The Storm God

Chapter 3266 Introduce Qi into the body, krypton gold practice!

Bai Xiaofei's experiments are being studied in an orderly manner.

And the other side.

Zhong Bang, a policeman with extraordinary personality, encountered the greatest difficulty in his life. With his own power alone, he wanted to destroy the army of ghouls painted by the little devils such as Sakai, which is obviously a bit of a dream.

But he couldn't accept anyone's help yet.

That's fucked up!


Even so, he did not give up hope.

In order to change fate, in order to be with Bi Xin, Zhong Bang is willing to cry no matter how much he eats. So these days, I have been researching the data day and night, in order to find a solution from it.


I searched for it for a few days.

Zhong Bang didn't find any clues, he only knew that those ghouls were very strong, at least much stronger than living people.

Because ordinary means can't hurt them at all.


Think here.

Suddenly, Zhong Bang had a flash of inspiration, and said to himself: "Since the usual method doesn't work, then use a special trick!"


He found his sister Zhong Jun.


"Zhong Bang? What do you want me to do? Have you figured out a way?"

"Roughly the same!"

Zhong Bang smiled and nodded.

Then I explained the purpose of my visit to my sister, and said, "I remember that you collected the original ancient books, which recorded many Taoism..."

"Is that book still there?"


Zhong Jun was taken aback when he heard this.

Then he widened his eyes, not daring to say anything: "Zhong Bang, is it possible that you want to hold your feet temporarily and plan to learn the Taoism in that book to deal with those little devils in Sakai?"


Zhong Bang replied: "This is my only chance. Although the chance is slim, it is better than nothing. Let Sima be a living horse doctor!"

The test rule is that Zhong Bang cannot ask anyone for help.


This ancient book belongs to the Zhong family.

So Zhong Bang asked for this book from his sister and learned how to practice it by himself. This is not a violation of the rules, unless Zhong Jun, his sister, helps to give pointers.

To this.

Zhong Jun was very depressed.

She taught the ancient books to her younger brother Zhong Bang, and then sighed: "Zhong Bang, the content of this book is very profound and complicated. I have studied it for so many years, and I have only learned a little bit. It is still ineffective. you……"

"never mind!"

"As you said, Sima should be a living horse doctor. It's better to learn than not to learn. Besides, you are a strange person of the fifth generation, different from us mortals."

"What's annoying is that none of us can help you, or it's a foul!"

"Do it for yourself."


Zhong Bang thanked the old lady and left.

Then he took a leave of absence from the police station, found a clean place where no one was around, and began to study the Taoism content in the ancient books seriously.

This practice is a whole day.

Not to mention.

This guy Zhong Bang is worthy of the special fate of the fifth generation of strange people. Although he has not yet officially awakened, his aptitude is completely different from ordinary people.

The Taoism in this ancient book is very obscure and difficult to understand, but in Zhong Bang's view, it seems very easy.

One day down.

Zhong Bang actually cultivated the sense of qi mentioned in the book. As long as he can draw qi into the body one step further, he can cultivate to the first stage.

To know.

His elder sister, Zhong Jun, has been practicing for several years, and she is only able to cultivate to the second level of Qi training, but Zhong Bang almost reached the first level of Qi training in just one day...

Fortunately, Zhong Jun is not here at the moment, otherwise he would have to doubt his life.

In fact.

Zhong Bang was also very surprised and unbelievable about his own cultivation speed. Feeling the faint aura in his body, he suddenly felt that he might have entered the wrong profession at the beginning.

After being a policeman for so many years, there is no improvement at all. But I have only practiced Taoism for a day, but I have a sense of Qi, and I almost draw Qi into my body...

This contrasts...

It's very worrying!

In the past, he probably didn't believe in superstitious things like Taoism and ghosts.

But after experiencing Bai Xiaofei's incident, Zhong Bang is no longer repulsive now.

Taoism even became his only hope.


Zhong Bang is very hardworking.

He didn't dare to neglect his cultivation, he was extremely diligent, except for eating, drinking, and distracting, almost all the rest of his time was spent on cultivation.

Emperor Tian paid off, at noon of the second day, Zhong Bang finally succeeded in drawing Qi into his body, and reached the first stage of Qi training.


The focus of Zhong Bang's practice is to introduce more aura, store it in his body, and then transform it into mana.

in this way.

He can use some simple Taoism.

It's like drawing symbols.


All this is simple to say, but extremely difficult to operate.

The point is that the aura in this world is too depleted. It's as difficult as trying to find water in the desert to quench your thirst.

This is due to the factors and limitations of the general environment, and has nothing to do with personal aptitude, so at this point, Zhong Bang's cultivation progress has shown a precipitous decline.

After practicing for five full days, Zhong Bang didn't make much progress.

Zhong Bang's speedy cultivation progress undoubtedly made Zhong Bang feel hopeless. He realized that it would definitely not work if it went on like this, and he had to find a way to remedy it.

And Zhong Bang's first thought was the treasures of heaven and earth.

It is also said in ancient books.

Proper use of Tiancaidibao can increase the speed of cultivation and achieve twice the result with half the effort. But it is necessary to exercise restraint and keep the dose, after all, it is a three-point drug.

Moreover, the first three levels of Qi training are the foundation of the foundation. If the foundation is not stable, major problems will easily occur in the future.


If it is not a last resort, it is not recommended to take a large amount of Tiancaidibao in the early stage, because this is entirely to encourage the growth of seedlings.

Zhong Bang naturally understood this truth.


He couldn't take care of that much anymore.

After all, Zhong Bang's test task is too difficult, and the time is limited, a total of about 30 days, and now almost a week has passed.

If the test fails, Zhong Bang will have to face a bleak future.

What is there to do next?


Think twice.

Zhong Bang finally decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

Later, he found his sister Zhong Jun and told him his thoughts. Then, with the money at home, he ran to the pharmacy in the town, bought a large amount of ginseng and other precious medicinal materials, and prepared to start the krypton gold mode.

As for Zhong Jun, he was responsible for helping to screen out the authenticity of these medicinal materials, so that Zhong Bang would not understand anything and be tricked by the pharmacy again.

Small things like this are not considered violations.

So Zhong Jun did not refuse.


Zhong Bang bought a lot of precious medicinal materials and went home, and began to boil and cook, and finally made a pot of Shiquan Dabu soup.

tons tons...

Zhong Bang resolutely made a big bowl, and then began to practice.

Don't say it!

This practice speed has obviously increased.

Zhong Bang could clearly feel that a scorching essence was brewing from his body, and it was transferred into his dantian as he practiced.

The only pity is that this process was very short, like a small bonfire lit in the cold winter months, which was quickly extinguished in the cold wind.

There is quite a rush of desire and dissatisfaction.


Zhong Bang, who realized that krypton gold was indeed effective, did not hesitate at all. When the essence of heaven, material and earth treasures in his body was almost transformed, he immediately drank a large bowl of Shiquan Dabu soup, and then continued Refining.

Such a cycle, again and again.


Zhong Bang drank all of the big pot of Shiquan Dabu soup, and after refining the essence of these precious medicinal materials, Zhong Bang finally succeeded in stabilizing his realm at the middle level of the first level of Qi training. degree.

If you want to go further, you need more precious medicinal materials to krypton gold.

But the problem is, he doesn't have much money anymore!


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