The Storm God

Chapter 3279 Goodbye Lei Gang!

Gantian Town.

After some searching and testing.

The Seven Star Girl that Mao Xiaofang and others identified first was Lei Xiu, not Shu Ning in the original plot. After all, Bai Xiaofei has already opened up the fate for Lei Xiu.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

Lei Xiu was no exception, because she didn't know that her fate was the legendary Seven Star Girl, so she was very happy after confirming it.

Immediately, he was about to go out alone to look for Qinglong Yanyue Knife.


Mao Xiaofang stopped him and said, "It's too dangerous for you to be alone, let Ah Chu and Ah Hai go with you, so you can have someone to take care of you on the way!"


Ma Xiaohai nodded and said, "Let us go with you!"

Ah Chu hesitated.


It wasn't that he didn't want to help Lei Xiu find the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, but that something went wrong with his feelings just at this time.

Shu Ning of the newspaper office was dragged by his colleagues to leave here and go to Xiangjiang. And he was embarrassed to keep him, and was struggling and depressed.

It turned out that at this time, Lei Xiu was found out to be the Seven Star Girl.

Master asked him and Ma Xiaohai to go with him again...

This made Ah Chu very embarrassed.


Yu Dachu looked at Mao Xiaofang.

He hoped that Master could understand his difficulties and not force himself.

Mao Xiaofang sighed, shook his head and said, "Ah Chu, other people can't help you with emotional matters. Whether you want to go to her or not depends on you..."


Then he turned and left.

But Ma Xiaohai and Lei Xiu went back to their room to pack their things.


Yu Dachu hesitated for a while.

In the end, he still made up his mind, and then ran to the newspaper office to find Shu Ning.

But when Yu Dachu arrived at the newspaper office, Shu Ning had already disappeared. After asking, he found out that he had just left not long ago.


Yu Dachu immediately went to the pier.

After thousands of rushes, they finally found Shu Ning...'s colleague before the ship left. But Shu Ning was not here.

"Where's Shu Ning?"

Yu Dachu suddenly looked confused.

However, Shu Ning's colleague looked at Yu Dachu with a gloomy expression, and said angrily, "You brat, Shu Ning can't let you go no matter what, he just left to look for you, I didn't expect you to come... ..."

The voice did not fall.

Yu Dachu turned around and left.


Fuxi Hall.

After Ma Xiaohai and Lei Xiu prepared their things, they bid farewell to their master without any hesitation, and directly embarked on the journey to find the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

As for Yu Dachu?

They didn't wait any longer, anyway, there was no more than one more, and no less. By the time Yu Dachu ran to Fuxi Hall panting, the two of them had already gone a long way.


Yu Dachu saw that something was wrong, so he quickly asked, "Junior Sister and the others left?"


Mao Xiaofang nodded.

Yu Dachu said again: "What about Shu Ning?"


Mao Xiaofang was stunned: "What Shu Ning? Didn't you run to find her?"

Yu Dachu was dumbfounded, Shu Ning didn't come to Fuxi Hall?

Where did she go?

Could it be...

Think of a possibility.

Yu Dachu was startled for a moment, then turned around and ran away.


But at this time, Mao Xiaofang stopped him and said angrily, "Even if you want to chase them, you still need to salute them?"


Mao Xiaofang also realized something.

Yu Dachu suddenly realized, and then forcibly suppressed his urgency, hurried back to the room, picked up a pair of talismans, and then left Fuxi Hall.

Seeing Yu Dachu's leaving back, Mao Xiaofang shook his head helplessly.


On a small path in a mountain stream.

Lei Xiu and Ma Xiaohai were walking aimlessly, but suddenly they saw a familiar figure not far ahead.

"Shu Ning?!"

The two hurried over and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

"I'm waiting for you!"

Shu Ning didn't see Yu Dachu, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Where's Ah Chu?"


Lei Xiu and Ma Xiaohai looked at each other.

Then he shrugged helplessly and replied, "He should have gone to the newspaper office or the pier to find you, right? I didn't expect you to be here waiting for us..."

The two actually staggered perfectly!

It's a little embarrassing.


The three were silent for a moment.

Afterwards, Lei Xiu suggested: "After I can't find you, Senior Brother Ah Chu should have guessed that you came to look for us. Why don't we walk slowly and wait for him?"


Ma Xiaohai nodded and said, "By the way, leave some marks on the road."


Shu Ning didn't object either.

So, the three of them set out on the road like this, leaving marks for Yu Dachu as they walked.

Although Yu Dachu was half a beat slower, his speed was not slow. He chased after him anxiously all the way. Although he took many detours, he finally found the right way with the help of the mark.


On the third day, they finally found Lei Xiu and the others.

"Shu Ning!"


A pair of lovers hugged each other immediately.

Sprinkle dog food wildly.


Ma Xiaohai and Lei Xiu also had a slight affection, so the dog food was not much, it was just a bit greasy.

The four of them discussed it, and since they didn't know where to look for it, they just chose a random path and walked blindly.

Anyway, Lei Xiu is a Seven Star Girl, and she is destined to find Qinglong Yanyue Dao.

In order to wait for Ah Chu, Lei Xiu and the others slowed down and delayed for some time, so they decided to speed up later.

after all……

The situation in Gantian Town is critical, and it is unknown when it will erupt.

The sooner you find Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the better.


A blink of an eye.

The four of Lei Xiu left for five days.

On this day, they didn't know where they came to. They only knew that the nearby mountains were very strange, and there was a faint burst of spiritual energy.


The four decided to go into the mountain to have a look.

Perhaps the legendary Tianwaitian Cave and Outer Cave is in it.

But what a dream.

After entering, I met two monsters with extremely terrifying strength. They turned into human figures, built a house in the mountains, set up traps, and specially slaughtered and devoured passers-by who passed by here in order to improve their cultivation.

Fortunately, Lei Xiu and the others were quite capable and vigilant, so they didn't drink the tea that those two monsters enthusiastically brought.

The two sides fought immediately, and finally it was a tie.

After all, on Lei Xiu's side, Shu Ning doesn't have much combat power, someone must protect her safety, and it's hard to tell the winner in a short period of time.

The key opponent also had a favorable location. To be on the safe side, Lei Xiu and the others finally chose to retreat instead of fighting to the end.

At worst, wait until you find the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and then come here to slay demons.

Now is an extraordinary time, they should not cause troubles, if they get injured or something, it will be more troublesome.


Those two monsters thought that Lei Xiu and the others were afraid of them, so they chased them to death. But during this chase and escape, Lei Xiu and others panicked and came to a strange place by mistake.

follow closely.


A domineering figure suddenly rushed over from inside. Before the person arrived, the terrifying strength and palm shadow had already arrived first, forcing them in front of everyone.

The weird thing is.

This attack was not aimed at Lei Xiu and the others, but the two monsters who were chasing after them, and they repelled each other in an instant.

"not good!"

"This person's skill is far superior to ours, and the opponent is still outnumbered. The situation is not good for us, so let's run!"


The two monsters looked at each other.

Then without saying a word, he turned and ran. But the figure that jumped out sneered and said, "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you come here by yourself!"

"I want to leave now, it's too late!"


Immediately afterwards, the two sides fought into a ball.

And at this moment, Ma Xiaohai and the others finally came to their senses, and then they realized that this expert who solved the predicament of themselves and others seemed very familiar, but they couldn't remember where they had seen it for a while.

Until the man was fighting, he suddenly used a trick of "Xie Shi Jiang", Lei Xiu suddenly realized, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Father!?"

"Lei Gang!"

Ma Xiaohai and the others were also dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces: "He, isn't he dead? Why is he here... and his strength is stronger and more terrifying than before!"


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