The Storm God

Chapter 3274 The second test, get beaten!

Cave stronghold.

Bai Xiaofei returns and informs Rafal and others that the mission is suspended and the main goal is to find the future Yang Feiyun.

As for the matter of Zhong Bang, he also mentioned it by the way.

"A registered disciple?"

When Rafal and the others heard this, they were shocked.

Then they all looked at Bai Xiaofei in puzzlement, and said curiously: "Sir, even though Zhong Bang is the fate of the fifth generation, it shouldn't be enough to make him your disciple, right?"


They are a little envious and jealous.

after all……

To them, Zhong Bang is like an ant. The only special thing is the fate of the fifth generation of strange people.

But what is the use of this thing?

They don't understand.

So I feel very unwilling, I am so good, I can't even become the disciple of the master, so why do you have it?

Just by fate?


Bai Xiaofei could see through the thoughts of several people at a glance.

He smiled slightly, without further explanation, just said: "You will know why in the future, if anyone is not convinced, you can have a competition with him!"


Bai Xiaofei turned around and got busy with his own affairs.

one of them.

It is to choose exercises.

The exercises are naturally for Zhong Bang to practice. After all, he can be regarded as his registered disciple now, so Bai Xiaofei can't just hand in nothing, can he?

But what kind of exercises to teach, this is a technical job.

It's too powerful.


The other party will not cherish it, and it is easy to go astray.

Not too weak.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei's name is here, if the martial arts are too weak, Zhong Bang, a registered disciple, will be bullied by others in the future, and his face as a master will not be good.

But someone is a person with choice phobia.


Choose and choose.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei also chose the right one.

Without any choice.

On the second day, Bai Xiaofei could only bring a few exercises to find Zhong Bang, and directly raised the problem of choice to Zhong Bang, the client.


After Zhong Bang found out, he was stunned on the spot.

One is because Bai Xiaofei is a master, so he suddenly felt a little unreliable. And the other thing is...

The exercises and cheats that Bai Xiaofei took out are all really awesome and profound. With Zhong Bang's current level, he can't understand even one book.

How does this make him choose?

Are you guessing?

Zhong Bang looked bitter.

In the end, I could only ask for help: "Master, disciples of these exercises don't understand at all, and don't know which one is more suitable for them, so let the master decide!"


This is kicking the ball back to Bai Xiaofei again.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

It is impossible for him to catch this ball, even in this life.

Seeing his eyeballs roll, the light flashed, and he smiled and said, "Don't you understand? It doesn't matter. As a teacher, I can explain to you the characteristics of these exercises in detail, as well as the effect after growth in the future. You can choose whichever you like." Which..."

Zhong Bang: "..."

Can it still be like this?

Cultivation is a matter of personal preference?

Shouldn't it be based on aptitude and talent?

It's too hasty!


Regardless of Zhong Bang's thoughts, Bai Xiaofei pointed to a kung fu cheat book and explained: "The only advantage of this kung fu method is that it is fast, cultivates quickly, and grows quickly. It can also make your body and attack , becoming extremely fast..."

"This book focuses on defense. After training, it will sweep thousands of troops and is unrivaled; this book pursues the ultimate power, which can be reduced to ten times with one force..."

"The last one is great."

"It's me..."


Bai Xiaofei blah blah blah blah blah.

As for Zhong Bang, the named disciple, he braced himself and felt dizzy from hearing it, almost fainting on the spot.

What is it all about.

The skills are awesome, but the advantages and disadvantages are too obvious, right? I'm afraid Master is joking, is this trying to let me go all the way to the dark?


That last one sounds pretty good.

Although the cultivation speed and power effects are not as powerful as the previous exercises, the key is created by the master.

Practicing it can be regarded as getting the master's personal transmission, right?

So far.

Zhong Bang suddenly had an idea.

He immediately pointed to the last exercise and said decisively: "Master, I have decided to practice this last exercise!"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Think it over so quickly? I didn’t choose any of the previous ones, but chose the most unremarkable "Getaway", what do you think?

Could it be because of me?


Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised and surprised.

After all, compared to other exercises, this "Unfettered Journey" created by him is really too ordinary.

Whether it is the speed of cultivation or the potential for growth, they are directly dumped by the opponent by more than a dozen blocks. The only advantage is that they are stable, there is absolutely no danger of going crazy, and they are full of compatibility.

Bai Xiaofei originally thought that Zhong Bang would choose the first few exercises, but unexpectedly, the other party chose "Xiaoyaoyou"...

"That's all!"

In the end he shook his head and sighed: "In this case, then this "Escape" is yours, take it back and study it carefully!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhong Bang took over the exercises and bowed in salute.

And when he got up, Bai Xiaofei already had some other items in his hands, such as Ice Phoenix holy water, strange medicine pills, and some weapons and props...

In short.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei is not like a teacher, but more like a businessman who sells all kinds of goods, he almost put up a sign in front of him.

"Master, these are...?"

Zhong Bang asked if he didn't understand.

Bai Xiaofei explained: "These things are all for you to use. In addition to the materials for cultivation to enhance your body and power, there are also some weapons and equipment and special props. You can pick some convenient ones and take them back to practice hard..."


Chung Bang was shocked.

Seeing how generous his master was, he was extremely moved.

But the next sentence that Bai Xiaofei uttered right after him immediately wiped away the emotion in Zhong Bang's heart: "In the second test, in addition to the daily progress of cultivation, there may be some younger brothers under my command who are against me. You make a move, you deal with it yourself, and if you win, you will be rewarded..."

"I lost..."

"Then consider yourself unlucky, and you must get this place back later!"

"Otherwise, you will fail the test!"


hear this.

Zhong Bang was dumbfounded at the time.

After regaining his senses, he immediately regretted it. He felt that he should not choose the mediocre exercises like "Xiaoyaoyou", but those exercises that can be practiced quickly and have outstanding advantages. Only in this way, In order to calmly deal with the next test.


It's too late to say anything now.

Bai Xiaofei waited for him to choose the exercises before he revealed the content of the second test, which made it clear that he would not give Zhong Bang any chance to return.

Thinking of my future days, I will be severely punished by my master's younger brother, who will wantonly attack and retaliate, and I can only bear it obediently...

Zhong Bang wanted to cry very much.


I am too difficult!

If he had known this, he wouldn't have chosen "Happy Journey" no matter what he said just now. But since he had chosen, Zhong Bang could only bite the bullet and do it.

Anyway, there are resources and panacea given by Master.

He didn't believe it.

I am the fate of a strange man of the fifth generation. With the exercises taught by my master and various resources, how can I not beat a few younger brothers?

What a joke!


On the night of going back, Zhong Bang was beaten up.

It was Rafal who made the shot, and the bystanders included the zombie Wang Xuankui, Earl Cruise, and Zhong Bang's master Bai Xiaofei.

Seeing Zhong Bang's face bruised and swollen from the beating by Rafael, looking desolate like a pig's head, Bai Xiaofei, a master, smiled unkindly.

And he gave Rafal a thumbs up and praised: "Good job!"

"Just like this, continue in the future!"

"It's okay to be serious!"


Zhong Bang shed tears of grievance when he heard this.


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