The Storm God

Chapter 3258 I think you are courting death!

The melee is still going on.

The surrounding villagers and audience quickly left the scene under the arrangement of Captain Song and others, but even so, some people were still injured.

Fortunately, they were all minor injuries and there was no major danger.

Just rest for a few days and you'll be fine.

the other side.

Those younger brothers brought by Ba Siba are more difficult.

After all, Ningma is one of the big brothers in the family, not to mention that with the help of Bai Xiaofei, she has also obtained a soaring strength, and there is no pressure at all to deal with these King Kong and the like.

One move, the dragon descends from the sky.


Several Vajras who besieged the Nyingma boss were knocked to the ground by the divine dragon formed by the condensed spiritual power, unable to stand up.

Because this move is not attacking the body, but the soul.

A wounded soul cannot be recovered in a short period of time. This is the result of Nyingma boss deliberately keeping his hand, otherwise these King Kongs would have died long ago.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

After the big brother Nyingma dealt with these Vajras, he couldn't bear to fold his hands together, recited a Buddha's name, and then came to Mao Xiaofang's side.

Mao Xiaofang is still fighting fiercely with Adixia.

It wasn't because he was not strong enough, but mainly because his heart was too kind, and he couldn't bear to be cruel all the time, so he entangled with Adixia for a long time.


Following the approach of Nyingma Boss, Adixa was immediately frightened.

With a feint, he was about to escape.


The big brother Nyingma seems to have been on guard for a long time.

Just as Adixa turned around to run away, a nearly substantial rope made of pure spiritual power suddenly burst out of the hole.

"call out!"

Lingluo seems to be conscious.

When he appeared on the stage, he brought his own navigation, ran directly to Adixa to chase after him, and then quickly entangled, and almost caught off guard Adixia into a rice dumpling almost in a blink of an eye.

The power of this spirit network is extremely tenacious, no matter how Adixia resists and struggles, it will not help, and it will soon be tightly entangled, becoming a living mummy, unable to move at all.


Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang was startled.

He had also heard about the strength and skill of the Nyingma boss, but he never thought that he would be so strong that he could suppress Adixa in an instant.

He really deserves to be the second in command of the family.

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

Ningma didn't care about Mao Xiaofang's thoughts.

After suppressing Adixa, he dragged him in front of him, and then slapped him with a big handprint.


Adixa, who was entangled like a mummy, suddenly groaned in pain, as if vomiting blood. Immediately after him, his aura completely decayed.

"This is……"

Mao Xiaofang's eyes widened immediately, not daring to say anything: "Master Ningma, you, you abolished Adixa's cultivation?"


Ningma clasped his hands together, and said: "Adixia has been completely possessed by demons. Those who follow Ba Siba have done a lot of bad things. I have no other choice..."

Mao Xiaofang: "..."


the other side.

Ba Siba is still fighting fiercely with Liu Ning.

The two can be regarded as old acquaintances and old enemies. They both have some hatred and long-cherished wishes in their hearts, and they are merciless in their actions.

It made it so that no one dared to approach it within a radius of tens of meters.

Whoever gets close is unlucky.


The two palmed each other.

Then Qiqi backed away, looking like they couldn't do anything to each other.

Ba Siba frowned and said: "Boss Qian, I don't think you have recovered your strength long ago, and you are even better than before. You are hiding so deeply!"

He is not stupid.

I figured everything out by now, but it was too late.

The overall situation has been settled, and now the only way to save the situation is to kill Liu Ning and completely block the news of Gantian Town.


All that greeted them was failure and despair.

"You're not bad either!"

Liu Ning's small body exudes a maturity and sophistication that is extremely inconsistent with his age. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "I didn't expect so much, but my cultivation base is not retreating but advancing, and I have improved to a higher level. It's a pity that I left It's the magic way!"

There is one thing to say.

In addition to his bad conduct, Ba Siba is also very talented in cultivation, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be the second in command of the family at such a young age, and even assassinated Liu Ning, the number one.

Liu Ning originally thought that without his own restraint, Ba Siba would be intoxicated with power, so that his cultivation would stagnate.


He was wrong.

Ba Siba's cultivation strength, not only did not stop, but even improved a lot.

Even the current Liu Ning, whose strength has surpassed the peak of the past, can hardly win the opponent in a short period of time, and even has the power of life if he is not careful...

Every time Liu Ning thinks of this, he feels regretful in his heart.

What a genius.


But went astray, what a waste of money!

Fortunately, Ba Siba's daughter also inherited this talent, and received a good education since she was a child, so she didn't grow crooked.

In the future, if she is willing, she can take over Ba Siba's position.

While thinking about the follow-up arrangements in the family, Liu Ning continued to exert his power. The surging spiritual power, like the waves of the Yangtze River, crashed and did not give Ba Siba any chance to breathe.

Relatively speaking.

What makes Basiba stronger than Liu Ning lies in the advantages of physical body and age. And although Liu Ning's force value is a little lower, but in terms of spiritual power, he is quite a few blocks away from Basiba.

In short, he can afford it!

On the other hand, Basiba.

Feeling a bit miserable and depressed now.

Not only did he miscalculate Liu Ning's strength, but his own cultivation and battery life were far inferior to the opponent's. The only advantage he had was force.


In this level of fighting skills.

That bit of force is nothing at all. Just like a martial arts practitioner who insists on fighting recklessly with a person with a machine gun in his hand, fighting recklessly will only lead to death.

So he thought of a way.

Ba Siba actually focused his attention on the surrounding villagers who hadn't come out in time, making it clear that he wanted to take hostages and let Liu Ning take the risk.


"Dare to use your brain, I think you are courting death!"

"Get down on the ground!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became angry.

Seeing that Ba Siba had a good duel, he suddenly pointed the finger at the innocent villagers, his face changed, and he shot immediately.

The invisible thought force exploded instantly.

The terrifying power that seemed to be like a stormy sea directly washed away all the power of Basiba, as well as the surge of power.

Even on the spot, Basiba was knocked out.


Bai Xiaofei shot with anger, the power was extremely perverted, stronger than a big guy like Ba Siba, he was blown away in an instant, and was severely injured on the spot.


Ba Siba fell to the ground.

The whole person looks like a rag doll that has been damaged by someone. It is so miserable at this moment, covered in blood, and can't get up again.


The stunned Liu Ning and the others came to Basiba's side after they came back to their senses, then shook their heads and sighed: "You said it's not good to offend anyone, but you want to offend the most terrifying Mr. Bai, now you know how powerful it is!" right?"

so far.

The melee finally ceased.

With the complete defeat of Ba Siba and others, this big incident that affected the entire Gantian Town finally came to an end.

Bai Xiaofei briefly explained the situation to Captain Song Zilong, then took Mao Xiaofang, Liu Ning and others, and teleported away from the scene.


Before leaving, he didn't go to Miss Luosang either.

Bai Xiaofei brought her to the ceremony hall of Fuxi Hall together, saying that he could arrange for her to be an important guest of the family.

And Luo Sang did not refuse.


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