The Storm God

Chapter 3263 Verify the authenticity of the future!

"Jong Bang, what are you talking about?"

Zhong Jun couldn't help asking.


Zhong Bang opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know how to explain this matter. After all, knowing the future is too unreal.

Even if I say it, I am afraid that my sister will think it is a lie, just like I didn't believe in the so-called ghosts and Taoism before.


Everything that happened before was really shocking.

Zhong Bang couldn't help but not believe it!

at last……

He still didn't say anything.

Zhong Bang turned his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously, and asked, "What do you want? As long as I can give it or do it, I will do anything!"


Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Zhong Bang's performance, and actually threw the problem to himself again, letting him decide what he would pay.

It can be seen that there is also a bit of quick wit.

very good!

At least until now, Zhong Bang still showed the same stupid behavior as in the plot, which made Bai Xiaofei very gratified.

Slightly smiled.

Bai Xiaofei immediately said: "Since you have made up your mind, I will give you a chance. As long as you can pass my test, you can join my sect and become one of my disciples."

"Would you like to?"


Zhong Bang was startled for a moment.

Obviously, they never expected that Bai Xiaofei's request would be so simple.

Bai Xiaofei saw his intentions, so he reminded: "Zhong Bang, put away your fluke mentality, it is not easy to become my disciple, for this you may pay a lot, even own life!"

"Think about it carefully, I'll give you three days."

"I'll see you again in three days."


The voice did not fall.

Zhong Bang and the others were shocked to find that Bai Xiaofei's figure began to distort, like a cloud of green smoke, ethereal and strange.


In front of everyone, Bai Xiaofei just disappeared.

Zhong Bang: "..."

Zhong Jun: "..."

Ladies: "..."

After a long time.

Only then did they come to their senses, and then one by one, you looked at me, and I looked at you, with shock and disbelief in their eyes.

Even if they experienced it personally, the few people seemed to be dreaming.

It didn't feel real.


Zhong Jun began to ask the bottom line, chasing after Zhong Bang, asking all kinds of questions, as if to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

Not just her.

The rest of the little sisters are also on Zhong Jun's side. One by one, they helped Zhong Jun ask about Bai Xiaofei.


Zhong Bang was annoyed immediately.

But there was nothing he could do, and in the end he could only tell his sister Zhong Jun everything he had experienced before.

"You said he... let you see the future?"


"Your future is miserable?"


"How miserable is it?"


"You are actually a strange person of the fifth generation? You have to forget love and abandon love to awaken! Doesn't Bi Xin want to be a widow..."


"You really believe this?"


"What are you going to do?"


"Hey, what do you mean by being silent all the time, but talk!"

"I-I don't know either!"

Zhong Bang sighed, and said with a bitter face: "Sister, to be honest, I don't want to believe all of this, but it's too real, I can't help but believe it!"

"I don't want to become forgetful, I want to change my destiny!"

"But I don't fully trust him either!"


Zhong Bang finally spoke his mind.

The elder sister Zhong Jun looked at the younger brother with a serious face, and suddenly felt that he had matured a lot in an instant, and his tangled appearance made people feel distressed.


She suggested: "Zhong Bang, in fact, we can verify whether what you have seen is true. If it is false, then we naturally don't have to worry about this problem..."

Zhong Bang asked, "What if it's true?"

"it is true……"

Zhong Jun frowned and said: "Then we will agree to his conditions, try our best to pass the test, and strive to become his disciple. By then, he will be your master, so naturally he won't just stand by and let you ignore him!"


Zhong Bang was silent for a while, and then asked the core key: "Sister, how can we verify the authenticity of the future?"


Zhong Jun was taken aback for a moment. Although the idea was good, she lacked effective means, so naturally she couldn't verify the so-called future.


She does have some brains.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Jun suddenly had an idea, and said happily: "Zhong Bang, didn't you say that in the future you see, our Dongjiang Town will be attacked by the ghosts of little devils? The key lies in the batch of gold..."


Zhong Bang nodded numbly.

In fact, when his sister mentioned this, he had vaguely known Zhong Jun's method, but this matter involved Bi Xin, so Zhong Bang was a little hesitant.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he did not refuse in the end.

As expected, Zhong Jun did not disappoint Zhong Bang, and immediately suggested that Zhong Bang go to Bi Xin and explain the cause and effect to Bi Xin.

With Bixin's understanding and understanding, nine out of ten she would choose to help Zhong Bang.

after all……

The relationship between the two is unusual.

Of course, even if they don't help, Bi Xin can't be blamed. At worst, think of another way, who made Yu Dahai Bi Xin's father.

Let Bixin, who is a daughter, check her father...

This is indeed a bit difficult.


Zhong Bang nodded and said, "I'll go talk to Bi Xin!"


Turned around and left Seven Sisters Hall.


Zhong Bang found Bi Xin who was teaching in elementary school.

Bi Xin was very happy, put down the work at hand, and followed Zhong Bang to the back hills of Dongjiang Town for a walk and date.

Jong-bong isn't stupid either.

He didn't tell his purpose at the beginning, but made some indirect remarks first, seeing that Bi Xin was defenseless against him and fully supported her attitude.

That's why he told Bi Xin about his previous experience.

Bixin: "..."


Abang saw the future?

And it's still such a miserable future, for the sake of the common people in the world, if you have to forget your love and love, wouldn't it be impossible for me and him?


Girls think differently.

After Bixin heard about it, her focus turned out to be whether she and Abang could be together...

"Bi Xin!"

Zhong Bang suddenly grabbed Bi Xin's shoulders, looked at her seriously, and said, "Everything I said is true, and I didn't mean to deceive you at all, and I came to you to confirm what I said. Is the future I see real..."

"Will you help me?"


Bixin was silent for a while.

Then he nodded vigorously, and said resolutely: "Abang, tell me, how can I help you? As long as I can help you, I am willing to do anything!"

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Zhong Bang was overjoyed immediately, and then told Bi Xin about the plan he and his sister Zhong Jun had made, and then said: "Your task is to find a way to prove whether your father, Yu Dahai, has embezzled that batch of gold..."


Bi Xin was silent.

Obviously, he did not expect that in the future that Abang saw, his father was actually a traitor, and the reason why the family made a fortune was all because of the gold that those little devils looted...

This made her feel very depressed, and what made Bi Xin even more uncomfortable was that she had to help Zhong Bang to prove the authenticity of all this...

For a moment, Bi Xin felt a little regretful.


Looking at Zhong Bang's serious and determined eyes, Bixin finally chose to compromise, then nodded and said: "Don't worry, Zhong Bang, I will definitely find a way to help you!"


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