The Storm God

Chapter 3264 Kill those little devils!

two days later.

"How about it?"

Zhong Bang saw Bi Xin again.

It's just that at this time, Bi Xin's expression was a little wrong, as if she had lost her soul, she was in a trance.

Zhong Bang called her several times, but Bi Xin was distracted.

This is very wrong!

Could it be...

Zhong Bang suddenly thought of a possibility.

And this time.

Bi Xin finally came back to her senses, and then threw herself into Zhong Bang's arms, crying, "Abang, my father... is really a traitor..."


Zhong Bang suddenly felt struck by lightning.

Bi Xin's words undoubtedly proved that all the futures he experienced before are true and reliable, otherwise Bi Xin would not be so sad.

But at this moment.

Zhong Bang couldn't take care of that much for the time being.

The most important thing is to comfort Bi Xin's mood. All things must be discussed after Bi Xin's mood stabilizes.

Bi Xin is not a delicate person either.

It's just that everything was too sudden, and I couldn't bear it all at once, so I couldn't hold back in front of Zhong Bang, and cried out.

She recovered quickly.

Then, Bi Xin began to state the ins and outs of the matter.

It's really easy for a daughter to check her father. All you need is a few bottles of wine, plus some cute and coquettish behavior, and you can easily get it done!

After Yu Dahai was drunk by his daughter with ulterior motives, and with a little guidance, he easily leaked the matter of embezzlement of gold.

"Abang, what should we do now?"

After confirming the truth of the future, Bi Xin is most worried about Zhong Bang. After all, Zhong Bang's future is too miserable, forget love and abandon love!

As Zhong Bang's true love, Bi Xin is of course not much better.

Meeting one day a year is simply like living Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Although it sounds very romantic, the reality is extremely painful and uncomfortable.

Bi Xin doesn't want this kind of future!

No one wants it either.


Zhong Bang will not accept his fate!

At this moment, after confirming the truth of the future, Zhong Bang didn't hesitate any longer. When he heard Bi Xin's question, his face froze and he replied: "I want to change my destiny, and the only way is to go through Mr. Bai. Take the postgraduate entrance examination and become his disciple!"

"What if it fails?"

Bixin was a little worried. After all, Mr. Bai said that the postgraduate entrance examination is very cruel, and it may even cost Zhong Bang's life!

She naturally didn't want any accidents to happen to Zhong Bang.

"I won't fail!" Zhong Bang clenched his fists instantly, and said through gritted teeth: "No matter what, I will change the cruel fate of the future!"

"Similarly, I won't give up on you either!"


"Bi Xin!"

The two looked at each other, their eyes were deep and their emotions were in place, and then their faces began to approach gradually, and finally fit together...


the other side.

Zhong Jun has not been idle these two days.

Taking advantage of her identity as Zhong Bang's sister, she ran to the police station and found Inspector Ke, saying that she was looking for some archives.

Inspector Ke refused at first.


Zhong Jun promised a lot of benefits, and fooled the other party, saying that this is entirely for the sake of Dongjiang Town, otherwise there will be a bloody disaster...

Then Inspector Ke became honest.

Zhong Jun began to look for archives about the little devil Sakai, but due to time and other factors, it was very difficult.

until two days later.

One of the little sisters was able to find part of the file information about the Zhongling Pagoda and the list of the dead.

Zhong Jun was overjoyed immediately.

Then, according to the future information that Zhong Bang had foreseen and experienced, after careful comparison, it was found that they were completely consistent, and there was nothing wrong!

"It's all right!"

Zhong Jun and the others were suddenly shocked.

Although they still don't know what's going on with Bixin, they can actually confirm some facts based on the information they have now.

That is, everything that Mr. Bai made Zhong Bang experience may be true. Otherwise, all this is too much of a coincidence, right?


Jong-bong and Jong-jun meet, and the two exchange messages with each other.


There was silence.

At this moment, Zhong Bang and the others no longer had any doubts or disbelief in their hearts, because the facts were right in front of them, and they couldn't help but not believe it.

"Chung Bang!"

Sister Zhong Jun was the first to break the silence.

She patted her little brother on the shoulder, said with a wry smile: "There is still one more day, take this opportunity, you should spend more time with Bi Xin!"

Zhong Jun has no other intentions.

She was just afraid that if the younger brother could not pass Mr. Bai's test and eventually fail to become a disciple of a family, he would not be able to change the future.

So I want Zhong Bang to cherish the people in front of him.


At this time, Zhong Bang also became enlightened.

Hearing this, he did not refuse, but nodded vigorously and said: "Sister, I understand, but I will not admit defeat for the test!"


the following day.

Zhong Bang didn't go to work, and directly asked Inspector Ke for leave.

Bixin didn't go to school to teach either, but started dating with Zhong Bang in the morning, and they didn't part until very late at night.

On the occasion of parting.

The two kissed again.

After a long time, my lips parted.


Bi Xin encouraged: "Don't think too much, sleep well, I believe you will succeed, I will pray for you, come on!"


The two separated.

Back home, Zhong Bang couldn't fall asleep. Facing the cruel future and the unknown test, his heart is full of hesitation and helplessness...

The older sister Zhong Jun naturally knew Zhong Bang very well. In the middle of the night, seeing that Zhong Bang hadn't fallen asleep, she mobilized her little mana and made a peace talisman for Zhong Bang.

Although the level of the God of Safety Talisman is not high, for ordinary people like Zhong Bang, the effect is still very significant.


Zhong Bang fell into a deep sleep.


the next day.

Seven Sisters Church.

Zhong Bang, Zhong Jun, a group of little sisters, and Bi Xin all gathered together in the lobby, waiting anxiously and apprehensively for Bai Xiaofei's appearance.


some moment.

The air in the lobby suddenly twisted.

follow closely……


A familiar figure, as if flashing from the void, appeared in front of everyone very abruptly.

"Mr. Bai!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's majestic methods again, Zhong Bang and others were shocked, and then surrounded him and said hello.


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

Looking at the expressions of the people around, he smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you have already made a choice?"

Eyes turn.

Finally locked on Zhong Bang.

"Mr. Bai!"

Zhong Bang said resolutely: "I am willing to be your disciple, no matter what the test is, I will not give up even if I let it go!"

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "The eyes and determination are good, but having some is not enough. If you want to be my disciple, you must have other qualities!"


"Extraordinary qualifications, extraordinary endurance, and absolute loyalty..."

"Your test is related to these!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't ink with him either.

Now that Zhong Bang has made a choice, he has nothing to say, and according to the previous agreement, he directly put forward his own tests and requirements.

As for the test task, there is only one——

Get rid of those little devils!


Others can't give Zhong Bang any help yet.

That is.

Zhong Bang must rely on his own ability to kill the evil spirits of those little devils in Sakai; Zhong Jun and others can only watch from the sidelines, and must not intervene in this matter or give any help, otherwise it will be considered a failure.


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