The Storm God

Chapter 3270 Formation pit ghosts!

Seven Sisters Church.

Zhong Bang and his group ran back in disgrace. Although they looked very embarrassed, everyone was still very happy.

Because the experiment worked.

Not only did they really see ghosts, but the psychic charms they painted also had effects.

This gave them a lot of confidence.


Jong-bong is not acting recklessly.

Even after confirming that the talisman was effective, he didn't immediately run to the wilderness to trouble Sakai and other little devils.

after all……

His strength is really limited.

Even with the magic talisman in hand, it can't exert too much power. And Shao Zuo Sakai is not only powerful, but also has a magic knife, whose power must not be underestimated.

If you want to get rid of these scourges, you must plan before you act.

To this.

Jong-bong thinks so.

Either don't hit, or hit with one blow and take away in one wave.

Otherwise, once Shao Zuo Sakai and other ghouls were alarmed, and Master Mao hadn't come to Dongjiang Town, they would have protected the safety of the town with just a few weaklings.

Although the assessment is important, it cannot implicate the innocent.


Bi Xin cheered for Zhong Bang with a look of fan girl, "I believe in you, you will definitely succeed!"


Zhong Bang nodded silently.

Zhong Jun frowned and said, "It's true to say so, but what should we do? You can't just rely on these talismans, right?"

What she meant was that the level of these talismans was too low, and Zhong Bang's mana was not very high, so he couldn't ask for help.

Based on these alone, I'm afraid they won't be able to kill Shao Zuo Sakai and other little devils at all.

Zhong Bang doesn't think so.


He suddenly had an idea and said: "I remember that in the ancient books, there is a related spirit talisman formation, maybe we can use the power of the formation!"

I don't know the origin of Zhong Jun's ancient book, which contains everything, all kinds of Taoism, Qimen Dunjia, formation, almost everything.

Zhong Bang has studied for so long, but he has not mastered advanced skills, but he has mastered some superficial skills.

It's a pity that his realm is too low, and Zhong Bang can't display many Taoist abilities.


With the help of low-level talismans, build a large formation.

With Zhong Bang's current ability, it is still barely possible. The only disadvantage is that it takes a long time, and there are more formations, and the level can't be improved.


This is the only way he can do so far.

Therefore, even if the hope was small, Zhong Bang did not give up, but put all his eggs in one basket and began to prepare and act for it.

the following few days.

Zhong Bang either meditates hard every day or draws talismans seriously. Wait until the number of talismans produced is almost the same, and then run to the Zhongling Pagoda in the wilderness.

Relying on Luo Geng, or with the help of Feng Shui spells, Zhong Bang quickly figured out the ground veins and momentum near the Zhongling Pagoda.


He started digging, laying out talismans and traps.

And these things, Zhong Bang only does it during the day, because at night, the cloudy air is too heavy, and he may startle the snake.

that's all.

Work during the day and meditate at night.

After a few days.


Zhong Bang sold almost all the talismans near the Zhongling Pagoda. And based on this, a complex and huge chain formation was built.

This series of large formations is constructed from basic formations one after another. Although there is no technical content, the requirements for mana are indeed not low at all.

And after the outbreak, the power effect is also very impressive.

With the addition of some other plans, Zhong Bang thought that he was almost ready to deal with Sakai and other little devils.

Seeing that it was less than a week before the end of the assessment, Zhong Bang finally made a decision on this day.


Zhong Bang buried all the explosives he got from the police station near the Zhongling Pagoda, and then ignited the fuze. After a burst of shattering bangs, the little devil's Zhongling Pagoda was instantly blown into a piece of paper. ruins.

A large number of dead bodies were exposed to sunlight.



The corpses burned instantly.

at the same time.


There were bursts of ghostly cries and wolf howls, and they came from those ghouls who were corroded and damaged by the sun.


Zhong Bang stood aside, his eyes were silent and cold.

But I saw him holding a mahogany sword, wearing a yellow robe, and walking on seven-star steps. He looked like a Taoist priest, and he shuttled among the corpses nimbly and swiftly, without mercy.

It didn't take long.

Then hundreds of ghouls were beaten to death by Zhong Bang, and they would never be reborn.

But at this time, on the entire surface, there were no longer any corpses of the little devils. The remaining ones were either not blown out, or they were hiding in the stretches. Zhong Bang was helpless.


Since he dared to do it, it meant that he had already planned.

After clearing up these ghouls, Zhong Bang did not stop, but began to cast his mana, urging certain formations arranged in advance, frantically absorbing the pure yang energy of the scorching sun at noon, and storing it in the sealed talisman middle.

He didn't stop until after two o'clock.

And after this operation, Zhong Bang's mana has almost been consumed. So he began to meditate cross-legged to restore his own state.

Time flies.

When Zhong Bang recovered almost, the sky had already come to around 5:30 in the afternoon, at this moment the sun was setting in the west, and the night began to fall slowly.

As yang qi recedes, yin qi begins to grow.

at the same time……

Under the ruins of Zhongling Pagoda.

The ghouls in the paintings of the little devils who were not blown out and eliminated also began to move around, especially one of the generals——

Major Sakai.


He seemed very angry.

With a ferocious face, he looked up to the sky and roared, but for some reason, he was unable to make any sound.

Beside Sakai Major, there is also a devil's sword buried.

That's what he buried with him.

During his lifetime...

Accompanied by Shao Zuo Sakai who slaughtered Yanhuang's innocent people, this sword was stained with too much blood, resentment and hostility, and was buried in a very dark place, so that it evolved into a magic sword with great power. power.

The magic knife seemed to sense the master's anger, and it buzzed, as if it couldn't help but soar into the sky and go into battle to kill the enemy.


some moment.

When the strong positive energy on the ground diminished to the weakest, Sakai Shaozuo took his magic knife, and the remaining 20 ghouls, with the help of the Yin energy of the extremely dark place, finally broke through the blockade and came to the above the ground.

And what awaited them was Zhong Bang, who had planned for a long time and came prepared.

"Is this the beginning?"

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei also sensed movement from Zhongling Pagoda, so he put down the work at hand, and paid attention to it with a thought.


Almost instantly, he saw through all of Zhong Bang's arrangements, as well as his plans and plans to deal with Sakai Shaozuo and other ghouls.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "As expected of a strange man of the fifth generation, even if he is not awakened, he should not be underestimated. Although he is a little immature, it is not impossible to win..."

"Not to mention anything else, this mental calculation alone is enough to qualify as my disciple. If loyalty and temper are also passed, then Xiaobai and the others will probably have an extra junior soon."

on site.

Zhong Bang has already started fighting with Shao Zuo Sakai and other ghouls.

Well, it’s not right to say that it’s a fight. To be precise, it should be cheating people, no, cheating ghosts! Zhong Bang didn't move much, the first to confront Shao Zuo Sakai and the others was the serial formation that Zhong Bang had prepared in advance.

It was as if they had broken into a minefield, blowing up at every turn.

Countless talismans, mixed with scorching heat and their exclusive blazing righteousness, made these ghouls miserable.

Only one face to face.

Shao Zuo Sakai's younger brother lost more than half of it.


This number is still increasing!



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