The Storm God

Chapter 3280 Heavenly Cave Outer Cave!

"Ka Ka Ka!"


Lei Gang's strength is indeed very strong.

Those two monsters were not his opponents at all. Within a few rounds, they were directly petrified by Lei Gang's evil stone drop ability, and then they were struck by Lei Gang's palm, instantly shattering countless gravel and slag, Can't die anymore.


He turned around and looked at Lei Xiu and the others.

Lei Xiu had a look of surprise, and Lei Gang was her adoptive father, so Lei Xiu was of course very happy to see her father come back from the dead.

But Ma Xiaohai and others are very afraid and vigilant.

After all, Lei Gang had done many bad things before, and almost killed Yu Dachu. If they saw that Lei Gang was not dead, of course they were afraid.


Lei Xiu cheered and was about to run over.

Ma Xiaohai stopped her, shook his head and said: "Axiu, don't go there! He, he may not be your father, even if he is, it is very likely that it will be bad for us!"

"That's right!"

Yu Dachu also said: "It's better for us to be careful, after all, we still have tasks on us, and if something happens, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Axiu, don't go there!"

Shu Ning also agreed with Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu's opinion, tugged Lei Xiu's arm, and kept shaking his head at her.

Lei Xiu was in a dilemma.

Because her intuition told herself that her father seemed to be getting better, and he didn't have that cold and dangerous aura between him.


Just then.

Lei Gang on the opposite side suddenly spoke: "It's great to see you again. But now is not the time to reminisce, you still have tasks to complete!"


He took out a strange thing from his arms and threw it to Lei Xiu. Said: "Take it with you, maybe it can help you at critical moments."


It doesn't matter how many people react.

Lei Gang turned around and left with a leap.


The three of Ma Xiaohai were stunned for a moment.

Lei Xiu couldn't bear it anymore, chased him out, and shouted: "Father, father, where are you going, don't go..."


Lei Gang has already gone far.

Lei Xiu chased him around, found everything, and immediately started crying.

Ma Xiaohai and the others followed closely behind Lei Xiu, seeing her being so caring, they felt very uncomfortable, so they hurriedly spoke out to comfort her.

"Axiu, don't be sad!"

"At least now you know that Lei Gang is not dead, as long as he is still alive, there will be a chance to meet each other in the future..."

"Let's hurry up and get on the road!"


Lei Xiu is not a stubborn person either.

After listening to everyone's reassurance, I felt a lot better, then nodded and said: "I'm sorry for making you worry, let's go!"


A group of four went on the road again.


at the same time.

The outskirts of Dongjiang Town.

Bai Xiaofei sensed some kind of special connection in the dark, and then quickly calculated it carefully, and then his eyes lit up: "So it's Lei Gang..."

that day.

He didn't kill Lei Gang directly, but deliberately left Lei Gang alive, just to see if Lei Gang would be like in the original plot, break up and stand up, correct the evil and return to the right, and help Lei Xiu and others find Tianwaitiandongwaiwaidong.

No idea.

At this critical moment, Lei Gang really appeared.

That is.

If there are no accidents over there, they should be able to find the legendary Tianwaitian cave and the outer cave soon, and get the magical weapon from it-the Qinglong Yanyue knife.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes couldn't help falling on the hurricane of reincarnation next to him, and he muttered to himself: "Now Zhong Bang, with my help, has passed through the reincarnation of the third life. successfully awakened."

"Over Gantian Town, Taoist Priest Simu and Taoist Priest Bai have already arrived, and together with the master Mao Xiaofang, there should be no problem for the time being."

"I just don't know what's going on with Liu Ning?"


In the original plot.

The reincarnated boss Xiao Xiami, as the new boss of the family, traveled thousands of miles from the Western Regions to Gantian Town because of the Great Demon God.

The purpose is to suppress and eliminate the Gorefiend.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's intrusion.

The plot was changed into a mess, Xiao Xiami became an ordinary person, Liu Ning returned to his original body, and took charge of the family again.

The blood demon endangers the world, but Bai Xiaofei refines four golden bodies and the relics of a hundred-year-old Taoist priest. I don't know if Liu Ning will come.

after all……

Subduing demons and demons is the right way.

If you have meritorious deeds in eliminating demons, the Dao of Heaven will reward your meritorious deeds. Liu Ning is now one of Bai Xiaofei's younger brothers, so it is said that the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's primordial consciousness tore apart the space and landed directly on the family in the Western Regions. And Liu Ning, who is in the family, also sensed the presence of the boss in an instant.

Liu Ning waved everyone away.

Then immediately cast a spell, found Bai Xiaofei's primordial spirit consciousness, and asked extremely respectfully: "Mr. Bai, do you have any orders?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he briefly told Liu Ning about the blood demon in Gantian Town, and finally said: "How is the matter on your side? If it's almost done, come to Gantian Town as soon as possible, and you can get some money Benefits, strengthen yourself!"

"Thank you sir for your advice!"

Liu Ning was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then explained: "I have almost dealt with the family, thanks to my husband's suggestion and help."


Bai Xiaofei said: "Even so, let's leave quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late, and we won't be able to catch anything."


The newsletter is over.

Bai Xiaofei's soul consciousness returned.

Liu Ning withdrew his divine sense, and then began to summon his younger brother, arranged various family matters, and prepared to leave for Gantian Town early tomorrow morning.


Time flies.

Another two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The four of Lei Xiu walked and searched, searched and searched almost all the mountains they encountered along the way, but they still couldn't find the cave outside the sky.

Just when they were disheartened and a little desperate.


Something in Lei Xiu's arms suddenly vibrated. When she took it out, she found that it was something her adoptive father Lei Gang taught her a few days ago.

It was a piece of jade wrapped in a talisman.


Jade sparkles.

It seemed to have a spirituality, and wanted to fly away, but was firmly suppressed by the magic talisman, and could only make it faintly dance back and forth in a certain direction.

"what happened?"

"have no idea!"

Lei Xiu shook his head, followed by an idea, and said, "Perhaps, it can help us find the outer cave, or just follow its instructions?"


Ma Xiaohai and the three looked at each other.

Anyway, there is no clue now, since Lei Xiu, who is the Seven Star Girl, has already said it, why not try it.


A group of people left and turned around, followed the guidance of the jade, and rushed straight along an unknown mountain range.

Then, on the second day, the four of them came to a strange place.

The one in Lei Xiu's hand even got rid of the suppression of the talisman, rushed out with a whoosh, and flew into a certain place in the mountain.


On the way of Yushi's flight.

Halfway up the mountain peak, there seemed to be an invisible film, and there were ripples like water waves.

follow closely.

The picture that everyone saw also changed with the ripples. There are still some cliffs and trees on the opposite side, it is clearly a cave with a sense of immortality.

"Tianwaitiancave, Caveout!?"

Lei Xiu and the others were immediately blessed, and subconsciously said.


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