The Storm God

Chapter 3284 Gorefiend is born!


Seeing the sudden change in Bai Xiaofei's face, Zhong Bang was very surprised. Bai Xiaofei frowned and said nothing, then directly tore open the space, and ordered: "Follow me!"


The two walked into the space crack.


Gantian Town.

Mao Xiaofang, Taoist Priest Four Eyes, Master Yixiu, Taoist Priest Bai, and several disciples of Hei Yue, Tian Tian and Jia Le are all in Fuxi Hall at the moment, with heavy expressions on their faces.

"what to do?"

Priest Simu frowned and said, "The Gorefiend didn't know what method he used. Although he didn't absorb the evil thoughts of the villagers, his strength grew extremely astonishingly. Now it even affects the feng shui and earth veins of the entire Gantian Town!"


Master Yixiu clasped together one hand, moved the Buddha beads with the other hand, and said, "If this continues, the entire Gantian Town will be destroyed!"

"For the current plan, I think the most important thing is to protect the Fengshui tree, otherwise once the Fengshui veins are destroyed, the blood demon will become even more rampant!"

Daoist Bai suggested.

Although he is no longer the head of Tianlong Mountain, he is still the master of Bai Ri and Bai Ri, and the uncle of the new head Hei Yue.

Later, after recuperation and recovery, Daoist Bai's strength is even better than before.

And his two apprentices also got a lot of improvement. But to say that the most obvious improvement is undoubtedly Black Moon.

The dual blessings of the seal of the master and the transmission of skills have allowed her to break through the Out of Aperture Realm long ago, and now she is already a master at the Night Travel Realm.

to this end.

Very depressed during the day.

The woman I like is much stronger than myself!

That's hard to say.


This moment.

During the day, I didn't have the time to think about the relationship between a man and a woman. When I heard Master say that Fengshui trees should be the primary protection target, my eyes lit up.

Then he said: "Master, I remember that there is a formation in our sect called the Five Elements Divine Light Array, which can suppress almost everything.

It's just protecting a feng shui tree. Even if there is no five-element stone, it should be okay to use ordinary five-element objects, right? "

"I can't do it!"

Daoist Bai shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "During the day, you don't know something, that Fengshui tree is not an ordinary existence, not only protected by the array set up by Mr. Bai, but also contains a dragon vein stone. A hidden power that even I can't see through!"

"Such an existence is almost equal to the Five Elements Sacred Stone, and its power is even far greater than it. If you want to use the Five Elements Sacred Light Array to suppress and protect Fengshui trees, you can't do it without the Five Elements Sacred Stone."

There was a sudden depression during the day.

Because the Five Elements Divine Stone is far away in the sect of Tianlong Mountain, and it also suppresses the geomantic omen of the mountain gate, it cannot leave the mountain gate.


The mountain gate is about to be destroyed, but the crisis in Gantian Town is imminent. What should we do?

At this moment.

Mao Xiaofang said: "Bai Daoist, there is no need to worry about this matter. My three apprentices have already set off to find the legendary Qinglong Yanyue Knife. There was news two days ago that they have found this knife and are on their way back."

"As long as the treasured sword arrives, and with the help of Mr. Bai's fifth generation of strange man, if we join forces to deal with the blood demon, the chances of winning are still great!"

"Qinglong Yanyue Knife?"

Hearing Mao Xiaofang's words, Taoist Simu and the others couldn't help being slightly startled, apparently they had never heard of this magical weapon.


Mao Xiaofang immediately told everyone about the legend of Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and finally said: "Only Chunyang men can handle this knife, and Qixing women can find it. I thought it was a legend before, but I didn't expect to find it! "


The four-eyed Taoist looked at his senior with a strange expression, and said, "Senior, you should be talking about the Seven Star Crescent Moon Knife, right?"


Mao Xiaofang laughed and said: "It's all the same, anyway, it's the magic weapon that Guan Gong once used, with a noble and upright spirit, it's the nemesis of some evil spirits!"


The voice just fell.

In the Dao hall of Fuxi Hall, a crack in space suddenly appeared, followed by the figures of Bai Xiaofei and Zhong Bang, and they appeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Bai!"

"Hey, who is this fellow Taoist? I actually felt the power of nature from him, as well as the terrifying power of the five elements..."

"Could it be that he is the fifth strange man?!"


Mao Xiaofang was shocked.

The rest of Taoist Priest Simu and others were also surprised and surprised by the appearance of Bai Xiaofei and Zhong Bang.

"Zhong Bang, you stay here!"

Bai Xiaofei was thinking about something in his heart, and he didn't bother to explain the situation to Mao Xiaofang and the others, so he gave Zhong Bang an order, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

There are no space cracks.

It's the kind that suddenly disappears out of thin air.

And when he appeared again, he had already come to that piece of chaotic void, and in the center of this world, there was a shattered world fragment.

That's the core of the world of Zombie Master.

After Bai Xiaofei appeared, without ink marks, he opened the eyes of the stars, and at the same time released his divine sense, using two prongs to carefully explore and investigate the core of the world.


at the same time.

Gantian Town, in the temple outside the village.

This is the base camp and base of Shanjiao, and the remnant consciousness of the blood demon possessed in Wangcai's body is secretly planning something at this moment.


He felt a special signal somewhere.

Immediately afterwards, the blood demon's primordial spirit stopped thinking immediately, and then devoured Wangcai's primordial spirit without hesitation, and followed the dove to occupy the magpie's nest, completely seizing the house.

Prosperity, pawn!

And the blood demon, with a prosperous body, will see the light of day again.

And with the resurrection of the blood demon, the entire Gantian Town has undergone great changes in an instant. In the invisible underground, the billowing earth veins and earth energy are frantically gathering towards the blood demon.

Like a bottomless pit, he greedily absorbed the power of Gantian Town's geomantic veins, strengthened himself, and restored his previous power.

When the power of the earth's veins diminished, Gantian Town immediately began to suffer.

First, the spiritual energy of the surrounding mountains and rivers dried up quickly, and then they began to mutate, the trees died, and the river water became dirty...

Even the magma in the veins began to become uncontrollable, raging in all directions. The temperature in Gantian Town began to heat up rapidly, as if being placed on a stove...

There is even more endless purple magic energy rippling in the sky.

And those so-called Shanjiao believers were only confused and controlled. As a result, with the revival of the blood demon, under the influence of the power, their aura lost a lot, and they looked like walking dead, so scary!

Inside Fuxi Hall.

Mao Xiaofang and the others felt the sudden change in Gantian Town, and their expressions changed drastically: "Not good! It's a blood demon! He has already been born!"


"Hurry up and go to the temple, absolutely don't let him come out to harm people!"

"Otherwise, life will be ruined!"


Everyone dare not neglect.

He hurriedly left Fuxi Hall and went straight to the temple on the outskirts of Gantian Town.


Mao Xiaofang and the others walked about halfway, and the villagers who turned into walking corpses appeared on the road, blocking their way.


During the day, Jia Le and the others volunteered and said, "We are in charge here, you go directly to the temple to deal with the blood demon!"


Daoist Bai and others gritted their teeth and nodded: "Be careful!"


Turn around quickly and leave.

Meanwhile, Bairi Bairi and others in the rear immediately fought with those villagers who looked like walking corpses.


Mao Xiaofang and others came to the temple.

The Gorefiend was in the lobby, as if deliberately waiting for everyone to arrive. Seeing Mao Xiaofang and others, he immediately laughed and said, "Good job, after I absorb the aura of you guys, I can recast my golden body and return to my peak!"


With a movement of his body, he rushed towards the crowd.

During this period, billowing red light shot out, and purple devilish energy spurted violently, which can be said to vividly show the prestige and terror of the Great Demon God.


Mao Xiaofang and the others were not vegetarians either, they were fearless, and instead of retreating, they fought together to deal with the blood demon.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the solution to the universe!"


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