The Storm God

Chapter 3265 Moon Wolf, King of the Demon Realm!


Hearing the test requirements Bai Xiaofei said, Zhong Jun and the others were immediately shocked: "You want Ah Bang to deal with those ghouls that little devils turned into by himself?!"

"Isn't this telling him to die?"

"Absolutely not!"


Zhong Jun and Bi Xin reacted the most.

After all, one is Zhong Bang's sister and the other is his lover. Seeing that the difficulty of the assessment is so abnormal, it is natural to be concerned about it.

As for the rest of the little sisters...


They were shocked.

But it doesn't have much right to speak, at most it's just cheering on the sidelines.

Zhong Bang: "..."

He froze in place.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the assessment Bai Xiaofei proposed was actually this. And the requirements are so strict, even unreasonable.

after all……

Although he, Zhong Bang, has the destiny of a fifth-generation strange man, he is now an ordinary little policeman with no special abilities other than being able to manage.

And those ghouls incarnated by little devils, although they haven't woken up yet, are definitely not something ordinary people, especially one person, can contend with.

not to mention.

in the experienced future.

That little devil, Major Sakai, has a powerful magic knife in his hand, which can devour and absorb the energy of the person who is slashed.

Even a master-level Taoist master like Mao Xiaofang, after being injured, must practice and recover in the sun and heat for seven days before he can recover...

He, Zhong Bang, is just an ordinary mortal now, how can he fight these little devils?

This is no different from letting him go to die!


Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly.

Looking at the bewildered and suspicious expressions on everyone's faces, he said calmly: "You can rest assured, since I want to accept Zhong Bang as my disciple, I will naturally not let him die. It seems that there is no chance of winning this assessment. But it’s not like there’s no chance!”

"As for whether you can find a way to deal with it, that's up to you. Otherwise, how can it be called a test?"

"The time limit is one month, I am waiting for your good news."

"Then, goodbye!"


Same as last time.

After finishing speaking, Bai Xiaofei disappeared.

Only Zhong Bang and others were left in the Seven Sisters Hall, with bitter and depressed faces, not knowing how to deal with this assessment task.

The most important thing is that Zhong Jun and others can't help yet.

That's fucked up!


Regardless of what happened to Zhong Bang.


Bai Xiaofei appeared in a cave, the cave was very large and spacious, and the inside was remodeled to be extremely bright, without any gloomy or damp feeling.


There are still a lot of scientific and technological equipment in the cave, as well as robots that don't know what to do. This place is like a secret research room full of futuristic atmosphere.

And at this moment...

On an operating table in the research room, a creature with a human shape but with strange wolf fur and fangs and claws is being tied to it, and several scientific research robots are analyzing and researching various biological samples.

That creature was the demon wolf demon brought back by Earl Cruise the day before yesterday. Although its strength was not high, it had already transformed.

It's just that the transformation is not thorough enough, with the double characteristics of humanoid and wolf, it can be regarded as an experimental sample that Bai Xiaofei is more interested in.


According to the overall level of this world, when the aura is so exhausted, existences such as demon cultivators should not be able to transform.

But they did.

This is very strange!


There is now the test.

After these two days of continuous and in-depth research, Bai Xiaofei also grasped some special factors and the secret of the suspected transformation.


Whether it is accurate or not is unknown.

After all, the time from the beginning of the research to the present is too short, and it is very lucky to have the current research results.

If you want to go further, you have to practice it.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei's attitude is affirmative.

Thus, Rafael and Earl Cruise had a new task - to capture some unformed little monsters in the Demon Realm.

Someone is going to use the researched experimental data to carry out artificial breeding, to see if the little demon can successfully transform into form.


If these demon cultivators were injected with some other ultra-technical serums, what changes and improvements would there be?

Is it really feasible to coexist technology and immortal cultivation?

In short.

Idle is also idle.

There is always something to do, and Bai Xiaofei's avatar fully demonstrates the crazy nature of a scientist.

And those demon cultivators who were selected as the test targets were even more tragic.

Either they were killed by Rafal and Earl Cruz on the spot, or they were caught here and used as guinea pigs for experiments.

Only some were lucky enough to barely escape the capture and bring the news to other monks of the same kind in the Demon Realm.


The entire demon world was shaken.

The demon cultivators are all in danger, fear and trembling are everywhere.

at this time.

A tall man stood up, raised his arms, and wanted to take advantage of the situation to take the position of leader and demon king, and then lead all the demon cultivators to unite against those two hateful humans.

The final result is that the moon wolf in the plot successfully won.

Became the first Demon King.

after all……

Moon Wolf is very powerful.

Regardless of bloodline origin or realm cultivation, they are far superior to other demon cultivators. In addition, there are two younger brothers who are equally strong beside him...

It is naturally difficult for the rest of the demon cultivators to compete with them.

But alas.

Two days after Moon Wolf became the Demon King, Rafael and Earl Cruz killed him before he was happy.

The two sides had nothing to say, and directly launched an earth-shattering battle.

But the final result was a tie!


You read that right.

Rafal and Earl Cruise failed to take down the moon wolf.

It's not that the two of them are weak, but that there are too many masters on the side of Moon Wolf, and the entire demon cultivator is almost united. It is really difficult for Rafal and Earl Cruise to shake this special power. group.


Moon Wolf and the others didn't benefit from it either.

Although Rafal and Earl Cruz failed, they did not suffer any harm. On the other hand, the alliance of demon cultivators on Moon Wolf's side suffered heavy losses.

After a battle, it can be said that there are countless casualties. Even several of Moon Wolf's confidantes died tragically in the battle.

This made the moon wolf fully realize the horror of Rafal and Earl Cruz, and there was no joy after victory, but full of fear and worry.

Therefore, the reason why they were able to win this time was entirely due to their numbers, but what about next time? The result may not be certain.

after all……

There is nothing wrong with other people, but there are heavy casualties on my side. One goes down and the other goes up. After a long time, it is clear at a glance how the ending will be.

Whenever he thinks of this, Moon Wolf will have a terrible headache, and for the first time in his life, he even regrets being the King of the Devil Realm.


Moon Wolf gave up.

Can we afford to provoke or hide?


When the demon cultivators under his command learned of this order, most of them were confused and puzzled. After all, we clearly won the previous battle, so why did we have to relocate? Isn't this telling people that we are afraid of the other party?

The demon cultivators were puzzled.

Some supported and agreed, and some refused to leave.

To this.

Moon Wolf didn't get angry either.

He has fully demonstrated his broad-mindedness as a demon king, and there is only one attitude towards his subordinates—follow if you want to go, and you can go if you don't want to.

But from now on, it has nothing to do with the Demon Cultivator Alliance. If something really happens, don't even think about getting any help.

Now, most of the demon cultivators calmed down and agreed to Moon Wolf's evacuation plan. Only a few stubborn people still choose to stay.


These demon cultivators were either directly beaten to death, or sent to Bai Xiaofei's laboratory, where they became experimental materials and guinea pigs.

What a miserable group!


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