The Storm God

Chapter 3272 Destroy the magic knife!

"I, I succeeded?!"

Staring blankly at the corpse of Sakai Major turned into ashes, never to be reborn, leaving only a cold magic knife stuck there, Zhong Bang didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It's not that he didn't think he would succeed.


When this moment finally came, Zhong Bang always felt that it was too dreamy.

After all, Major Sakai is really too strong.

The opponent also has a magic knife.


Such a terrifying and powerful enemy was eventually defeated by himself using his resourcefulness to defeat the strong with the weak. No matter how he looked at it, Zhong Bang felt a little unreal.

It's like a baby defeating a strong strong man, even if the baby uses some external force, it will still make people feel incredible.

But it is what it is.

Zhong Bang relied on his own efforts and strategies without the help of others, and finally successfully killed the formidable enemy Sakai Shaozuo.

Even those ghouls were almost wiped out.

It was almost like a miracle.


Zhong Bang paid a high price.

Krypton gold cultivation, not to mention the encouragement of seedlings. Especially the final move to deal with Shao Zuo Sakai, the combination of swords and maces, was forcibly launched at the cost of Zhong Bang's exhaustion of a lot of energy.

The side effect is that within at least half a month, he will never get out of bed. Although it didn't damage the foundation, it still had to be a vegetable for ten and a half months.

But even so, Zhong Bang felt it was worth it.


success at the moment.

It means that he has completed the test task assigned by Bai Xiaofei.

Thinking that he could finally change the tragic fate of the future, Zhong Bang was so excited that he couldn't help it, but because his energy was exhausted too seriously, he became overjoyed and fainted on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


Is this okay?

For Zhong Bang, who had a strange life in the fifth world, he was convinced.

Although Zhong Bang's plan, as well as his combat ability, in Bai Xiaofei's view, is still a little too naive and ridiculous, but it can be considered to be able to achieve this level.

At least……

During the whole process, Zhong Bang did not commit any stupidity, nor did he do anything that made Bai Xiaofei extremely speechless and unacceptable.


The disciple reluctantly accepted it.

He shook his head slightly.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure instantly appeared in the dense forest of the mountain stream, and he actually controlled the fainted Zhong Bang to levitate with his thoughts.


He picked up the magic knife.


The magic knife has a spirit, feeling Bai Xiaofei's terror and terror, the moment it was held, it began to tremble crazily.

Obviously scared.

It wants to escape.

But he was powerless, and in the end he could only scream continuously to show his surrender and obedience.


Bai Xiaofei's eyes flashed brightly, and he sneered and said, "Spiritual wisdom has really been born. If it were another ice blade, I might let you live."

"But unfortunately..."

"Your birth was based on the futile deaths of countless innocent people in Yanhuang. No matter how powerful you are, you can only be destroyed!"

"Fall with your master!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's terrifying power had already exerted heavily on the magic knife. The latter was immediately covered in shattered scratches like a shattered tempered glass, and then it bounced completely, turning into countless fragments and falling to the ground.


A breeze blew by.

The residue fragments transformed by the magic knife, like sand and objects, scattered with the wind.


The ruins of Zhongling Pagoda.


The remaining ghouls are still dying.

The talisman that Zhong Bang had dropped before was too low in level and not powerful enough to completely kill these little devils.

But they cannot leave here.


The two sides formed a stalemate.

However, as time went by, the power of formations and talismans became less and less. This is another extremely dark place, and the power consumption of ghouls is almost negligible.

One can ebb and flow, and the result can be imagined.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before these ghouls will be able to break through the barriers of formations and talismans and regain their freedom.


Before that moment happened, Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared here. Accompanied by the comatose prospective disciple Zhong Bang.

"Death is death. How dare you build a shitty Zhongling Pagoda on my Yanhuang land? Little devils, you are really shameless!"

Bai Xiaofei sneered.


With a big hand, the terrifying power surged out like mountains and seas. In an instant, all those remaining ghouls were beaten out of their wits, and they would never be reborn.

Not only that.

That terrifying power completely changed the terrain of this place.

The landslides and the ground cracked, and the flames were raging.


This mountain range washed by Bai Xiaofei's strange fire returned to calm and turned into an inconspicuous and ordinary place.

The feng shui vein of the extremely yin place was completely transferred to other places by Bai Xiaofei. It can be said that once again, the factors of the rise of the devil Yang Feiyun were completely cut off.

In the original plot.

Yang Feiyun's fate is lacking, and he wants to collect seven extraordinary things, use the flying dragon seven-star array, and change his fate against the sky.

And the magic knife of the little devil, Shao Zuo Sakai, is one of the seven extraordinary things.

But now...

The magic knife has been completely destroyed by Bai Xiaofei.

Even when Yang Feiyun was buried in a mass grave, the extremely dark place where the sky thunder bombarded and caused the corpse to be transformed was also wiped out by Bai Xiaofei with his astonishing power.

In addition, all the monsters in the demon world were almost captured and killed by Bai Xiaofei. It can be said that several important factors for Yang Feiyun's rise have almost been killed.

so and so.

I believe that even if Bai Xiaofei leaves here, Yang Feiyun will not be able to achieve anything when he comes to Dongjiang Town in the future, let alone do harm to one party.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's heart immediately felt refreshed.


He teleported to the Seven Sisters Hall in a flash, placed the unconscious Zhong Bang in the lobby, and disappeared.

Later, Zhong Jun and a group of little sisters found the unconscious Zhong Bang, and after a lot of work, casting spells and calling for a doctor, they finally found out Zhong Bang's physical condition.

the next day.

Chung-bang wakes up.

But the lack of strength in the body, only the head can move, the rest of the body and limbs are completely inactive, as if the whole body is paralyzed, it is really pitiful.


His face was full of smiles and joy, and so were Zhong Jun and others, because Zhong Bang's tragedy was not permanent, but temporary.

Compared to these, the main reason they were really happy this time was that they successfully got rid of Shao Zuo Sakai and other little devils and successfully completed the test mission.

Zhong Jun was curious.

The hearts of the little sisters are burning with gossip.

Seeing that the little brother was fine, he started chattering about last night's battle.

Chung Bang didn't hide it either.

He told everyone what happened to him in every detail.

at last……

Zhong Jun asked: "Huh? No, you said you were unconscious at that time, so how did you return to the Seven Sisters Hall?"


The little sisters also noticed that something was wrong, and they all frowned and said, "Could it be that you have nocturnal excursions? But coma is different from falling asleep, right?"


Zhong Bang was stunned.

And at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly descended on the Seven Sisters Hall, and said, "Don't guess, I sent Zhong Bang back!"

"Mr. Bai!"

Everyone stood up to greet him.

Especially Zhong Jun, his attitude towards Bai Xiaofei can be said to be extremely respectful and awe-inspiring, with a flattering expression on his face: "Mr. Bai, look at the test..."

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Barely passed."

Zhong Jun and the others were immediately overjoyed, cheering and dancing, almost jumping up. Zhong Bang, who was lying on the bed, was also smiling, with tears falling from the corners of his eyes.


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