The Storm God

Chapter 3267 Demon Pill!


Zhong Bang was speechless.

Now he finally understands why there was a saying in ancient times that "poor culture and rich martial arts" is because this stuff is so fucking expensive!

A pot of Shiquan Dabu soup almost exhausted his savings.

Think about kryptonite training again...

Feel sorry!

Wallet does not support it.

However, Zhong Jun and others can only watch helplessly instead of giving Zhong Bang support in terms of money, otherwise it will be considered a violation.

That's fucked up!

what to do?

Zhong Bang felt a little overwhelmed.

If you want to continue to speed up your practice, you need a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures, precious medicinal materials and other great tonics, but these things are all expensive.

If you don't have any money, you can't ask him to grab it, right?

But making money...


You can't make that much money in a short period of time, and without money, you can't practice with krypton gold, which almost forms an endless loop.

"Chung Bang!"

Zhong Jun looked at the little brother who seemed to be constipated, and suggested: "How try to see if you can draw a useful talisman first?"

Her meaning is very simple.

If the little brother already had the ability to draw talismans, even if he couldn't deal with a big boss like Sakai, he wouldn't have much problem dealing with some minion-level ghouls.

It can solve a little bit.

If you can't take it away in one wave, then go guerrilla and kill one by one. If you plan something, you might be able to defeat the strong with the weak.


Zhong Bang also understood what the old lady meant.

Up to now, he couldn't think of any good solution, so he could only nod his head and said, "Alright, I'll give it a try, but I think the chance of success is not too great!"


Zhong Bang has prepared all the props for drawing the talisman.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Zhong Jun, Bi Xin and others, he began to draw dragon snakes with his pens, cast spells with luck, and concentrate on drawing talismans that could restrain evil spirits.


The talismans were drawn one by one, but to be honest, even Zhong Bang himself didn't know whether these talismans were useful or not.

After all, he and his elder sister are both half-baked, and they don't have the ability to test the power of the magic talisman at all.

The only way is to test with facts.


Where is the evil?


Bixin thought clearly, and quickly thought of the target, and said, "Abang, where can we test that house that is rumored to be haunted!"


Zhong Jun suddenly realized when he heard the words: "That's it. Those ghosts were all sacrificed in the fight against the little devils before. It is best to test them if they are not dangerous."


Zhong Bang also felt that this goal was good, but he frowned and said, "But now there is a problem, that is, we can't see ghosts at all..."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.


If you can't see ghosts, you can't do anything.

Also test a ball.

"Read a book!"

Zhong Jun means that there may be a solution in ancient books.

Zhong Bang nodded, and then began to search for various Taoism in ancient books, and found a method that can make ordinary people see ghosts.

Moreover, this method is very operable, and the level requirements for the caster are not very high, and it can be activated with very little mana.

"It's him!"

Zhong Bang was overjoyed immediately.

Then he told Zhong Jun and others the method called opening the eyes of the sky, and then began to prepare a series of props such as Luo Geng.

Wait until the sky is getting late and the sunset is west.

Zhong Bang and his group began to go straight to the destination, the haunted house.


the other side.

While studying, Bai Xiaofei didn't forget to pay attention to the actions of Zhong Bang, the fifth strange man, to see how he broke the situation.

Whether it is Zhong Bang asking his old sister for ancient books and starting to practice, or krypton gold to encourage seedlings to grow, or painting talismans, looking for ghosts to test...

Bai Xiaofei had a panoramic view of all this.

"not bad!"

Although it is quite different from my own expectations, Zhong Bang's actions are still remarkable. After all, there are too many environmental factors. Zhong Bang, a local aboriginal, is quite capable of doing this. up.


There are also many shortcomings.

But they are all within the acceptable range, at least not so stupid that people want to do something, so after Bai Xiaofei took a look, he stopped paying attention.

And at this moment.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, there was a special test target——

Moon Wolf, the king of the demon world!


In the end, the demon king did not escape the fate of being captured by Rafal and Earl Cruz, and was sent directly to Bai Xiaofei.

As for the other demon cultivators, they are also in danger.


Because of the particularity of the moon wolf.

After Bai Xiaofei got the experimental target, he ordered Rafael and Earl Cruise to stop the arrest.

"You are very good!"

Looking at the moon wolf that has almost completely transformed into a human, Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's very suitable for my research!"

Moon Wolf: "..."

this moment.

He really wants to die.


Because around the laboratory, there are test samples of demon cultivators everywhere, as well as various petri dishes and composites...

These things look very scary.

Thinking that he might also become one of them, Moon Wolf felt a little regretful, why did he admit to being cowardly at that time?

Wouldn't it be better to simply commit suicide?


Falling into the hands of this terrifying human being, life would be worse than death!

"You, what do you want to do?"

Moon Wolf asked tremblingly. He wanted to dodge, but his whole body was tied to the operating table, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, how could he dodge?

"Nothing to do, just find something from you."

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.


He cut open Moon Wolf's stomach with a scalpel.

And all this.

Moon Wolf watched helplessly.

Bai Xiaofei didn't anesthetize his consciousness, but only sealed Moon Wolf's strength and part of his body's reactions, so he could witness the process of his being dissected with his own eyes.

The realm of Moon Wolf is very high.

At least one has the cultivation base of Leaving Aperture Realm, otherwise he can't be the king of the demon world. Needless to say, the value of such research specimens is absolutely unique.

Bai Xiaofei quickly discovered the difference in Moon Wolf.

There is a demon pill in his body!


This is a big discovery!

You know, whether it is the three moth demon sisters or the old spider spirit, no matter how high their cultivation base is, they are just illusions, but there is no demon core in their bodies.

It can be seen that the moon wolf is completely different from them.

Not only that.

Moon Wolf's training time is far behind them, no more than 20 years at most. Normally speaking, it is very difficult to open up spiritual wisdom for such a training period, but Moon Wolf has not only transformed into form, but also has Yao Dan.

This is very abnormal!

"It's weird!"

Bai Xiaofei took out the white and round demon pill, penetrated it with his divine sense, and immediately found out that it was different.

Ordinary demon pills are the essence of a demon cultivator, and they are extremely important.


Moon Wolf is not.

Bai Xiaofei had clearly taken away his demon pill, but Moon Wolf's strength hadn't dropped much. Moreover, the attributes and abilities of the Keyao Pill are also very different from the Moon Wolf itself.

Sensing carefully.

Bai Xiaofei finally knew what was wrong, this demon core was not Moon Wolf's at all, but the demon core of other demon cultivators!

That is.

After Moon Wolf swallowed this demon pill, he has everything he has today.

Just like the lamp god Dong Longcha, he got the demon pill only by chance and coincidence, otherwise he would be just an ordinary wild wolf.

"No wonder!"

Bai Xiaofei was immediately disappointed.

I thought that the moon wolf had some secrets, but it turned out that it was just picking up people's teeth.


He is not discouraged either.

Now that you know everything, you might as well study this demon pill. According to Bai Xiaofei's observation, Moon Wolf obviously didn't fully display the power of this demon pill.

At the core of the demon core, there is also a soul consciousness sealed.


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