The Storm God

Chapter 3283 Heaven and man are one!

"The disciple can achieve today's achievements, all because of the master's teaching, and the disciple is not willing to take credit for it!" Zhong Bang said modestly.


Bai Xiaofei said: "Get up!"


Zhong Bang got up.

Bai Xiaofei threw him two bottles of high-grade Ice Phoenix holy water, and some other natural and earthly treasures, and said: "Take these, and your strength will definitely improve a lot quickly. While I'm free, Hurry up!"


Zhong Bang is unwilling to neglect.

Hearing this, he immediately began to follow Bai Xiaofei's instructions, first ate those natural materials and earthly treasures, and finally drank a bottle of high-grade Ice Phoenix holy water in one gulp.


His body seemed to explode.

The terrifying and vast power instantly filled Zhong Bang's body, limbs and bones, and his whole body seemed to be like the sun, which began to emit a billowing heat.

It even looks like it might explode at any time.

at this time.

Bai Xiaofei's voice resounded faintly, and it was clearly introduced into Zhong Bang's mind: "Qi transports the dantian, the spirit rises from the spirit platform, abide by the clear and bright, practice and transfer the exercises..."

Zhong Bang was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, he began to follow Bai Xiaofei's guidance, trying to control the explosive power in his body, swallowing and absorbing it quickly.

And his free and unfettered excursion method, he immediately got a breakthrough, the fourth level, the fifth level, the sixth level... In just a short moment, he directly cultivated to the highest level of the ninth level of Dzogchen.


There is still a lot of power in Zhong Bang's body. If he didn't think of a way to transform and absorb it, he would still be in danger of exploding.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei's voice came again: "Don't panic, the free and easy excursion is not as simple as you think, continue to practice, after breaking through the ninth floor, start training from the first floor, if you go back and forth, you will find out The mystery of it..."

"Can you continue to practice?"

Zhong Bang was stunned immediately, can the exercises still be like this?

why not!

Bai Xiaofei clearly sensed his thoughts, and complained in his heart: "Have you heard of the wedding dress magic skill? Whenever you practice to a certain level, you must use up all the power in your body and start practicing from the beginning..."

"My leisure tour, which gathers the strengths of thousands of families, is unparalleled. Let alone this broken high-level world, even if you go to the world of cultivating immortals, it is definitely the top-level magical skill. Before you become a god, it is enough for you to practice and understand. It's over!"

And at the same time.

According to Bai Xiaofei's instructions, Zhong Bang used the explosive power in his body to practice the Xiaoyaoyou exercise again and again, and soon realized the mystery of it.

With the increase in the number of repairs, Zhong Bang found that his mana became more and more pure and thick, just like ten thousand tons of scrap iron, after thousands of tempers, was finally forged into fine steel, the current mana is definitely far better than before all!

Not only that.

Zhong Bang's physical body is also being continuously strengthened.

Especially the power of his primordial spirit, as if he was sent into a wonderful world, and then buried deep in the unknown soil, then took root and sprouted rapidly, and completed an astonishing transformation in a blink of an eye.


Zhong Bang found that his primordial spirit became more and more tenacious and powerful.

At this level, even if the physical body is destroyed, it can be stored for thousands of years just by virtue of the primordial spirit, and it is still getting stronger.

at the same time.

The explosive power in Zhong Bang's body seemed to be swallowed by a black hole, and it began to shrink in a blink of an eye.

"Take the Ice Phoenix holy water!"

Bai Xiaofei's voice reminded again in time.

Now Zhong Bang is at the critical moment of breakthrough, and the opportunity must not be missed, if there is a lack of energy at this moment, it will be a waste of money.

Zhong Bang was obviously aware of this too. Hearing this, he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly took the second bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water, which strengthened the strength in his body again.

And this time.

Zhong Bang's Xiaoyaoyou Kungfu has also been re-rehearsed five times, and his magic power can be described as earth-shattering and incomparable.

He is heading for the sixth charge.


Chung Bang was shocked to find out.

The massive power in the past suddenly became like a stream this time, completely no longer the majesty and bravery before, so that his sixth rebuilding was very difficult and the progress was extremely slow.

Until the dissipated power in the body was almost exhausted, Zhong Bang had just completed the sixth re-cultivation of the Happy Journey to the fifth level.


The strength required for each level is almost several times that of the previous level, and Zhong Bang is saying that he can't go up any level.

"This feeling……"

Zhong Bang suddenly realized, and muttered to himself: "...have you encountered a bottleneck?"


Bai Xiaofei's voice also came from beside his ears: "Stop it, the opportunity is over, it's useless to force, the rest of the road, you need to go step by step, step by step."


Zhong Bang complied.

Receive power, adjust breath, be calm and natural, standing there, it seems like a pine tree, or a piece of grass, almost blending with the surrounding environment.

This is the realm of harmony between man and nature in Taoism and nature.

Zhong Bang's five-life strange personality was strengthened by Bai Xiaofei into a ten-world strange person. After awakening, the power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements became stronger and deeper.

Coupled with the improvement of Zhong Bang's strength, he has naturally reached this level.

The current Zhong Bang has unfathomable mana, and every move can trigger the mighty power of heaven and earth for his own use, which is comparable to the legendary gods.

If it is converted to Bai Xiaofei's realm, at least he must have the level of a super god, and as long as he goes one step further, he can reach the realm of a saint.

It can be said to be a step up to the sky.

Compared with Zhang Sanfeng and others who are also the fifth generation of strange people in the historical legends, even if there is still some gap, it is definitely not very big.


More than anything.

After all, Zhong Bang has just awakened, the days to come are still long, and the future achievements are limitless, but those predecessors have basically been finalized.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhong Bang will definitely be the strongest strange person in history, bar none. As for whether there will be anyone coming later...

It's hard to say.

In short.

Those are not important, the important thing is that Bai Xiaofei is very satisfied with Zhong Bang's performance, and only at this level can he perfectly display the true power of Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Like Mao Xiaofang in the movie, just like a child playing with a machine gun, he never even displayed one-tenth of the power of the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed by the blood demon that he finally possessed him and had to kill himself on the spot, causing both of them to die.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized a problem.

In the original plot, after Mao Xiaofang died, he was resurrected, and what brought him back to life was not only the dragon vein stone in the Fengshui tree, but also the portrait of Tianshi Zhang in the Fuxi Hall...

And that portrait, Bai Xiaofei has seen it before, and there is nothing too miraculous about it. Even so, why did Mao Xiaofang come back from the dead?

Could it be...

What hidden secrets are hidden in this?

Also, after Lei Gang was blown away by himself, not only did he not die, but his skill and state were stronger than before, and even the blood demon was born earlier, so he secretly searched for the location of the outer cave and the Qinglong Yanyue knife...

Is there any connection between this?


World Awareness!

And when it comes to world consciousness, Bai Xiaofei can't help but think of the world core in the chaotic void, in which resides a wisp of primordial consciousness.

"Could it be..."

"It did all of this?!"

"What about the blood demon?"


Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei's expression changed drastically.


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