The Storm God

Chapter 3268 Hardcore soldiers at will!


The seal in the core of the demon core is very powerful.

At least for the natives of this world, few people can easily open it, but this does not include Bai Xiaofei.

Just for a moment.

That seal was like an eggshell hit by a hammer, and immediately shattered into slag. Immediately following Bai Xiaofei, he felt a very tyrannical shock from the primordial spirit.


For Bai Xiaofei, this little attack power is just like messing around. Even if he did everything, even if the opponent attacked casually, he would never think of hurting himself.

Because they are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Even if the current Bai Xiaofei is just an incarnation of the deity, his spiritual power is comparable to Lie Yang. And the primordial spirit consciousness in the demon core is just a gleam of fluorescence when it is exhausted...

How can the light of a mere firefly compete with the bright moon?

Not to mention Lie Yang!


As if he had kicked an iron board, the primordial consciousness stunned himself on the spot, and he stood there for a long time without recovering.

This is still Bai Xiaofei's demerit of deliberately restraining his strength.


The opponent has long been wiped out.

"Who are you?"

After a long while, the primordial consciousness finally recovered, and then tremblingly looked at Bai Xiaofei outside, full of fear and apprehension.

Obviously, after the fight just now, he has confirmed that the other party is not a strong person he can provoke, so his attitude is very low.

"Let's talk about you first!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the primordial consciousness in the demon core with a smile, and asked: "If my prediction is correct, you should be from the last era, right?"

"Last era?"

The primordial consciousness froze for a moment, apparently not understanding what he meant.

Bai Xiaofei then introduced the general situation of the world to the other party, and finally said: "In short, I am the only one who can help you now. If you cooperate well, everything will be easy to talk about, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Demon Pill: "..."

this moment.

He was terrified.

Looking at the dazzling array of experimental specimens around the entire laboratory, as well as the dissected moon wolf, the primordial consciousness suddenly felt a little regretful.

It would have been nice if he had died with the deity at that time.

It's done.


That would be worse than death.

At the same time, he is also very strange, what is going on at this time, is it possible that such a pervert is a mutant of some extraterrestrial demon?

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei didn't spy on his mind now.


This demon pill is going to be unlucky.

The primordial consciousness inside is very aware of current affairs, seeing that Bai Xiaofei is extremely powerful, and his own situation is so sad, so he confessed everything in a bachelor's way.

turn out to be.

His predecessor was a top monster general in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, and he was a close relative of the legendary Monkey King Monkey King.

It's a pity that something happened to this world later, and the alien demons invaded, and everyone was in danger. Countless powerful men died in battle.

at last……

Even the sky was shattered.

As one of the generals of the monster clan, the original body of the monster pill, one of the big brothers of the monkey clan named Liu Xiao, he was unwilling to accept his fate and die in this way.

So at the critical moment, he sealed up a trace of his primordial consciousness in the demon core, and escaped from his body.


He doesn't know anything.

After waking up again, he met Bai Xiaofei, a ruthless person.

"That's the way it is!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

He could feel that Liu Xiao's primordial spirit was not lying.


Why is this story so familiar?

He is a close relative to Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and he is also one of the big bosses of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, yet his name is actually Liu Xiao...


Damn, it must be a six-eared macaque, right?

"have no idea!"

The sixth little soul shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I slept for too long, and my strength was damaged at that time, and the memory of the primordial consciousness was not many, so I lost a lot of important memories. I only know that the weapon used by the original body, It seems to be called a hardcore soldier..."


Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth with a look of shock. Xin said: "Damn it! What the hell is that six-eared macaque guy!"

In "Journey to the West", Monkey King's weapon is the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which represents Dao Xin, which is like real gold.

The six-eared macaque represents the human heart, which is like a stubborn iron, so the name of the weapon is in line with its setting, and it is called the iron soldier with the heart.

Bai Xiaofei never imagined that the real owner of the demon pill taken out from Moon Wolf's belly was the six-eared macaque who once competed with Monkey King!

The water in this world is really unfathomable!


There have been catastrophes before.

Now it's just a glimpse of the original world.

If it was the original complete state, even if Bai Xiaofei himself would come in person, he would have to keep a low profile and not dare to make a fuss.

After all, the world setting background of Journey to the West is extremely grand and complex, and masters and talents emerge in endlessly. Although Bai Xiaofei is awesome, but compared to those big shots, he is still a little bit worse.

How is it like now...

A mere out-of-the-ordinary state is enough to be called a master of Taoism.

Closer to home.

After being surprised, Bai Xiaofei was immediately excited.

Although the six-eared macaque does not appear much in the Journey to the West, as one of the four great monkeys, it can compete with Sun Wukong and almost replace the existence of the other party and Tang Sanzang to learn the West.

Bai Xiaofei hoped to learn more about the legendary myth from Liu Xiao's primordial spirit, so as to expand his knowledge.

To this.

Little Liu didn't hide anything.

Have no idea.

People are swords and we are fish and meat, the situation is stronger than people, what can he do? He is also very desperate. And it's just asking questions, not a big secret.

Just say it.


Bai Xiaofei was full of disappointment.

According to Liu Xiao, comparing his current strength, the high-end force in that world seems to be the same.

For example.

Let’s take the most familiar Monkey King Monkey King as an example.

A somersault cloud is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the speed converted into modern times is almost equal to 62.5 kilometers per second, which is far beyond that of ordinary gods.

Even if it's not the best, it's still top-notch.

Don't mention the rest of the gods.


This kind of speed, for ordinary people, may be very awesome. After all, the speed of sound is only 340 meters per second, and Lao Sun's speed is almost 200 times the speed of sound.

It's no wonder that the gods in the heaven can be fooled around.

The key is to run fast.


From Bai Xiaofei's point of view, it's a bit ordinary.

Because, even if it is one of his incarnations, if it does its best, even if it can't reach the 300,000 kilometers per second of the speed of light, it can still reach two-thirds of the level.

If the deity comes in person, it will be infinitely close to the speed of light. One is more than 60 kilometers per second, and the other is 200,000 kilometers per second. Compare the two...

That really is the difference between cloud and mud.


If you just look at it from the data, the force in the world of Journey to the West seems to be the same, and there seems to be nothing to be afraid of.

But is this really the case?


The key is that Sun Wukong's strength positioning is not accurate.

Bai Xiaofei has never been to the real world of Journey to the West, and he doesn't know which version Liu Xiao is in, so he has no way of accurately judging Monkey King's true strength.

Because some versions strengthen and beautify Monkey King; while others respect the original and are more realistic...

But these are only limited to Bai Xiaofei's understanding of film and television series.

What the real situation is, no one knows.


The Monkey King that Liu Xiao knew was at least not as scary as Bai Xiaofei imagined, but other gods and the like were not as unbearable as shown in some movies.

These have also caused Bai Xiaofei to be unable to judge whether the overall strength of this world is terrifyingly strong or mediocre.

The only thing worthy of affirmation is that this world is not complete, it is just a small world derived from a fragment of the original world.

In other words.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is strong enough, he can try to refine and absorb it, make it his own small world, and strengthen his own strength.


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