The Storm God

Chapter 3271 Combining human and sword to cut down powerful enemies!

Seeing that his subordinates were being killed continuously, their souls were scattered, they would never be reborn, and they couldn't even make ghosts, Shao Zuo Sakai was furious.


He exploded.

Holding the magic knife in his hand, he roared and unleashed the hob light.

The intention is to use one's own power to destroy the large array of talismans arranged by Zhong Bang, otherwise they will continue to be trapped in the array, and they will be consumed to death sooner or later.

"Boom boom boom!"

Major Sakai is very powerful.

Coupled with the great bonus of the magic knife, the combat power displayed under the rage is even more terrifying, and the formation arranged by Zhong Bang is just a series of formations composed of basic formations...


He simply couldn't hold back Major Sakai's strong attack.

Almost in an instant, a large piece of formation magic talisman was blown to pieces by Sakai Shaozuo with the incomparable magic sword light.

at the same time……

As the main line of people.

Zhong Bang naturally received a certain backlash immediately.

Simply these are just basic formations, coupled with energy drive, using the fierce yang righteousness collected during the day, so even if Zhong Bang suffers backlash, the damage is not very severe, and there is no serious problem.

On the contrary, it is a chain array, so it is declared to be cracked.

There are only a few single small formations left, which are still tenaciously supported and not destroyed on the spot. However, with Shao Zuo Sakai's terrifying power, it is only a matter of time before he is destroyed.


If Major Sakai has that leisurely mind.


Major Sakai roared.

After cracking the serial formation, he didn't have the mind to care about any formations anymore. Now Major Sakai's only thought is to kill Zhong Bang, the culprit.


He rushed towards Zhong Bang frantically.

"Hurry up like a law!"


Zhong Bang naturally will not sit still.

He turned and ran.

at the same time……

While running, he kept the magic talisman to block Shao Zuo Sakai who was chasing after him. Although it doesn't have much effect, it's better than nothing.

To know.

Major Sakai was not the only ghoul surviving at the scene.

In addition to him, the strongest leader, there are five or six ordinary characters. Even though Zhong Bang's talismans can't deal with Major Sakai, they are still very useful for restraining and trapping those ordinary ghouls.

And Shao Zuo Sakai wanted to kill Zhong Bang wholeheartedly, so he didn't care about those talismans at all.


Those ghouls were out of luck.

Suppressed by the remnants of the formation, trapped by the restrictions of the talisman restrictions everywhere, want to leave this place and run to the town to harm people?

It's almost impossible.

the other side.

Zhong Bang ran fast.

Major Sakai was behind, chasing after him, roaring endlessly.

One chases and the other runs.


They left Zhongling Pagoda.

Instead, he ran into a dense forest in the back mountain.


Bai Xiaofei watched the whole process.

The moment Zhong Bang turned around and ran away, he had already seen through his mind, and couldn't help laughing immediately: "It's still a bit smart, not reckless and hardworking, not bad!"

in the field.

Sakai Shaozuo held a magic knife, murderous.

His appearance was very ugly, not to mention his bald head, the Tianling Gai and his cheeks were cut in half, and now they were stitched together, together with the rest of the corroded flesh and hideous scars, it made him look extremely hideous.

As for the disease knife, although it looks ordinary on the surface, whenever Sakai Shaozuo wields it, it will emit bursts of strange green light.

It's as if a terrifying evil spirit resides in the knife, and every time it is swung, it will show its fangs and choose to eat people, which is weird and terrifying.

The combination of the two makes it even more eerie.

On the other hand, Zhong Bang.

The strength is not enough, and the physical fitness is just so-so.

Almost everything is inferior to Sakai Major.


He has brains.

Unable to fight recklessly, Zhong Bang directly chose to outwit.

For example, the direction and route of Zhong Bang's escape were not randomly found, but planned by him long ago. In case of any accident, this is his Pu Lan B!

"Hoo hoo!"

Zhong Bang was panting like a cow.

Just when Shao Zuo Sakai was about to catch up with him and swung his knife at the very moment, Zhong Bang finally entered the key area of ​​the prepayment trap.



Without hesitation, Zhong Bang activated the fire talisman he had prepared in advance.

While the fire talisman was burning, it also activated the pre-function mechanism, and in an instant, a large piece of the national flag with a red sun on a white background was pulled away from the dense forest in the mountain stream.


Shao Zuo Sakai was surprised when he saw it.

The footsteps that were chasing after him froze for an instant, and the movement of slashing with a knife in his hand was forced to stop in a hurry, so as not to damage the national flag.

Zhong Bang took advantage of this opportunity and quickly got behind a little devil's national flag, and escaped unharmed.

"It really works!"

Zhong Bang, who had survived the catastrophe, couldn't help secretly rejoicing: "In the future that he experienced, the devil Yang Feiyun once used the little devil's national flag as a cover to restrict Shao Zuo Sakai. I didn't expect to be used as a reference by me, and it is also very effective!"

This is also impossible.

after all……

At that time, the little devil still had very little faith in the emperor.

However, Major Sakai is one of the fanatics.

Seeing that his own national flag was here, he was restricted by his beliefs, so he naturally did not dare to take it lightly and cast a mouse-like weapon. But if it was another little devil with less faith than Sakai Major, I am afraid it would not have such an effect.

In short.

This time Zhong Bang hit the right button.

Closer to home.

The little devil's national flag can only restrict Shao Zuo Sakai for a short period of time, and when the other party recovers, this trick will not be of much use.

Zhong Bang knew this well, so he cherished this opportunity very much.

Taking advantage of the great opportunity when Shao Zuo Sakai was suppressed by the little devil's national flag and did not dare to take action easily, he calmed down his disordered atmosphere, and immediately began to implement plan B.

And Zhong Bang's so-called Plan B is to use the little devil's national flag as a shield to restrict and block Major Sakai's actions, and at the same time cooperate with countless talismans to launch a covering fire attack on him!

in short.

It is to grind slowly, and the other party will not die if you don't believe it.


This trick is also very effective.

After all, with the national flag on the side, Sakai Shaozuo was afraid to attack at will, otherwise he would destroy the national flag, which was tantamount to indirectly sealing the power of the magic knife.

Afterwards, all kinds of talismans set fire to attack, who can resist this.

To know.

Too many ants kill elephants.

And Zhong Bang prepared a lot of talismans for today's plan to slay demons. And even on top of that, there's a slew of thermal weapon firepower.

Such as firearms.

Although the power of these gadgets is very small to Shao Zuo Sakai, they can't hold a lot of power, and they don't consume mana. It's not too easy to use as a buffer between the attacks of the talisman, and to block things.

That is to say, Zhong Bang's authority as a policeman is not enough.


Directly pull a large number of gunpowder cannons.

No matter how powerful Sakai Major is, if he is attacked by such a ferocious hot weapon, he may not be able to do anything good.

"Boom boom boom!"



After experiencing a stormy fire attack.

Sakai Major finally couldn't take it anymore.

A roar.

He started the explosion again.

But unfortunately...

At this time, it was too late, even if the seeds exploded, it would be of no use. Because at this moment, Zhong Bang has already accumulated all his strength and completed the preparation for the strongest killer.

next moment.

"call out!"

Zhong Bang was holding a century-old mahogany sword that was almost covered with talismans and imbued with massive mana and righteousness. The human and sword merged into one, like a thunderbolt. When Shao Zuo Sakai was about to break out, he burst out with a bang.


Lightning flashed, passed the enemy's head, and disappeared in a flash.


Major Sakai's head fell off.

The headless demon body, holding the quiet magic knife in his hand, slowly reached the end, followed by a raging fire, and quickly turned into ashes.

Chung Bang wins!


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