The Storm God

Chapter 3261 Do you want to change your destiny?

Dongjiang Town is a big town.

It is very close to the Xiangjiang River, and it only takes a short time to get there by boat. Therefore, the trade realm here is also very prosperous.

Compared with Gantian Town, although it is a bit smaller, its economic level is not weak at all, and there are a lot of people coming and going.


Most of the police officers in the police station are relatively busy.


It's all little things.

Dongjiang Town has a good feng shui, and there are very few major cases. So the police here are relatively comfortable.

The most important thing is that Yu Dahai, a big local tycoon, has a very good relationship with the sheriff. Sometimes when it is useful, he will spend some money to clear up the relationship.

Eat meat on the top, and drink some soup on the bottom.


One of them was an exception.

This person is Zhong Bang, a young police officer who has a five-life strange personality, is full of vigor, honesty, and hates the rich.

Zhongbang has an elder sister named Zhong Jun, she is eccentric, very economical, very good at flattering, the biggest shortcoming is that she regards money as her life.

This point is completely opposite to Zhong Bang's view of money as dung.

Zhong Jun opened a Taoist hall in the town. Although he knew a little bit of Taoism, he didn't study it very deeply. Instead, he made a living by cheating and abducting.

This kind of person is naturally not within the scope of Bai Xiaofei's attention. What he cares about is Zhong Bang, to be precise, it is Zhong Bang's fifth life.

Rumor has it that anyone with this fate will be extraordinary.

for example……

Zhang Tianshi, Zhang Sanfeng.

Even Lu Dongbin, one of the legendary Shangdong Eight Immortals, has this destiny.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei is very curious, if Zhong Bang is brought to the world of self-cultivation to practice, what kind of excitement will erupt?

As for Zhong Bang's weird personality?


It's not all that important.

Bai Xiaofei is confident enough to train Zhong Bang well.

Closer to home.

When Bai Xiaofei came to the police station to look for Zhong Bang, the latter was busy looking for clues to a case.

It was another police officer who received Bai Xiaofei.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care either.

While perfunctoryly coping with the policeman's questioning, he quietly operated the Eye of the Stars, and began to gain insight into Zhong Bang's five-life strange personality.

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei had to admit that this kind of fate was really perverted.

Seven Star Girl's fate is strong enough, right?


Compared with the fifth generation of strange people, it is completely insignificant, and the two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

This kind of fate is like the illegitimate child of heaven, born with all the powerful factors and aptitudes that are convenient for practice.

Even if a pig has this kind of fate, as long as he is willing to study and practice, his future achievements will definitely not be too low.

At the very least, I'm afraid it's at the level of a Zhu Bajie.


This is simply cheating.

It's a pity that the world has undergone major changes, and the spiritual energy has been exhausted, and the upper limit has already been locked. Coupled with the serious loss of skills, Zhong Bang always has such a rare fate in this world, and it is difficult to exert amazing power.

This is also the fundamental reason why in the plot, Zhong Bang, the awakened strange man of the fifth generation, can't even beat Gao Lusi and Yang Feiyun.

Not to mention reaching the level of immortals.

It's just a dream!


That was before.

Now with Bai Xiaofei's random entry, the future of Wushiqi's personality will be completely different. In a word, Bai Xiaofei is very satisfied with it.


The police officer in charge of receiving Bai Xiaofei saw that Bai Xiaofei was smirking at something else, and immediately became dissatisfied. He stared and said, "Are you listening to me?"

Bai Xiaofei ignored him.

He stood up directly, then ignored the police officers' obstruction, walked up to Zhong Bang who was busy looking up information, and said, "Zhong Bang, do you want to know your future?"


Zhong Bang is so busy that he is dizzy.

Hearing someone talking to him suddenly, he immediately replied angrily: "Future? Crazy, please don't disturb your work, thank you!"


I will leave with the information.

Obviously seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't move, he planned to stay away from this trouble completely. In order not to be messed up by this person when I just had a clue.



Jong-bong just stood up.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes, which were as bright as stars and a galaxy, completely attracted Zhong Bang's attention, and then he completely fell into it.


Someone cast an illusion on him. This illusion was born out of Tsukuyomi in Hokage, but it is more powerful and terrifying than that.

Zhong Bang, who fell into the illusion, seemed to have traveled through time, completely watching all the plots related to himself in the first part of "Zombie Daoist" from the perspective of a bystander.

Just like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, when Zhong Bang finally recovered from the story, his mood was undoubtedly complicated and shocked.

Zhong Bang didn't doubt the truth of the story, because everything was too real.

Whether it's Bixin, herself, or someone else, they are exactly the same as the ones I know, no different!


In some aspects, it is simply more accurate than my own cognition.

Secondly, the behavior, psychology, direction, and even the ending of the characters in the story are also very in line with everyone's personality, without any flaws.

All of these, Zhong Bang can't help but doubt its authenticity. It's just... Is it really my future destiny to become a person who abandons love and forgets love?


Why did God do this to me? What am I doing wrong?

I am not reconciled, I am not convinced!

I want to change it!


Just when Zhong Bang made up his mind to change that cruel future fate at all costs, a loud noise suddenly flashed in the sky.

follow closely……

A bright and misty figure like a fairy descended from the sky abruptly.

It was Bai Xiaofei!

"Chung Bang!"

Bai Xiaofei landed in front of Zhong Bang, exuding an aura of immortality all over his body, and said condescendingly: "Do you really want to change your own destiny?"

"It's you!"

Zhong Bang was stunned.

He recognized Bai Xiaofei, wasn't he the guy who seemed to be mentally ill just now? But why is the other party here?

And still appear in such a posture?

Could it be...

He is a fairy?

At this moment, Zhong Bang, who has never believed in the superstition of gods, could not help but start to doubt life. Obviously, what happened just now had a great impact and shock on him.

"it's me!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide his identity, and said with a smile.

"This is where?"

Zhong Bang came back to his senses and asked nervously, "What did you do to me? What happened to everything just now?"


Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "If you want to know everything, then come and find it!"


The figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the entire illusion world also fell apart.


Jong-bong regains his sanity.

He looked around blankly, and found that Bai Xiaofei had already disappeared, and the colleagues around him were looking at him with strange eyes.

One of them asked kindly: "Zhong Bang, are you okay? What did that person say to you just now? Why did you suddenly stand still?"


Zhong Bang remained silent.

Staring blankly at the familiar surroundings, he couldn't help but wonder if what happened just now was his hallucination...

But at this moment.


"Zhong Bang, that's not an illusion, but your future destiny. I just showed it to you in a special way..."

"If you want to change it, come to me!"

"You know where I am!"


Just as the voice suddenly echoed in his mind, a familiar scene instantly appeared in front of Zhong Bang.

"Seven Sisters Hall!"

Zhong Bang immediately recognized that it was the Taoist hall opened by his sister Zhong Jun.


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