The Storm God

Chapter 3275 Zhong Bang's request!

Time passed quietly.

As for Zhong Bang, he spent almost every day in pain and happiness, which made his older sister Zhong Jun almost doubt whether his little brother had a tendency to be abused.

If you say it hurts, you will be hurt. What do you mean by being happy?

Zhong Jun was very puzzled.

one day.

She couldn't bear it anymore, so she ran over and asked the little brother, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?

In fact.

Not only his elder sister, but even Zhong Bang's old friend Bi Xin was very puzzled by this. As a normal girl who looks like a flower, she certainly doesn't want her lover to have any problems.

Otherwise, how will you live in the days to come?

that day.

The two passed together.


Zhong Bangdang was very confused, mainly because he didn't react.

I'm fine, what's wrong?

How many meanings!


Bi Xin didn't hold back much, and asked directly: "You, do you like being abused, otherwise every time someone beats you, how can you still be happy..."


Zhong Jun nodded and said: "Who is a normal person like this? So we suspect that something wrong has happened to you? If so, you must be treated in time!"


Zhong Bang was stunned: "I..."

After a while.

The misunderstanding was finally cleared up.

"I see!"

Zhong Jun and Bi Xin suddenly realized: "Those people who have feelings for you, trouble you every day, and beat you terribly. In fact, they are to help you speed up your cultivation?"


Zhong Bang nodded: "I also discovered it later, only after being beaten, my cultivation speed, or the efficiency of absorbing the holy water of the ice phoenix, will be much faster."

"Not only that, every time I fight with those people, my understanding and comprehension of the exercises will get twice the result with half the effort, so I gradually understand..."

"Master specially asked those people to help me."


Speaking of which.

Zhong Bang was excited: "Sister, Bi Xin, my current strength has reached the level of the third level of the Happy Journey, converted to the level in ancient books, at least the level of the Aperture Realm!"

"so smart!?"

Zhong Jun was shocked immediately.

Zhong Jun is also very clear about the realm of cultivation in ancient books.

Now she can barely be regarded as a monk, and with the supply of some training resources from time to time, the little brother gives her a very fast pace of progress.

The only pity is that her talent is not very good. Even with such good conditions, she can barely cultivate Taoism to the middle level of the fourth level of Qi training.

Zhong Jun couldn't comprehend the power of Yuanshen for a long time.

Simply put.

Just encountered a bottleneck.

Because of this, Zhong Jun became more and more aware that the further to the back of the cultivation, the more difficult it will be. And myself is the best example.

What a dream.

My little brother is completely different.

Not to mention fate, but also thanks to Bai Xiaofei, a master who is so awesome that he can explode, he will give some natural materials and earth treasure resources that ordinary people can only dream of to help him cultivate.

Those who thought they were looking for faults turned out to be helping Ah Bang.


The little brother is actually out of the body.


Even as an elder sister, Zhong Jun was a little envious. As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison, and this comparison, I am simply a scumbag!

Think here.

Zhong Jun became more and more depressed.

So she started to change the subject and asked a lot of questions about the power of the primordial spirit, obviously wanting to use the experience of her younger brother to help her overcome bottlenecks.


Zhong Bang had a bitter look on his face, and said awkwardly: "It's not that I don't want to help you, but... I don't know what to say!"

"You know."

"I've been beaten all the time these days, so I learned to practice and fight back. I didn't think about anything else at the time. When I realized it, I was out of my body."

"Anyway, in a daze, I don't know what's going on!"

"So I can't teach you..."


Zhong Bang did not deceive Zhong Jun.

In fact, he didn't know how he cultivated the power of the primordial spirit, even the yin and yang gods, so he knew he would be beaten.


The exercises of the two are also completely different.

The path he took was completely different, and Zhong Bang, who became a monk halfway, naturally couldn't answer the questions asked by the elder sister about the other path.

Regarding this, Zhong Jun was quite speechless.


Is it done in a daze?

This also works!

Of course she would not suspect that her little brother would deceive her.

The only explanation that Zhong Jun can think of is his own ancient books, which may be too rubbish compared to the little brother's practiced leisurely excursion.


I can't explain it at all.

So far.

Zhong Jun suddenly had an idea, and came up with another idea: "Zhong Bang, why don't you ask your master to see if he has any other skills that he doesn't like, and give me some for me to practice?"


Zhong Bang was a little embarrassed.

However, seeing the begging look on his old sister's face, he couldn't refuse.

In the end, he could only nod his head and say, "Okay, I'll give it a try, but sister, I don't guarantee that it will succeed!"

the next day.

This time, it was the zombie Wang Xuankui who was in charge of "discussing" with Zhong Bang.

Before the fight started, Zhong Bang first told Xuan Kui what his sister had told him, because he couldn't get in touch with Bai Xiaofei at all.

Xuan Kui and the others were all under Bai Xiaofei's command, Zhong Bang expected that they would definitely see Bai Xiaofei, so he asked them to help convey the story.

"no problem!"

Xuan Kui agreed casually.

Then, it turned into a gust of ghostly wind and began to beat Zhong Bang.

Although Zhong Bang has now trained Xiaoyaoyou to the third level, his strength is still a little low, so no matter how hard he tries, he is still beaten by Xuankui the whole time.

Not for a while.

Chung Bang turned into a pig's head.


With a happy face, Xuan Kui began to comment on Zhong Bang's various deficiencies and points that needed attention, and finally shed a bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water and left.

This is their venting process these days.

Zhong Bang has long been used to it.


After Xuan Kui left.

He told Bai Xiaofei about Zhong Bang seeking exercises for his elder sister. Bai Xiaofei smiled indifferently, and said: "For Zhong Bang's sake, just give her a copy, after all, we are relatives!"

Xuan Kui nodded.

Then there was a burst of flattery, saying that Bai Xiaofei was kind and generous.

After hearing this, Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "Let's talk nonsense, let's talk about Zhong Bang's cultivation level. It's been more than a week, so why should he break through the fourth floor of the Happy Journey?"

Zhong Bang has a unique personality of the fifth generation, with excellent talent, and he also worshiped Bai Xiaofei as his teacher, so he has no shortage of resources for skills.

Be reasonable.

Under such conditions, no matter what, they should advance by leaps and bounds.


Chung Bang's situation is very abnormal.

Compared with other ordinary people, the speed of cultivation and progress can only be called average, or even a bit poor.

This made Bai Xiaofei very puzzled.

Could it be...

Is it because of the restrictions of the world rules? Or is it because of the influence of the fifth strange personality not being awakened? Even the intervention of the power of fate?


Bai Xiaofei has been researching this matter, but he has not gained much.

Therefore, when he heard Xuan Kui say that Zhong Bang's Happy Journey was still at the third level, Bai Xiaofei decided to activate Zhong Bang's Fifth Strange Personality ahead of time.

The purpose is to see whether the impact of these external factors on Zhong Bang is serious or not. If it is really awesome, then we can only think about him.


Take Jong Bong to other worlds.


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