The Storm God

Chapter 3262 What can you give?

Seven Sisters Church.

This is the Taoist hall opened by Zhong Bang's sister Zhong Jun.

Compared with Mao Xiaofang's Fuxi Hall, this place looks much more magnificent, because the purpose of Zhong Jun's Taoist hall is to gather money.


Being able to deceive the people here, and willingly handing out money, has not been exposed for so many years...

have to say.

This Mr. Zhong is quite capable.


Among them is Zhong Bang's relationship. After all, his identity is a police officer in Dongjiang Town. With such a younger brother, how can people associate Zhong Jun with a liar?

Coupled with Zhong Jun, the ability to fool people is perfect...

So nature is everlasting.


When Bai Xiaofei came to the Seven Sisters Hall, he saw a lot of people coming and going, asking God to make a wish, buying talismans and so on.

Zhong Bang's elder sister, Zhong Jun, as the eldest sister, is naturally full of style and looks like a master. Almost all the little things are done by her younger sisters.


It does look like that.

"This gentleman..."

One of the little sisters saw Bai Xiaofei coming in, probably seeing Bai Xiaofei's extraordinary attire and elegant demeanor, her eyes lit up and she ran over immediately.

"Are you coming to our Seven Sisters Hall to ask God to make a wish, or to buy a talisman? We have..."

The little girl took the opportunity to blah blah.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Looking at the very talkative little girl in front of her, she smiled slightly and said frankly, "Sorry, I'm not doing anything here, just waiting for someone!"

"Waiting for someone?"

The little sister was taken aback when she heard this.

Immediately realized that this person probably doesn't know how to spend money, so his attitude immediately turned cold, "Who are you waiting for? Our place is not a teahouse. If you want to wait for someone, you should go somewhere else!"

At this moment.

Zhong Jun also noticed the situation here, she kept the posture of an expert, walked over quickly, and asked, "What's going on?"

The little sister told Zhong Jun about the situation.

Zhong Jun frowned slightly, but he didn't show any displeasure in his heart. He still had a faint smile on his face and said, "Mister, you don't look like a local. You just came to Dongjiang Town?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

He had to admit that Mr. Zhong still had some skills, at least he was much better at dealing with people than that little sister.

No wonder Zhong Jun is the boss, while others are younger brothers.


Zhong Jun waved his hand.

The little sister turned and left directly, and taught the boss Zhong Jun to deal with it.

But Zhong Jun thought that Bai Xiaofei might be a big fat sheep, so he began to fool around, saying that when he first came to Dongjiang, he must buy a magic talisman to be contaminated with the blessing and noble spirit of Dongjiang Town, so that no matter what he did, everything would go smoothly, etc. ...

Bai Xiaofei: "Hehe..."

Do you believe it or not?


Zhong Jun was taken aback.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's reckless expression, and his eyes full of sarcasm and contempt, he was very upset.

Then she decided to show her hands in front of Bai Xiaofei, so as not to weaken her reputation in Seven Sisters Hall.


Just when Zhong Jun was about to call out to the little sisters to use the routines that he had already honed, Bai Xiaofei suddenly said: "Zhong Jun, don't waste your energy in vain!"

"What do you mean?"

Zhong Jun's face changed, and he felt that this person seemed to be coming in a bad way.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, and said directly: "Your tricks, it's okay to fool others, but in front of me, it's purely a trick!"


I didn't see any movement from him.

But in the entire Seven Sisters Hall, gusts of wind suddenly blew up.

In just an instant, the candles, incense and other things in the lobby were all blown out and staggered.

Not only that.

Even the mechanisms and devices secretly arranged by Zhong Jun and others were destroyed in an instant. Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei didn't "kill them all", he just destroyed them, and didn't expose them all.


Knowing that he has been duped by everyone, he has to surround Zhong Jun to denounce him.

This sudden change immediately frightened Zhong Jun. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't express anything, she just knew that this young man must have done everything just now.

Then Zhong Jun realized that he might have mentioned the iron plate.

This person in front of him is definitely a master!


She didn't care about pretending to be an expert, and hurriedly went to find her little sisters, and asked them to comfort the unintelligible people and leave.

As for the reason?

Just find one at random, for example, Zhong Jun wants to cast spells, communicate with the holy lady, and not be disturbed by outsiders.

And those people are still willing to believe.


The Seven Sisters Hall became deserted, except for Zhong Jun and others, Bai Xiaofei was the only outsider in the entire hall.

After closing the door, one of the little sisters ran directly to Zhong Jun and the other sisters, and glared at Bai Xiaofei vigilantly.

And their leader is naturally Zhong Jun.

"What's your name, sir?"

Zhong Jun panicked a lot, but she pretended to be calm, maintained a calm posture, and presented a Taoist etiquette to Bai Xiaofei.

"My surname is Bai!"

Bai Xiaofei stood there without moving, as if he had never heard of Zhong Jun's so-called etiquette for meeting fellow Taoists, he sneered and said, "Just call me Mr. Bai, and don't use those fake ones. As for why, you should Know!"

The implication is that you are fake and I am real. We are not the same way at all, so don't mess with me.

Even if it's all over, I won't bird you!


Zhong Jun suddenly looked bitter.

But in front of so many little sisters, she didn't want to weaken her reputation, so she could only bite the bullet and negotiate with Bai Xiaofei, saying: "It turned out to be Mr. Bai, but I didn't know that Mr. Bai came to our Seven Sisters Hall this time. What's the matter?"

I thought to myself, is this person here to kick the gym?


Bai Xiaofei was very straightforward.

Seeing Zhong Jun's stupefied look, he smiled slightly and said, "And you know that person too. Because he is your younger brother Zhong Bang!"


Zhong Jun was shocked.

And at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the Seven Sisters Hall, and at the same time, Zhong Bang shouted: "Sister, I am Zhong Bang, are you okay? Open the door, sister... "

Zhong Jun froze in place, that boy Zhong Bang actually came!

When she was in a daze, a little sister behind her ran over with great insight and opened the door for Zhong Bang.

Zhong Bang rushed in directly.


He saw the situation inside, seeing that his elder sister was not in any danger, Zhong Bang was relieved immediately.


Zhong Bang looked at Bai Xiaofei with a solemn expression.

Bai Xiaofei smiled at Zhong Bang indifferently, and said: "Finally, it's here, a little later than I expected, but it's not bad."

Zhong Bang: "..."

He stood there with fear in his eyes.

Regardless of Zhong Bang's reaction, Bai Xiaofei said, "Since you are here, it means that you are not willing to succumb to fate. If you want to change the future, you have to pay something. After all, there is no free lunch in the world... ..."

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, and looked at Zhong Bang with burning eyes.

"What can you give?"


Zhong Bang remained silent.

Meanwhile, Zhong Jun and the little sisters next to him were stupefied, completely unable to understand the relationship between the two of them and what they were talking about.


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