The Storm God

Chapter 3273 Named disciple!

"Give him this to drink!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't come here to chat with them, he casually took out a bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water, handed it to Zhong Jun, and ordered.

"What's this?"

Zhong Jun is a ghost.

Although she didn't know what Bai Xiaofei took out, she guessed it must be something good, so her face was full of surprise and curiosity.

at the same time.

Zhong Jun did not stand still.

Holding the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, he hurried to the bed, and carefully gave his younger brother Zhong Bang a sip of the Ice Phoenix Holy Water.


Just a sip.

Zhong Jun, who is the elder sister, actually picks up at such a time.


Bai Xiaofei watched all this speechlessly.

He didn't say much, and explained as if he hadn't heard of it: "This is the holy water transformed from the essence of heaven and earth. After taking it, it can heal the wounds, and without the wounds, it can strengthen the cultivation base, consolidate the foundation, and even have a certain chance of awakening." special power."

"so smart!?"

When Zhong Jun heard this, he was immediately excited.

Seeing that his younger brother had already drank more than half of the Ice Phoenix holy water, and there was not much left in the bottle, he hurriedly stopped.

Then he asked: "Zhong Bang, how do you feel?"


And this time.

Zhong Bang was already speechless, because the power of the ice phoenix holy water was quickly repairing the side effects in his body, and enhancing his energy and mana.

This process is very refreshing and exciting.

Zhong Bang was lying on the bed, trembling violently, sweating profusely, as if he was about to be steamed, which frightened Zhong Jun very much.


The reaction came and went even faster.

Before Zhong Jun could scream out, Zhong Bang returned to normal in an instant, and then jumped up from the bed, feeling extremely energetic.


Zhong Jun and the others were dumbfounded on the spot.

Is it that great?


Zhong Jun reacted the fastest.

When he came back to his senses, without saying a word, he directly poured the small half bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water into his own mouth.

"Miss Jun!"

The rest of the little sisters were shocked when they saw this.

Then they gathered around one after another, unwilling to say: "You are good or bad, you only care about yourself, but leave us a little, just a little!"

And the two smarter ones, seeing that there was no hope for Zhong Jun, immediately turned around and ran to Bai Xiaofei's side.

For holy water.

At this moment, the two little sisters couldn't care less about whether a man or a woman would give or take a kiss. They grabbed Bai Xiaofei's arm and shook it violently, resorting to coquettish and cute tricks, hoping that Bai Xiaofei could give them some holy water.

But Bai Xiaofei was like an old pine, standing there without moving, the expression on his face was silent and cold, no matter how these little sisters acted coquettishly, they just kept silent.

And this time.


Mr. Zhong, who drank the holy water of the Ice Phoenix, had completely digested the power in it. Although he did not awaken his special ability, his mana increased dramatically, and he became a monk of the third level of Qi training.

Of course, Zhong Jun is very clear about his own changes.


She laughed immediately.

And in front of a group of little sisters, he began to perform triumphantly. In the past, tricks that required cheating to bluff people, but now Zhong Jun can use them easily, and he is no longer afraid of being cheated. liar.

I have been envious and jealous of showing a few little sisters.


Zhong Bang came in front of Bai Xiaofei, knelt down on the spot, smacked his head on the ground vigorously, and respectfully performed a simple apprentice salute.


Bai Xiaofei nodded silently.

He recognized Zhong Bang as a quasi-disciple, and said indifferently: "Yes, it is worthy of the fate of the fifth generation of strange people. Just about 60ml of Ice Phoenix Holy Water can repair all injuries and side effects, and let the cultivation level jump. Promoted to the peak of the third level of Qi training..."

"It is qualified to be my registered disciple."


Chung Bang didn't respond yet.

Zhong Jun here, after listening to it for a long time, his little brother is only a registered disciple of Bai Xiaofei, so he quit immediately.

"Registered disciple!"

Zhong Jun came in front of Bai Xiaofei imposingly, and said with displeasure: "I said Mr. Bai, your threshold is too high, no matter what? My younger brother is also a man of the fifth generation. With such a talent, he is only a registered disciple... ..."


Bai Xiaofei's eyes turned cold, he stared straight at Zhong Jun, and said in a deep voice, "No? Or do you think being a registered disciple has wronged him?"


Zhong Jun suddenly shuddered.

There is no way, Bai Xiaofei's aura is too terrifying. Even just looking at her coldly gave Zhong Jun the feeling of falling into an icy hell.

She couldn't help taking a step back.

The aura of the whole person disappeared instantly, like a frightened quail, with trembling lips, unable to utter a word.


Fortunately, at this time, Zhong Bang stepped forward quickly, and said: "Master, my sister doesn't understand anything, please don't be as knowledgeable as her!"


Zhong Bang quickly pulled the elder sister.

Then he gestured to her with his eyes, and quickly apologized to Bai Xiaofei, otherwise maybe this good thing that was about to be finalized might go to waste.

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

Zhong Jun was exchanged for his mind.

While still having lingering fears in his heart, he understood the meaning of the little brother in an instant, and immediately apologized to Bai Xiaofei, the kind that was extremely sincere.


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

Accepting Zhong Jun's apology, he sneered and explained: "Forget it, since you don't understand, then I'll explain it to you."

"Indeed, Zhong Bang's five-life strange personality is very rare. Compared with ordinary people, his cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort, which is very powerful!"


"That's all!"

"Because in all the heavens and worlds, people with stronger talents than him are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are too many of them. Even this kind of genius can't become my true disciple of Bai Xiaofei. Why is your little brother? "

"Barely pass the test based on this level?"


What he said stunned Zhong Bang and others, and they had nothing to say. Until then, they realized that they seemed to have misunderstood something.

Zhong Bang's heart suddenly exploded: "The first level..."

"Could it be...?"


Bai Xiaofei saw through everyone's thoughts.

He nodded and said, "Eliminating those ghouls from Shao Zuo Sakai is just the first test of Zhong Bang. If you pass it, you will be eligible to become my registered disciple of Bai Xiaofei, but there will be more tests in the future!"

"Only by passing the next two tests can you officially become my disciple under the name of Bai Xiaofei, but it's just an ordinary disciple."

"If you want to get the true inheritance, it depends on your own ability!"

"If you feel wronged..."


Bai Xiaofei hadn't finished speaking yet.

Zhong Bang knelt down again with a plop, and then said firmly and earnestly: "I don't feel wronged, but feel very lucky, because if there is no master, there will be no future for me, Zhong Bang. No matter what the master arranges, I, Zhong Bang No complaints!"

This is a statement.

Meanwhile, Zhong Jun and the others were stunned again.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Zhong Bang's performance, so he nodded with a smile and said, "Not bad! He has a good attitude and has great potential to be a disciple. Even so, let's work hard and try to impress me as soon as possible, and accept you as my disciple." the fifth apprentice of the


People have long since disappeared.

Only Zhong Bang and others were left, frozen in place, speechless for a long time.


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