The Storm God

Chapter 3281 Mysterious old man!

"It doesn't matter, let's go and have a look first!"

Yu Dachu rushed over first, followed by Ma Xiaohai. Lei Xiu was protecting Shu Ning in case anything went wrong.


Yu Dachu in front of him easily passed through the ripples of the film, as if it was not an enchantment at all, but a decoration.

Yu Dachu didn't even feel any resistance at all.


"I don't feel it at all, could it be a blindfold?"

"What a strange spell!"


The two were very surprised.

Seeing that the two senior brothers were fine and easily passed through the film ripples, Lei Xiu immediately took Shu Ning through the past.


The group of four rushed on horseback, and soon came to the outer edge of the cave that was full of fairy spirit. They also agreed that this place is very likely to be a cave outside the cave.

"looking around!"

Ma Xiaohai ordered: "The entrance of the cave must be hidden somewhere!"


The four began to search separately.

Not for a while.

Yu Dachu stopped in front of a smooth stone wall, and greeted everyone: "Come and have a look, this looks like a stone gate!"

"It really is!"

The other three people came over to take a look, and as expected, the other stone walls were all oddly shaped, but this was the only one that was smooth and flat, obviously where the entrance of the cave was.


The scale of this stone gate is huge.

Moreover, the texture of the stone is also very different. The weight is roughly estimated, at least tens of thousands of catties. With the strength of a few of them, it is impossible to open it at all.

"what to do?"

Shu Ning frowned and asked.

Ma Xiaohai murmured: "Master said that only Seven Star Girls can find the cave outside the cave, maybe this sect has the same reason, Axiu, why don't you come and try?"


Lei Xiu is also straightforward.

He walked over directly, then summoned up his skills, and pushed towards Shimen.


However, Shimen only trembled slightly.

But it didn't open.


Ma Xiaohai and the others immediately looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Just then.


In Lei Xiu's mind, her Lei Gang voice suddenly sounded: "To open this stone gate, you need the strength of two Seven Star Girls, you can't do it alone."


Lei Xiu was dumbfounded.

It actually takes two Seven Star Girls to open it, but at this time, where are we going to find another Seven Star Girl?

"Don't worry!"

Lei Gang's voice said again: "Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu's strength is not bad, and Shu Ning's fate is also very special, as long as the skills of the two of them are concentrated on Shu Ning, they can barely reach a seven-star Female power..."

"That's okay?"

Lei Xiu was taken aback.

Afterwards, without any hesitation, she quickly shared the news she got with Ma Xiaohai and the others, expressing that she wanted to try it.


Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu looked at each other.

Although they didn't really believe that Lei Gang would be so kind, but until now, they had no other choice but to be Sima's horse doctor.


The next moment, Lei Xiu stood on the right side of the Shimen, while Shu Ning stood on the left side of the Shimen. Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu stood on the left and right sides of Shu Ning's skill respectively.

"Get ready, we're going to do it!"


The brothers and sisters began to exercise.

After concentrating all of his skills, he placed them on Shu Ning's left and right shoulders at the same time. And Shu Ning and Lei Xiu pressed their palms on the stone door together.

The two pushed hard...


The extremely heavy stone door was actually easily opened. And on the stone gate, there were four extremely clear palm prints.

"No danger!"

The stone door opened, Ma Xiaohai carefully checked the situation inside, saw that there was no special situation or danger, so he called everyone to go inside.


As a result, as soon as everyone walked in, the stone door closed automatically.

Ma Xiaohai and the others were shocked.


This moment.

These are not important anymore.

The most important thing is to find the legendary Qinglong Yanyue Knife. After finally getting here, you can't return empty-handed, right?


The holes are naked.

Except for all kinds of strange boulders, and the white mist coming out of nowhere, there is no shadow of Qinglong Yanyue Saber at all.

"Have we made a mistake?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Ma Xiaohai couldn't understand it.

In the end, he could only look at Lei Xiu and said, "Axiu, why don't you ask your father?"


Lei Xiu immediately closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to contact Lei Gang.

But right after she opened her eyes, she shook her head and said, "No, I can't contact my father anymore. There seems to be some kind of power here that shields our primordial power!"

"Then what to do?"

Yu Dachu frowned, looking impatient.

Ma Xiaohai was relatively calm and calm, and told everyone to be calm, and then said to Lei Xiu: "Axiu, you are a Seven Star Girl, and it is rumored that only you can find the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, so you should come and look for it!"


Lei Xiu nodded.

Then came to the central position of the cave, and then cast divine thoughts, facing the surroundings of the cave, and began to carefully explore and look for differences.


But at this moment.

A certain mountain wall suddenly ruptured, followed by a white light shadow like lightning, rushing out of it, heading straight for Leixiu.


Ma Xiaohai has long been on guard.

Seeing the sudden change, I didn't even think about it at the time, so I rushed over immediately.

The white light and shadow had no effect on Lei Xiu, but Ma Xiaohai was directly entangled by it, and then flung him to the side.


Ma Xiaohai's body was used as a weapon and slammed into a rock, which exploded and scattered, and Ma Xiaohai was seriously injured on the spot and vomited blood.


Lei Xiu was shocked.

Yu Dachu and Shu Ning also hurried over.


But from the place where the white light and shadow came from, an old man with white beard and white hair walked out of the broken mountain wall. The old man glared at the crowd angrily, and shouted: "Why did you guys break into my cave?"

"Senior, we didn't intend to disturb you, we..."

"Forget it!"

The old man didn't wait for Lei Xiu and the others to finish speaking, and interrupted directly: "I won't pursue the reason, it hasn't been this lively here for a long time, I'm very generous, as long as you guys let me have fun Happy, I wish you bother with my loss!"


He stroked his beard with one hand.

He grabbed his white braid with one hand and pulled hard.

On the other hand, Ma Xiaohai immediately felt a huge force coming, and wanted to pull him towards the old man.

turn out to be……

That white light and shadow is actually a braid made of the old man's hair... No, this length, it is more appropriate to say that it is a rope.

The old man actually used his braids as a medium to play tug-of-war with Ma Xiaohai...

This mentality is really no one else.

"Can not be done!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Yu Dachu hurriedly stepped forward to help his brother Ma Xiaohai fight against the old man.

Lei Xiu and Shu Ning explained to the old man: "Senior, we came here to find the Qinglong Yanyue Saber to deal with the blood demon..."


The old man's ears didn't seem to work well, he stretched his neck and asked.

Shu Ning had no choice but to repeat again, and said: "The blood demon was born and harmed people everywhere. We came to the outer cave to find the Qinglongyanyue knife that can restrain it."

This time the old man heard clearly.


But he said indifferently: "The blood demon harms people? Harms the world? Hmph, the world is far away from here, what does it have to do with me?"

"Without further ado."

"Still play games with me!"

"I haven't played for a long time!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Then, regardless of whether Lei Xiu and the others were willing or not, they directly exerted their skills, urging their braids, and began to play tug-of-war with Ma Xiaohai.

Pulling and flinging at the same time, it was a joy to play.

But Ma Xiaohai and the others were miserable.

Almost threw up.


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