and steady look.

at the same time……

A powerful breath also permeated the air.

this moment.

Boss Liu Ning Qian possessed his body, and his aura was extremely powerful. Even though he was small in stature, in terms of aura, he was no worse than Ba ​​Siba.


Ba Siba's eyes widened immediately, and he didn't dare to say: "How is it possible? It's only been a while. Without the help of your family, how could you recover so quickly?"

"I do not believe!"

Everything in front of him was beyond Basiba's imagination, and even shattered his plans and beliefs, causing him to become furious instantly, and even began to lose his mind.

While roaring, he actually abandoned Luo Sang and rushed towards Liu Ning instead.

Obviously, he wanted to come to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stop him.

And Liu Ning was also fearless, and sneered: "Good job, Ba Siba, now is the time to settle the accounts between us!"

The voice did not fall.

The others did not retreat but advanced, and went up to Basiba.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two big men finally confronted each other.

First, there was a burst of fierce and cautious hand-to-hand combat, followed by various tantric stunts, and then the secret handprint...

The fierceness of the battle is far more powerful than others.

Just the commotion between the two of them almost surpassed the scale of Mao Xiaofang, Adixia and others. It can be seen that neither of them held back, and they directly showed their real kung fu.

And Bai Xiaofei watched the whole process, silently watching the play.


He also didn't forget to protect Luosang.

The little girl Luosang had a dazed expression on her face, as if she couldn't accept and digest all the sudden changes and inside information, she just stood there motionless.

All the spurting energy and aftermath were blocked by Bai Xiaofei's mental power to ensure her safety.

strictly speaking.

Ba Siba and others should be more popular here, after all, there are many people, and there are many masters. But Mao Xiaofang has three masters.

In addition to Liu Ning, who is fighting against Ba Siba himself, there is also a Nyingma boss, and Mao Xiaofang, a native of Gantian Town.

In terms of high-end combat power, they are undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

Nyingma boss can deal with those so-called Vajras with ease and effortlessly. If it weren't for him not to cause more killings, I'm afraid these king kong would have rushed to the street long ago.

But even so, it was extremely miserable to be cleaned up by Ningma.

Not for a while.

They all lay down on the ground.

Although his life was safe, his mana and skills were basically destroyed. It's not that Nyingma boss is cruel, but these people have already been brainwashed by Basiba, and they are the absolute confidantes of the other party, so they can't do it unless they are heavy handed.

On the other hand, Mao Xiaofang seemed much gentler.

Adixa tried her best, but she couldn't help Mao Xiaofang, but Mao Xiaofang didn't use heavy hands, mainly fighting, and trapped Adixa firmly here, unable to support his boss at all. Eight Siba.

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding.

Everyone is waiting for the result of the final duel between Liu Ning and Ba Siba, and the outcome of the two will also determine the outcome of this chaotic farce.

Only Bai Xiaofei was the exception.


He was just watching a show, whether it was Ningma boss, Mao Xiaofang, or the battle between Liu Ning and Basiba.

From Bai Xiaofei's point of view, these are similar to chickens pecking at each other.

His real pleasure lies in the various causal changes brought about by changing the development of the plot, as well as the world fluctuations...

This gave Bai Xiaofei a sense of accomplishment, and at the same time gained a lot of power of destiny, thereby expanding his small coffers.

Just like now.

The plot was rewritten by Bai Xiaofei so that it seriously deviated from the original track, and it also avoided the deaths of many innocent people. This is a big gain.

And as the plan unfolds, there will be more and more rewards in the future!


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